It's called voters remorse


Obama won
While there is nothing that can be done about obama now, the voters have the option of punishing democrats for lying to them in November.
Only because he's a Democrat.
Obama is a disaster of epic proportions. He can't get out of his own way for being stupid. Every initiative is a failure. Every policy a disaster. No one in the world takes him seriously anymore.

Nah, he's done what he can with his pen. We all know the Republican game plan to deny the President anything and everything and then blame him for not getting anything done.

Well I guess not everyone knows it. I mean you still have the Echo-base.

He's been more blocked by Democrats than the GOP. How many of his budgets have made it to a Senate vote?
His failure is his own. His party had 2 years of unobstructed access to power. And they passed plenty of bills. Or did you forget that?
And as for foreign policy, he's had a free hand. And fucked it up 6 ways from Sunday.

Why do you have to lie? They never had anything near two years with a 60 vote super-majority.

Free hand my butt. "Damned if you do and Damned if you don't" is still the GOP strategy there too. The Presidency is just more powerful than Congress in that area.
I'm not a democrat so that has nothing to do with it. 332-206...earned it.

Who said you were a Democrat.
Remind me how many Republicans you've voted for for president.
Winning the election is not the same as being a good president. Now I realize that you can't figure out Tab A goes in Slot B so you can't figure this out either. But Obama's policies have produced nothign but failure and misery for millions of people.

Losing an election doesn't mean you'll be a good I realize you can't figure that out but if you can't convince a plurality of people to vote for you, you're likely an inferior choice to the person who could.

And there you have it.

That is the problem.

Having the best ad agency and the best speech writers has absolutely nothing to do with your ability to govern.

A speech writer can write " I will be the most transparent president in our history"

But that doesn't mean you will be....OR WANT TO BE.
I'm not a democrat so that has nothing to do with it. 332-206...earned it.

Who said you were a Democrat.
Remind me how many Republicans you've voted for for president.
Winning the election is not the same as being a good president. Now I realize that you can't figure out Tab A goes in Slot B so you can't figure this out either. But Obama's policies have produced nothign but failure and misery for millions of people.

Losing an election doesn't mean you'll be a good I realize you can't figure that out but if you can't convince a plurality of people to vote for you, you're likely an inferior choice to the person who could.

This has to be one of the more ignorant comments you've made (and since most of your comments are ignorant......that's saying something).

No. It does not. It means you have a good marketing system or the tide was in your favor anyway (which was clearly the case for Obama in 2008). The skillset needed to campaign and the skillset needed to lead have no required overlap.

Romney can lead. That was demonstrated.

Obama (with his no-integrity team; liar Axelrod and politicalwhore Cutter) can mislead. That is demonstrated daily.
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Certain people cant admit obama is a failure because their whole identity is so wrapped in partisan left-wing politics that it would be like admitting their own judgement failed them
Its called the other major candidate SUCKED! I voted 3rd party and it's the last time I will vote.
Who said you were a Democrat.
Remind me how many Republicans you've voted for for president.
Winning the election is not the same as being a good president. Now I realize that you can't figure out Tab A goes in Slot B so you can't figure this out either. But Obama's policies have produced nothign but failure and misery for millions of people.

Losing an election doesn't mean you'll be a good I realize you can't figure that out but if you can't convince a plurality of people to vote for you, you're likely an inferior choice to the person who could.

And there you have it.

That is the problem.

Having the best ad agency and the best speech writers has absolutely nothing to do with your ability to govern.

A speech writer can write " I will be the most transparent president in our history"

But that doesn't mean you will be....OR WANT TO BE.

In that case, Obama is, at worst, like all politicians before him unless you can name a President that delivered on every one of his campaign promises and rhetoric.
Obama was and still is the superior choice to either Romney or McCain.

What do you have to back up such a silly claim ?

counting your chickens before they hatch can set you up for a BIG LET DOWN

but go ahead if you must:lol:
I have reached a point where I feel safe enough to make predictions.

I'm actually putting myself on the line with my points.

I'm still leaving a little bit of room to be wrong, but as you can see from the facts and analysis I'm presenting, it's not made up and it's based on reality.

I haven't seen a sensible USMB RW counter to date.

So let's bet.

If Obama wins...I leave the board.

If Romney do.

What say you ?

I took the bet.
Obama won.
What are you still doing here?
Obama was and still is the superior choice to either Romney or McCain.

They have the same policies, so why is he a "superior choice"?

Romney is a Mormon idiot and McCain is old and feeble and probably would have died from the stress of the Presidency leaving an untrained chimp named Sarah Palin in command of history's most destructive military.
Obama was and still is the superior choice to either Romney or McCain.

They have the same policies, so why is he a "superior choice"?

Romney is a Mormon idiot and McCain is old and feeble and probably would have died from the stress of the Presidency leaving an untrained chimp named Sarah Palin in command of history's most destructive military.

Again, they have the same policies, so why is he a "superior choice"?

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