It's not a slowdown, USBM would never do that.

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Gold Member
Nov 26, 2013
There seems to be this idea out there that USMB is backdoor banning members just for shits and giggles through some kind of "slowdown" policy. I think this is untrue. This is USMB, where my voice counts, and everyone else's voice counts too. It says so right at the top. It's preposterous to think that the staff would backdoor ban people as a way of punishing people just for saying something the staff doesn't like. If someone were breaking the rules they would receive infractions, and I guess if they received enough infractions they would be banned outright.

The staff here at USMB are all really nice people. They're very honest folks. They would never abuse their immense power to silence ideas just because someone disagrees with them. That's just not how things work. And besides, it just wouldn't be an effective approach anyway. Putting someone on "slowdown" doesn't stop them from being able to come to usmessageboard. They can still read anything they want. They could still post. It might take a little bit of extra effort, that's all. They only way such a policy could ever make sense is if the staff just want to be plain evil. They're not evil. They're super nice people.

I thank the staff in advance for their efforts to figure out what is broken and fixing it. I thought about sending thank you PMs to everyone individually, but it seems that the staff tend to disable the ability for people to send them PMs. So I'm giving this public thank you to the entire group. I'll continue to post screenshots of other error messages that pop up for me, and if anyone else starts running into problems I encourage you to do the same. This will help the staff figure out what is going on and find a solution.
Is this the second time you posted this OP, swimfrog?

You are on an imposed slowdown.
There seems to be this idea out there that USMB is backdoor banning members just for shits and giggles through some kind of "slowdown" policy. I think this is untrue. This is USMB, where my voice counts, and everyone else's voice counts too. It says so right at the top. It's preposterous to think that the staff would backdoor ban people as a way of punishing people just for saying something the staff doesn't like. If someone were breaking the rules they would receive infractions, and I guess if they received enough infractions they would be banned outright.

The staff here at USMB are all really nice people. They're very honest folks. They would never abuse their immense power to silence ideas just because someone disagrees with them. That's just not how things work. And besides, it just wouldn't be an effective approach anyway. Putting someone on "slowdown" doesn't stop them from being able to come to usmessageboard. They can still read anything they want. They could still post. It might take a little bit of extra effort, that's all. They only way such a policy could ever make sense is if the staff just want to be plain evil. They're not evil. They're super nice people.

I thank the staff in advance for their efforts to figure out what is broken and fixing it. I thought about sending thank you PMs to everyone individually, but it seems that the staff tend to disable the ability for people to send them PMs. So I'm giving this public thank you to the entire group. I'll continue to post screenshots of other error messages that pop up for me, and if anyone else starts running into problems I encourage you to do the same. This will help the staff figure out what is going on and find a solution.

Can someone get the back door for this guy?
Is this the second time you posted this OP, swimfrog?

You are on an imposed slowdown.

This hasn't been posted for you, it's for the mods. They work very hard and often times they don't know what is going on. So I try to help them. Like recently, when there was a question about what constituted a violation of the flaming rules. I realized that they can't see every post, and that if it appears like mods are being politically biased in their "enforcement" of the rules, it's because they just didn't see all the other posts that violate the rules, but just happen to be in a way that is in favor of the mod's political beliefs. I probably ended up reporting over 100 posts to help them find rule violations that warranted attention.

That link seems to have something to do with someone receiving infractions. I don't have any infractions. I've never received any infractions. At least, if I have it was so long ago that I don't even remember it. Maybe like two years ago. Whatever is going on here, that link does not explain it. Thank you for your assistance, though. Sometimes diagnosing a problem takes some trial and error.
Good grief, you're on an imposed slow down. Stop bitching and take your medicine

There is no such thing as "slow down." If you don't believe me see for yourself. Go read the post about rules enforcement. Enforcement is done through conversations, infractions, and bans. It says nothing about "slow down." By claiming there is a such thing as a slow down you are saying that the mods are evil, handing out arbitrary secretive punishments, like some kind of Nazi SS or something, just because they disagree with something you've said.

In short, you're insulting the mods. And insulting the mods is against the rules. I'll report your post so they can take appropriate action.
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