It's begun! Bud Light Banned in Bars

The post WW 2 companies could not compete anymore and y the beginning of the 1970's it was evident. The steel industry actually saw cracks y the late 1950's. The people working for those companies, most of them got good buyouts and massive checks also as the companies sold to foreign corporate interests at the time. A lot of it Japan. A good percentage of the middle class from that generation and the baby boomers are living well compared to the next generations. The taxation is high to pay off those privileged within them.
American management was stupid and didn't plan ahead or worry about competition LOL. Also unlike European countries who went socialist With cheap or free college and training, we just got the GI Bill and Afterwards intelligent people became rare and rarer.... European countries would do even better without the GOP starting a corrupt deregulation bubble and bust recession or depression every time they get the chance... they don't have our natural resources so they have to resort to brain power across the economy.
You stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

The demise of the Middle Class is because we are spending almost 40% of the GDP on the cost of government. The combined Federal. State and Local direct and indirect cost of government is the largest single expenditure of any family, regardless of income. We saw a decrease in family income when The Worthless Negro and Potatohead were Presidents. We saw an increase in family income when Trump was President and we had a tax decrease.

For instance, how can a "Middle Class" family in Democrat controlled Commie California even afford to build a modest new home when the fucking Democrats have increased the cost of building a new home by $40K by requiring stupid solar cells that have a 30 year payback at best?

Back in the 1950s and into the early 1960s the total cost of combined government was less than 20% and the middle class grew at a tremendous rate. Then came the Democrat's "Great Society" and the cost of government grew and the Middle Class suffered.

Rich people like Bill Gates contributed to the wealth of this country by producing goods and services that increased productivity, generated tremendous tax base and employed tens of thousands of high paying jobs. The Liberals have destroyed the wealth of this country by increasing the size of government and destroying the incentive to be productive.

Like I said, you stupid uneducated Moon Bats are just as ignorant of Economics as you are of History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution.

Take you idiotic defense of Socialism and shove it up your Moon Bat ass.
Trump's greatest achievement was not screwing up Obama's recovery, ignoramus. Then he did with the worst pandemic reaction anywhere in the world and his leadership of conservative nut jobs everywhere.... Way to question vaccines for crying out loud and along with all your other total crap.
What a total load of crap. GOP is the party of big money and big corporations like Walmart, ignoramus.
I remember a particularly retarded boy who called himself "nycarbineer" or something similar at another forum. Are you him?

Please tell me again how much Jeff Besos, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are worth?
I remember a particularly retarded boy who called himself "nycarbineer" or something similar at another forum. Are you him?

Please tell me again how much Jeff Besos, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are worth?
Irrelevant. the important thing is they want rich people to be taxed fairly. They are Democrats, not GOP swine or ignoramuses...
I suggest that I have lived in France and Spain and non English speaking countries know what socialism is because their socialist parties won and the Communist Parties never won and disappeared with the USSR aid. You know absolutely nothing but GOP/Tory propaganda BS, ignoramus. Socialism in practice is always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net... Stop listening to communist Nazi and GOP/Tory propaganda, the three biggest liars in history...
Like I said, read up on what Socialism and Capitalism is. Social Democracy is not socialism, it's classed as fluffy Capitalism.

I suggest you read up on the Nordic model and the likes of Denmark. They're Capitalist, but you get better Social Welfare because you pay high tax through your nose. Then read up on, "Means of Production".

And yes, France. What a dump. Drove over there through the Euro-tunnel, it's not on my 'Go back to' list.
Like I said, read up on what Socialism and Capitalism is. Social Democracy is not socialism, it's classed as fluffy Capitalism.

I suggest you read up on the Nordic model and the likes of Denmark. They're Capitalist, but you get better Social Welfare because you pay high tax through your nose. Then read up on, "Means of Production".

And yes, France. What a dump. Drove over there through the Euro-tunnel, it's not on my 'Go back to' list.
Yes Denmark is socialist so is France if you have health care and democracy you're basically socialist. You can blubber on you're just totally baffled by ****. Socialist parties have always been and always will be for democracy and capitalism, fair repeat fair capitalism. That's what they have in Denmark they actually pay you to go to college there. Republicans all think they're millionaires who are just having a bad break. Absolute idiots. France is always rated as having the number one quality of life number one health care and are by far the most visited country in the world-. You are a baffled by stupidity and ignorance. You probably think the French are rude because the waiters in Paris don't like you being rude to them lOL....
Yes Denmark is socialist so is France if you have health care and democracy you're basically socialist. You can blubber on you're just totally baffled by ****. Socialist parties have always been and always will be for democracy and capitalism, fair repeat fair capitalism. That's what they have in Denmark they actually pay you to go to college there. Republicans all think they're millionaires who are just having a bad break. Absolute idiots. France is always rated as having the number one quality of life number one health care and are by far the most visited country in the world-. You are a baffled by stupidity and ignorance. You probably think the French are rude because the waiters in Paris don't like you being rude to them lOL....
Denmark is not Socialist you thick plank.

What a dateless **** you are.
Denmark is not Socialist you thick plank.

What a dateless **** you are.
What is it then? You're out of your tiny little mind lOL. You say it's fluffy capitalism- that doesn't make any sense at all you're out of your mind. They used to have a socialist party in Denmark once big time. They also had socialist parties in France Spain Italy scandinavia you name it, everywhere but English speaking countries since World War one, because bs UK/USA propaganda and they were against World War one. Tories and GOP voters are the dumbest most provincial brainwashed fools there are, think they're geniuses because they dug the English Channel or the Atlantic Ocean and gave us all the right natural resources..... Once the Socialists won and they had health care day care great infrastructure cheap college and training Etcetera and tax the rich fairly, they changed the name of the Socialist Party to something else so they didn't have to listen to you tools lOL....
What is it then? You're out of your tiny little mind lOL. You say it's fluffy capitalism- that doesn't make any sense at all you're out of your mind. They used to have a socialist party in Denmark once big time. They also had socialist parties in France Spain Italy scandinavia you name it, everywhere but English speaking countries since World War one, because bs UK/USA propaganda and they were against World War one. Tories and GOP voters are the dumbest most provincial brainwashed fools there are, think they're geniuses because they dug the English Channel or the Atlantic Ocean and gave us all the right natural resources..... Once the Socialists won and they had health care day care great infrastructure cheap college and training Etcetera and tax the rich fairly, they changed the name of the Socialist Party to something else so they didn't have to listen to you tools lOL....
You dateless mong, lol
Bizzaro World is when the fucking government forces you to give the money that you earned to pay somebody's else's bills. Not only is it immoral because it is slavery but it destroys productivity.
That's exactly what happens, in a capitalist state.
That's exactly what happens, in a capitalist state.
No, that is what happens in a Socialist state. Or in a Capitalist state when the citizens don't give a shit about their personal liberty. You know, like the US.
Or that's what your father thought after listening to crap right wing propaganda about it. Rush I suppose. Well, I suppose as you said he just lost Medicare patients, and that's not the kind of patients he wanted anyway, so your story is the usual GOP brainwash Mess lol....
That was before Rush was on the air nationwide, but I don't suppose that matters when you're desperate to deflect because you have nothing more than moronic stupidity to fling? My Dad gave up a lot of money so he could do what his patients actually needed done for them, not what a bureaucrat (your deep seated desire) who never met the patient thought he/she should have. Why do you believe that unaccountable bureaucrats know better what patients need than the doctors who examine them? Is it because Murdoch and echo chamber and stuff?
That is a fucking lie.

Socialism is the transfer of income from productive people to the non productive and it is despicable. What you filthy Leftest morons call a "safety net" destroys economies and it stifles economic growth when the welfare queens are subsidized. It is morally destructive.

If you are so stupid as to think any form of Socialism would be acceptable in the US like it is in those Eurotrash countries then just let us send them our millions of filthy ghetto welfare queens and we will see how that "safety net" fund will quickly go bankrupt.
I like my socialistic Social Security and Medicare and I collect a socialistic pension because I was a socialistic dues paying union member.
You`re parroting fascist Margaret Thatcher.
Is it that Bud Light is being 'BANNED', or is it that bars aren't stocking it because no one is drinking it and / or they are afraid of patron / consumer backlash?
That was before Rush was on the air nationwide, but I don't suppose that matters when you're desperate to deflect because you have nothing more than moronic stupidity to fling? My Dad gave up a lot of money so he could do what his patients actually needed done for them, not what a bureaucrat (your deep seated desire) who never met the patient thought he/she should have. Why do you believe that unaccountable bureaucrats know better what patients need than the doctors who examine them? Is it because Murdoch and echo chamber and stuff?
So it was the pre brain wash, silent majority thing? At any rate what is your complaint, he couldn't be paid by Medicare? Fine.

So what time was it when he did what they actually needed, not a bureaucrat's idea? I think rush started in 1986... This Obamacare is actually the GOP plan with insurance companies and Big Pharma screwing around, Your GOP heroes. And of course I don't believe any of the crap you accuse me of.... The problem is we need health care for everyone which the Republicans have been blocking tooth and nail forever. Then you get down to stuff like this, Which the G O P will obstruct totally like everything else good for regular people... And actually your argument seems to be with insurance companies seeing as they decide what is necessary. You're totally wrong as always with Republicans....
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