It's EMP Monday! Russian scientists warn of powerful solar flare activity today


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
Solar flares happen when the powerful magnetic fields in and around the sun reconnect. They can affect Earth's magnetic field with the potential to damage satellites and communications equipment, according to NASA.

In 2022, a geomagnetic storm triggered by a large burst of radiation from the sun knocked out 40 then newly launched SpaceX satellites.

Three solar flares were observed on Sunday, the Fedorov Institute said, with one lasting 14 minutes, accompanied by disruption in radio communication.

The Sun has entered a period of pretty intense activity, but I am sure the heat wave will be blamed on SUVs. ;)

Yes. There is currently solar activity disturbing radio communications according to a Ham guy I know....He said he's seen worse but it's not over yet. -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

CME IMPACT AND GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Arriving a full day earlier than expected, a CME hit Earth's magnetic field on July 16th: data. The impact at 1920 UT caused a 20 nT jolt in the USGS's magnetometer at Fredericksburg, Virginia, and a G1-class geomagnetic storm. More CME impacts are possible on July 17th and 18th due to multiple recent eruptions from big sunspot AR3363
What I want to know is.......where are our scientists??? Don't they know these things???

I wouldn't believe anything Russia had to say. What's the chance it's really Russia trying to nuke Ukraine and they're trying to say 'but it's a sun flare'

and where is the media on this????? You'd think they'd be all over it to promote global warming

What I want to know is.......where are our scientists??? Don't they know these things???

I wouldn't believe anything Russia had to say. What's the chance it's really Russia trying to nuke Ukraine and they're trying to say 'but it's a sun flare'

and where is the media on this????? You'd think they'd be all over it to promote global warming

There is plenty of US sources, I gave one.

The thing with the media and green weenies is the last thing they want to talk about is that big ball of nuclear fusion in the sky.....They would rather concentrate on how cow farts and ICE vehicles will be the death of us all.
There is plenty of US sources, I gave one.

The thing with the media and green weenies is the last thing they want to talk about is that big ball of nuclear fusion in the sky.....They would rather concentrate on how cow farts and ICE vehicles will be the death of us all.

I had seen this last night and did a search for any MSM stories, Reuters was the only one. Other sources were like India Times, Reddit, etc. Same sources today, other than a video from Yahoo.

But those cow farts are so much more important.......agreed.

It's cloudy here today, so maybe I'll miss it all together
What I want to know is.......where are our scientists??? Don't they know these things???

I wouldn't believe anything Russia had to say. What's the chance it's really Russia trying to nuke Ukraine and they're trying to say 'but it's a sun flare'

and where is the media on this????? You'd think they'd be all over it to promote global warming


Damn those Russians anyway. This is all their fault, and I bet Trump had something to do with this too. :aargh:
Its been brewing since 2019, as we move further into Sun Cycle 25 .This provides the raw material that they use to promote the Climate Scam . Unfotunately this Cycle will be a rip snorter in terms of sun spots and CMEs . Which leads to higher temperatures , volcanic activity and earthquakes . It peaks for around two years in the 11 year cycle but will be enough to panic the Gullible Sheeple who will fall for every control and manipulation scam in the book .

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