It's Not Politically Correct To Say That Blacks Get Treated Differently In America

Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

We have a black president, black AG, previous black AG, black head of DHS, black police chiefs, black mayors, black DAs, black lawyers, black athletes, black entertainers. How exactly has race kept these people back?

Does the govt have to be 100% black before you will be satisfied? What exactly do you want?

Yeah because how could there be successful blacks if racism exists :2up:
There couldn't be successful blacks if there was systemic racism.

LMAO!! I would ask why not but I'd get even more made up reasoning that can be summed up as you believing that if racism exists that means that no black person could ever be successful. Its not black domination lol...Its discrimination

There is no systemic discrimination in the USA today. Was Obama discriminated against? was he held back? This whole discussion is liberal bullshit.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

We have a black president, black AG, previous black AG, black head of DHS, black police chiefs, black mayors, black DAs, black lawyers, black athletes, black entertainers. How exactly has race kept these people back?

Does the govt have to be 100% black before you will be satisfied? What exactly do you want?

Yeah because how could there be successful blacks if racism exists :2up:
There couldn't be successful blacks if there was systemic racism.

LMAO!! I would ask why not but I'd get even more made up reasoning that can be summed up as you believing that if racism exists that means that no black person could ever be successful. Its not black domination lol...Its discrimination

There is no systemic discrimination in the USA today. Was Obama discriminated against? was he held back? This whole discussion is liberal bullshit.

Tell that to Bank of America. Maybe they can get the ruling reversed Bank of America fined $2 million for race discrimination

Bank of America fined $2 million for race discrimination

Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?
why are you so blind we have a cop hater in the WH. And then reverse it back on us rw'rs.
Since when do "us" rw'rs take the law into our own hands like BLM just did in dallas.
"facts" facts defined by whom?
I'm surrounded by TEA party members and Ranchers, I don't see them shooting people, and having free beer night to get their point across.
You're trying to intellectualize and sanitize your position when I think your point is just pile of ####
I'm surrounded by TEA party members

no surprise surrounding yourself with bitter white racists who have had the privilege of being the majority and having the narrative reflecting their kind. that is changing going forward
It is a matter of behavior, not race. The crime rate of blacks is three times that of the national average. That is why they are treated differently by the police, including by black officers.

The nation needs to adopt a different attitude toward violent criminals, and remove them from society much earlier in their careers, and permanently.

Bullshit. You have a privatized prison system based upon revenue generation and profit. Beds need to be full, lobbyists push crime bills ecnomically favorable to the corrections corporations who profit from bondage.

"The crime rate of blacks is three times that of the national average."

Source that and note you're talking about VIOLENT crime, not drug use "crimes" which are equivalent for blacks and whites even though blacks preferentially do time whites avoid.
It is a for profit system that runs on the bodies of the impoverished who are morese black and brown due to systemic institutionalized racism that has always been the foundation of your society.
You think the liberal private prisons are a racquet, you should see the liberal obamacare mental health bed racquet......
Anyone for tennis, I have an Oblamacare racquet..

I do, I do, right after me and my pals pull of this racket of selling these hookers for the night..
1. Harvard Study Debunks Liberal Myths About Police Shootings of Blacks

2. 5 Devastating Facts About Black-on-Black Crime - Breitbart

3. Blacks are treated differently....only a radical black racist hate group that called for the murder of whites and cops, celebrated the ambush / assassination of police, and who taunted the police after their brethren were murdered by a black racist terrorist can be painted as the 'victim' by the President at the funeral of the 5 dead police members.

Consider a white President going to a black funeral / memorial supposedly honoring dead minorities killed by white policemen and giving a lecture about black-on-black crime and calling the deceased blacks 'racists' and/or the memorial....which is basically the equivalent to what Obama did. IF that President escaped bodily harm getting out of there he would be besieged within an hour by calls for his impeachment.
Hmmm, no he doesn't.
Do some occasional reading and you won't come off sounding so stupid all the time.

Newt Gingrich: 'Normal white Americans ... don't understand being black in America' -
I read constantly all day, moron. Whether we "understand" what it's like to be black, that doesn't change the reality that blacks are treated the same as whites. The empirical evidence shows it.

You've been continuously bitch slapped with empirical evidence and can't even recognize it. Like just now for example.
Bullshit. What empirical evidence shows that blacks are treated any different by the police than whites?

Do the police get treated the same way by each community?
I have been exposed to some blacks (not all blacks ) that are hostile to authority because they feel that they are not being treated fairly because they are black. This hostility can contribute to being treated "unfairly". In some cases it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

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