'It’s like an unavenged Pearl Harbour. It’s Team North Korea 1, Team America 0'


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
In what could be a makeshift Christmas gift from the Mayor of London, Boris Johnsonhas delivered a fake review of the banned film The Interview, which Sony axed before its release date due to threats.

The Seth Rogen film is centred around the assassination of Kim Jong-Un and it has been speculated that North Korea are responsible for the much-publicised hacking, although the government have denied the claims and have called for a launch of an investigation.

Johnson writes in his Telegraph column that he has watched a “hilarious international espionage caper movie”, centred on a film called The Interview and “the global convulsions it causes”. He describes North Korea’s reaction:

Boris Johnson reviews The Interview It s like an unavenged Pearl Harbour. It s Team North Korea 1 Team America 0 - People - News - The Independent
The real history you never learned in school is that the modern NK is a creation of the Truman administration. It could be argued that president Harry Truman did the right thing even if he sent American Troops to Korea on nothing but an executive order. The post WW2 downsized U.S. Army was sent to Korea to beat back the North Korean invasion of South Korea in 1950. Virtually untrained and ill-equipped U.S. Troops (courtesy of the Truman administration) were in trouble until the Marines were sent in. You have to give him credit, MacArthur's gutsy move to land Troops in Inchon and cut off the NK supply line ended the hostilities. Americans liberated Seoul and even captured the NK capital of Pyong Yang. The N.K was defeated, end of story. The problem is that timid little Harry Truman could not control his own general. The old WW1 general decided to conquer the entire peninsula in spite of warnings from China that they would enter the hostilities if the US approached the Yalu river. Thanks to the possibly age related mental condition of MacArthur who relied on only good news "intelligence" from idiot lackeys in the field, the US walked into the biggest ambush in history and had to settle for an embarrassing truce dictated by the N.K. that was defeated two years before.True to form, the liberal Media pretended that Korea was a victory and presented both Truman and MacArthur with a ticker tape parade.
North Korea can't feed its own people but they hacked Sony?

They feed the fatass idiot 'leader' and the bureaucrats. They feed the army. The people starve but they still manage to produce very good counterfeit US currency. They manage to export weapons. They manage to conduct a drug trade in SEA, etc.

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