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Socialism in practice is always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net...
That is a fucking lie.

Socialism is the transfer of income from productive people to the non productive and it is despicable. What you filthy Leftest morons call a "safety net" destroys economies and it stifles economic growth when the welfare queens are subsidized. It is morally destructive.

If you are so stupid as to think any form of Socialism would be acceptable in the US like it is in those Eurotrash countries then just let us send them our millions of filthy ghetto welfare queens and we will see how that "safety net" fund will quickly go bankrupt.
In socialist medicine how much does each person get in medical care? Who gets the operation over another? We are a nation of pettiness with a lot of people. Jealousies all around and we even reward mediocrity to make it worse. The reality is what government is involved in medical care has sent costs into orbit around the earth for decades. Whole wings in hospitals are of billing the patient and a fortune is made from it. So, we have a medical industry over medical care.

I have a good friend who is white, who was just informed that black people will now get preference on the kidney transplant list.

That is a fucking lie.
Socialism is the transfer of income from productive people to the non productive and it is despicable.
Transfer of earnings from productive to non-productive... You have described a capitalism in which parasites can exist at the expense of working people. The law of socialism is "He who does not work does not eat".
Transfer of earnings from productive to non-productive... You have described a capitalism in which parasites can exist at the expense of working people. The law of socialism is "He who does not work does not eat".

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than you know about History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

In Capitalism you get off your fucking ass and produce or else you do without and that is a good thing.

With Socialism you get to be a sorry ass worthless piece of shit and somebody else that is productive is force to be a slave to provide for your well being and that is a bad thing.
With Socialism you get to be a sorry ass worthless piece of shit and somebody else that is productive is force to be a slave to provide for your well being and that is a bad thing.
This is how things happen in the Bizzaro world from which you write? It's interesting.
This is how things happen in the Bizzaro world from which you write? It's interesting.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Bizzaro World is when the fucking government forces you to give the money that you earned to pay somebody's else's bills. Not only is it immoral because it is slavery but it destroys productivity.

How about you paying your bills and I pay mine and we leave the corrupt government out of it? Sound fair?
That is a fucking lie.

Socialism is the transfer of income from productive people to the non productive and it is despicable. What you filthy Leftest morons call a "safety net" destroys economies and it stifles economic growth when the welfare queens are subsidized. It is morally destructive.

If you are so stupid as to think any form of Socialism would be acceptable in the US like it is in those Eurotrash countries then just let us send them our millions of filthy ghetto welfare queens and we will see how that "safety net" fund will quickly go bankrupt.
And American capitalism is the transfer of wealth from the middle class and working class to the Super Rich the last 40 years, Super Duper. Yes yes you're right, a living wage would be horrible. Being the only modern country that doesn't have health care for all day care help cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich is just Wonderful. GOP base voters are the stupidest voters in the world, functionally. Change the damn channel and try reality...
You are confused Moon Bat.

Bizzaro World is when the fucking government forces you to give the money that you earned to pay somebody's else's bills. Not only is it immoral because it is slavery but it destroys productivity.

How about you paying your bills and I pay mine and we leave the corrupt government out of it? Sound fair?
The last 40 years, you have been paying the bills of the Mega Rich, Brainwashed functional moron.
The last 40 years, you have been paying the bills of the Mega Rich, Brainwashed functional moron.

You are confused Moon Bat.

I am not poorer because somebody else is mega rich. However, I am poorer because the filthy ass government took my money by force and gave it to you worthless welfare queens, who are too sorry to pay your own bills.

I have a good friend who is white, who was just informed that black people will now get preference on the kidney transplant list.

In Socialist countries like every other modern country, everyone gets an operation, what the heck do you think? Every other country has much better outcomes than we do And every single modern country is happier than we are. Because we are getting screwed by Republicans and their stupid voters end of story. Yes blacks are systematically screwed by our system. Three times more likely to die in childbirth and in Minneapolis 8 times more liable to be stopped in traffic. And you don't believe it exists, brainwashed functional moron racist....
You are confused Moon Bat.

I am not poorer because somebody else is mega rich. However, I am poorer because the filthy ass government took my money by force and gave it to you worthless welfare queens, who are too sorry to pay your own bills.
I am still happily retired, brainwashed functional moron hater dupe. and everyone in the middle class and working class are poorer because everybody who is mega rich pays less in taxes percentage wise than you do. Just found the average billionaire paid 6% in federal taxes. You are absolutely clueless.
You are confused Moon Bat.

I am not poorer because somebody else is mega rich. However, I am poorer because the filthy ass government took my money by force and gave it to you worthless welfare queens, who are too sorry to pay your own bills.
Google the demise of the middle class and STFU, ignoramus... Of course you don't care about the truth, you want to stay in your stupid cult....
Google the demise of the middle class and STFU, ignoramus... Of course you don't care about the truth, you want to stay in your stupid cult....
You stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

The demise of the Middle Class is because we are spending almost 40% of the GDP on the cost of government. The combined Federal. State and Local direct and indirect cost of government is the largest single expenditure of any family, regardless of income. We saw a decrease in family income when The Worthless Negro and Potatohead were Presidents. We saw an increase in family income when Trump was President and we had a tax decrease.

For instance, how can a "Middle Class" family in Democrat controlled Commie California even afford to build a modest new home when the fucking Democrats have increased the cost of building a new home by $40K by requiring stupid solar cells that have a 30 year payback at best?

Back in the 1950s and into the early 1960s the total cost of combined government was less than 20% and the middle class grew at a tremendous rate. Then came the Democrat's "Great Society" and the cost of government grew and the Middle Class suffered.

Rich people like Bill Gates contributed to the wealth of this country by producing goods and services that increased productivity, generated tremendous tax base and employed tens of thousands of high paying jobs. The Liberals have destroyed the wealth of this country by increasing the size of government and destroying the incentive to be productive.

Like I said, you stupid uneducated Moon Bats are just as ignorant of Economics as you are of History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution.

Take you idiotic defense of Socialism and shove it up your Moon Bat ass.
And American capitalism is the transfer of wealth from the middle class and working class to the Super Rich the last 40 years, Super Duper. Yes yes you're right, a living wage would be horrible. Being the only modern country that doesn't have health care for all day care help cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich is just Wonderful. GOP base voters are the stupidest voters in the world, functionally. Change the damn channel and try reality...
The post WW 2 companies could not compete anymore and y the beginning of the 1970's it was evident. The steel industry actually saw cracks y the late 1950's. The people working for those companies, most of them got good buyouts and massive checks also as the companies sold to foreign corporate interests at the time. A lot of it Japan. A good percentage of the middle class from that generation and the baby boomers are living well compared to the next generations. The taxation is high to pay off those privileged within them.
You stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

The demise of the Middle Class is because we are spending almost 40% of the GDP on the cost of government. The combined Federal. State and Local direct and indirect cost of government is the largest single expenditure of any family, regardless of income. We saw a decrease in family income when The Worthless Negro and Potatohead were Presidents. We saw an increase in family income when Trump was President and we had a tax decrease.

For instance, how can a "Middle Class" family in Democrat controlled Commie California even afford to build a modest new home when the fucking Democrats have increased the cost of building a new home by $40K by requiring stupid solar cells that have a 30 year payback at best?

Back in the 1950s and into the early 1960s the total cost of combined government was less than 20% and the middle class grew at a tremendous rate. Then came the Democrat's "Great Society" and the cost of government grew and the Middle Class suffered.

Rich people like Bill Gates contributed to the wealth of this country by producing goods and services that increased productivity, generated tremendous tax base and employed tens of thousands of high paying jobs. The Liberals have destroyed the wealth of this country by increasing the size of government and destroying the incentive to be productive.

Like I said, you stupid uneducated Moon Bats are just as ignorant of Economics as you are of History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution.

Take you idiotic defense of Socialism and shove it up your Moon Bat ass.
The demise of the middle class has happened over the last 40 years because of give away to the rich Reagan GOP tax rates, dumb dumb. And it has only gotten worse with the Bush tax cuts and the trump tax cuts on the rich mainly.... By the way Trump's tax cut for the middle class ends next year and the one for the rich doesn't. Funny thing, eh, dupe? so we don't have enough money to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure and everything else, a total screw job for you and yours, ignoramus... and only Reagan the bushes and Trump have added to the size of the government. Health care does not...

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