It's looking more and more like the Wuhan Flu was a big nothing-burger.

I find it interesting that those critical of Trumps actions refuse to list exactly what Trump should have done and on what dates.
Just list what he should have done and when.
President Trump was ahead of this way back in January when he stopped flights from China. Meanwhile the Demos were calling him a racist for doing it and Pelosi was telling everybody to come to Chinatown.

If he stopped those flights in January how did all the 40,000 some people get back into the U.S. from China in February?
Because the Ds fought him on it.
Ever think about checking a news site on a daily basis?

Get you head out of your ass you on the right have touted this from the beginning and the dems did this and the dems did that, is he not the fucking President. Not to mention every time one of you goddamn idiots say this you do not have any substantial evidence to post. You're full of fucking shit and should change your user name to tightie rightie you're no goddamn independent.
I find it interesting that those critical of Trumps actions refuse to list exactly what Trump should have done and on what dates.
Just list what he should have done and when.
President Trump was ahead of this way back in January when he stopped flights from China. Meanwhile the Demos were calling him a racist for doing it and Pelosi was telling everybody to come to Chinatown.

If he stopped those flights in January how did all the 40,000 some people get back into the U.S. from China in February?


trump lied. Again. Like he always does. Anyone who believes one word from his mouth deserves the mess they accept that follows.

He issued the so called ban January 31st. So all of January people were freely coming from and going to China.

He put so many exemptions, 11 in all, which basically drove a Mac truck through the ban, that it allowed those 40 thousand to come here.

Yep, he lied big time I have a letter from the Florida Department of Health addressed to the Fl Dept of Education and all school districts that they had been monitoring Covid 19 since November. If they knew trumpturd definitely knew.
I find it interesting that those critical of Trumps actions refuse to list exactly what Trump should have done and on what dates.
Just list what he should have done and when.
President Trump was ahead of this way back in January when he stopped flights from China. Meanwhile the Demos were calling him a racist for doing it and Pelosi was telling everybody to come to Chinatown.

If he stopped those flights in January how did all the 40,000 some people get back into the U.S. from China in February?
Because the Ds fought him on it.
Ever think about checking a news site on a daily basis?

Get you head out of your ass you on the right have touted this from the beginning and the dems did this and the dems did that, is he not the fucking President. Not to mention every time one of you goddamn idiots say this you do not have any substantial evidence to post. You're full of fucking shit and should change your user name to tightie rightie you're no goddamn independent.
Elaborate how I'm a RWer...
I'm anti-Open Borders because I want US Citizens to be employed, I am anti-Off-Shoring to make an extra buck and use foreign slave labor, I anti-Business Visas because they replace US citizens in the work force and 99% of BVs suck at what they are supposedly "expert" at.

Don't' ignore this post...
Elaborate how I'm a RWer.
Yeah. I think warmer weather will have an impact on the rate of transmission. However I believe human interaction will ultimately tell us what happens in each individual state.

As a too specific and probably misguided example on my part. Florida opened up it's beaches, a bunch of yahoos are going to get too close to each other, share food and drinks maybe a can of beer. Well, since it's warmer that can of beer may not spread the virus in say 85 degree weather with 80% humidity as it would in 65 degrees. So perhaps somebody was spared, still doesn't make up for people breathing on each other but overall slow the rate of transmission. Florida is still Florida and if any state is going to fuck this up I put my money on them.

Not sure if that made any sense.

Yes it does. That situation doesn't happen in my state at this time of year. Florida has the winter temperatures that we have in the summer.

So does California.

California also has the same beach weather and conditions that Florida has right now.

Here are their totals with new over night totals.

View attachment 328839

I can do that with almost all of the southern states. If you look at that region of our nation, you will see the weather isn't making any difference.

So if we have the same weather conditions in the summer as they do in the winter, how is that going to stop the spread and death?

Well, I think in those Southern states you have more people able to spread the disease which probably compensates for any change in weather. I'm more or less in agreement here, my point is only that weather will have an impact but it's nothing compared to a state's citizens acting like assholes.

Which means that if people here go to the beaches and parks in the summer that the virus can and probably will spread the same way it's spreading in the south now.

The premise that the only reason it's not spreading as fast here is that we don't have weather conditions that bring people outside in large groups isn't a good reason to believe the weather will stop or even slow the spread and death. In fact, to me, it shows that it will increase the spread and death.

Yeah. I hadn't thought of it that way. For me and I apologize for this comparison, but I'm only looking at seasonality. The flu goes down in the Summer since it's also vulnerable to UV light. However what I didn't take into the equation is that people don't normally hunker down during flu season. So with COVID there will be extra fuel on the fire so to speak with people coming out into the open and socializing again. Yeah, I could see that at least in theory.

I hope I'm wrong. The governor of my state shut my county down at the beginning of March. We've been stuck inside for almost 2 months now. No one wants to go out to enjoy our weather and people more than I do.

If you don't mind me asking which county? I grew up in Alameda and Contra Costa.

I just want to be able to do it and not die because of it.

In Arizona it's a mixed bag. I see just in the last couple of days out in the open people are now beginning to wear masks. When I pick up groceries (I don't go in the store) the person comes out and would walk right up to you and want to hand them to you. I had to point them to put the bags in the back of the truck. Now they stay away from me and I stay away from them. They now wear masks and gloves.

I do a lot of off road riding. I go in a small group of 10 or less and we practice social distancing since we are in our own vehicles, stay about 12 ft apart and wear masks. Anyway, it's nice to get out into the desert and away from town safely. Well, this hobby of mine is also shared by a lot of wingnuts and they get in 30 car convoys with entire families and post pictures of themselves socializing real close. Gadsden, Confederate and on occasion Trump flags flown. These little dumbass brigades are becoming more common.

This isn't the flu. We don't know if it will act like the flu in warmer temperatures. Only because we haven't experienced it yet. It's new so we don't know much about it and hoping it's like the flu has not been working out so well.

Plus, we have vaccines for the flu. A person can get one, they're free. The best the government can do is make the vaccine available. They can't force everyone to get it. Some get it. Some don't. The fact that some do get the vaccine I think is the reason why the numbers aren't as bad and we all aren't quarantining for the flu.

I live in Snohomish County. Our governor shutdown 3 counties the beginning of March. Those being King, Snohomish and Pierce counties.

I went to my place by Mt. Rainier earlier this month for a few days with friends and family. That's the farthest I've been from home since the first part of March.
Yeah. I think warmer weather will have an impact on the rate of transmission. However I believe human interaction will ultimately tell us what happens in each individual state.

As a too specific and probably misguided example on my part. Florida opened up it's beaches, a bunch of yahoos are going to get too close to each other, share food and drinks maybe a can of beer. Well, since it's warmer that can of beer may not spread the virus in say 85 degree weather with 80% humidity as it would in 65 degrees. So perhaps somebody was spared, still doesn't make up for people breathing on each other but overall slow the rate of transmission. Florida is still Florida and if any state is going to fuck this up I put my money on them.

Not sure if that made any sense.

Yes it does. That situation doesn't happen in my state at this time of year. Florida has the winter temperatures that we have in the summer.

So does California.

California also has the same beach weather and conditions that Florida has right now.

Here are their totals with new over night totals.

View attachment 328839

I can do that with almost all of the southern states. If you look at that region of our nation, you will see the weather isn't making any difference.

So if we have the same weather conditions in the summer as they do in the winter, how is that going to stop the spread and death?

Well, I think in those Southern states you have more people able to spread the disease which probably compensates for any change in weather. I'm more or less in agreement here, my point is only that weather will have an impact but it's nothing compared to a state's citizens acting like assholes.

Which means that if people here go to the beaches and parks in the summer that the virus can and probably will spread the same way it's spreading in the south now.

The premise that the only reason it's not spreading as fast here is that we don't have weather conditions that bring people outside in large groups isn't a good reason to believe the weather will stop or even slow the spread and death. In fact, to me, it shows that it will increase the spread and death.

Yeah. I hadn't thought of it that way. For me and I apologize for this comparison, but I'm only looking at seasonality. The flu goes down in the Summer since it's also vulnerable to UV light. However what I didn't take into the equation is that people don't normally hunker down during flu season. So with COVID there will be extra fuel on the fire so to speak with people coming out into the open and socializing again. Yeah, I could see that at least in theory.

I hope I'm wrong. The governor of my state shut my county down at the beginning of March. We've been stuck inside for almost 2 months now. No one wants to go out to enjoy our weather and people more than I do.

If you don't mind me asking which county? I grew up in Alameda and Contra Costa.

I just want to be able to do it and not die because of it.

In Arizona it's a mixed bag. I see just in the last couple of days out in the open people are now beginning to wear masks. When I pick up groceries (I don't go in the store) the person comes out and would walk right up to you and want to hand them to you. I had to point them to put the bags in the back of the truck. Now they stay away from me and I stay away from them. They now wear masks and gloves.

I do a lot of off road riding. I go in a small group of 10 or less and we practice social distancing since we are in our own vehicles, stay about 12 ft apart and wear masks. Anyway, it's nice to get out into the desert and away from town safely. Well, this hobby of mine is also shared by a lot of wingnuts and they get in 30 car convoys with entire families and post pictures of themselves socializing real close. Gadsden, Confederate and on occasion Trump flags flown. These little dumbass brigades are becoming more common.

This isn't the flu. We don't know if it will act like the flu in warmer temperatures. Only because we haven't experienced it yet. It's new so we don't know much about it and hoping it's like the flu has not been working out so well.

Yep, agree it's not the flu. I'm only saying UV light kills COVID as it also does the flu and many other viruses.

Plus, we have vaccines for the flu. A person can get one, they're free. The best the government can do is make the vaccine available. They can't force everyone to get it. Some get it. Some don't. The fact that some do get the vaccine I think is the reason why the numbers aren't as bad and we all aren't quarantining for the flu.

I live in Snohomish County. Our governor shutdown 3 counties the beginning of March. Those being King, Snohomish and Pierce counties.

OK, I was thinking you were one of the Bay Area counties.

I went to my place by Mt. Rainier earlier this month for a few days with friends and family. That's the farthest I've been from home since the first part of March.

I've only been maybe 50 fifty miles from home.
I find it interesting that those critical of Trumps actions refuse to list exactly what Trump should have done and on what dates.
Just list what he should have done and when.
President Trump was ahead of this way back in January when he stopped flights from China. Meanwhile the Demos were calling him a racist for doing it and Pelosi was telling everybody to come to Chinatown.

If he stopped those flights in January how did all the 40,000 some people get back into the U.S. from China in February?


trump lied. Again. Like he always does. Anyone who believes one word from his mouth deserves the mess they accept that follows.

He issued the so called ban January 31st. So all of January people were freely coming from and going to China.

He put so many exemptions, 11 in all, which basically drove a Mac truck through the ban, that it allowed those 40 thousand to come here.

Yep, he lied big time I have a letter from the Florida Department of Health addressed to the Fl Dept of Education and all school districts that they had been monitoring Covid 19 since November. If they knew trumpturd definitely knew.

Bullshit. Post it!
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Demos and the fake news media.
Trump shut down the economy. He’s been on tv every day. He has the team and all the guidelines on the whitehouse website. He’s also the President .
Trump did not shut down the economy

state and local authorities did

Based on the trump guidelines. Again he’s on tv every day promoting the shut down with his team.
Do you want trump to ignore fauci or follow his recomdations?
It would be the wrong thing no matter what.
Many of the little places will go under. This shutdown is going to cascade in unimaginable ways.
The damage is already done, and it wasn't Trump that did it. It was the lying media and politicians.
I drove past one of my fave restaurants yesterday and there was a "for lease" sign out in front. Family owned place, been there forever. It broke my heart.
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Demos and the fake news media.
Trump shut down the economy. He’s been on tv every day. He has the team and all the guidelines on the whitehouse website. He’s also the President .
Trump did not shut down the economy

state and local authorities did

Based on the trump guidelines. Again he’s on tv every day promoting the shut down with his team.
So, you motherfucking commies yelled and screamed about Trump's lack of a response, THEN you blame him when he does respond?


For the love of monkey semen. The Dems are so going to lose bigly in November. It's land slide time.


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