It's Absurd That The Fort Hood Shooter Still Hasn't Gone On Trial


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Allison Churchill

Three years ago yesterday, I was four days away from separating from the Army. I stayed in the barracks at Fort Hood while I waited for my medical records to get officially copied so I could turn them into Veterans Affairs.

A week earlier, sirens went off around the base to warn everyone about a severe thunderstorm. So on that particular Thursday morning, that's what I thought we were getting warned about.

It wasn't a thunderstorm. On the other end of Fort Hood, Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan was shooting his way through the Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP) center, killing and injuring fellow soldiers who had either just returned from or were on their way to overseas deployments.

Read more @ Three Years After Fort Hood Shooting, Hasan Still Avoiding Trial - Business Insider

It was terrorism, no doubt in my mind. That the military ignored the warnings in favor of erring on the side of tolerance, should also be investigated and corrections made.
Hassan needs to hang, and the Army needs to declare it an act of terrorism so the victims can get what they've got coming to them.

This Administration is once again screwing those who serve the nation just so jihadis don't get their widdle feewings hurt.
Apparently he needs a shave before he can stand bullshit the military needs to go forward with this trial. or discharge the prick and charge him ......:eusa_eh:

"The beard that has stalled the court-martial of accused Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Hasan will be discussed at a hearing next week, military officials said. Army regulations prevent soldiers from wearing facial hair while in uniform. Hasan, who is still considered a soldier, is a practicing Muslim and maintains he has the right to wear the beard under U.S. laws protecting religious freedoms."

Hearing set for Fort Hood shooting suspect over refusal to shave -
Now the military has been sued by the victims for dragging their feet on this trial....This is outrageous that the military is kissing this guy's ass....:mad:

"While Major Hasan is dyeing his beard with berries from his breakfast, no one knows how the children of his victims are faring. But there is one assurance, while the children of his victims may not be sure of their breakfasts, Major Hasan is still on Army payroll and receiving his salaries.

So, it was bound to happen, and on Monday, 148 plaintiffs sued the U.S. government seeking damages and a ruling that Major Hasan’s attack in Fort Hood military base was a terrorist attack. A question, over which the U.S. government seems to be failing to make up its mind."

Fort Hood Shooting Victims Ultimately Sue U.S. Government | JD Journal
by Allison Churchill

Three years ago yesterday, I was four days away from separating from the Army. I stayed in the barracks at Fort Hood while I waited for my medical records to get officially copied so I could turn them into Veterans Affairs.

A week earlier, sirens went off around the base to warn everyone about a severe thunderstorm. So on that particular Thursday morning, that's what I thought we were getting warned about.

It wasn't a thunderstorm. On the other end of Fort Hood, Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan was shooting his way through the Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP) center, killing and injuring fellow soldiers who had either just returned from or were on their way to overseas deployments.

Read more @ Three Years After Fort Hood Shooting, Hasan Still Avoiding Trial - Business Insider


The freaking media and pop-culture. Thanks to the modern media stupid people know more about the antics of hollywood stars than current events but they are still stupid.
Now that obama was reelected it's even more unlikely that Hasan will come to any kind of meaningful trial.
Bull. You forget that Obama sent the drone that bombed Hasan's rabbi Al-Awlaki to little slivers of flesh.

The Army prosecutors must cross every T and dot every I. They have to get it all exactly right in order to not get overturned on appeal. That's a setback to trial on US soil.

Better to drop Hasan in Pakistan and take him out with a drone, too, but it is too late for that.

They will convict and execute...but it will take years to get it done.

Regards from Rosie
Ft. Hood Terrorist Nidal Hasan to Appeal Forceable Beard Shaving

Posted by Robbie Cooper on 11/8/2012
Nov 082012


Nakoula Basseley Youssef and Nidal Hasan

The man on the left has been caught, tried, and now imprisoned less than 2 months after making a video that insults Islam. The Islamic terrorist on the right has yet to go to trial after murdering 13 soldiers in an act of terrorism.

It’s been more than three years since Nidal Hasan went on an Islamic jihad against his fellow Soldiers at Ft. Hood, murdering more than 13 of them.

Three years later, and he still hasn’t stood trial. Nor has the Obama regime called it terrorism, instead referring to it as an act of ”work place violence.” Nor has he authorized Purple Hearts for those wounded and or killed in the act of terror.

And what’s holding up the process? I mean other than Obama ordering it to be delayed until after the election…

More @ Ft. Hood Terrorist Nidal Hasan to Appeal Forceable Beard Shaving » UrbanGrounds

What is more absurd is they declared this as a work place violence instead of a terrorist attack when we know it was a terrorist attack, And that the shooter sits in jail making over 6K a month and the people who got shot is now out of the military and doesnt get a damn dime .. They might get some medical at the VA if they have visible injuries .
George Zimmerman Trial and the Fort Hood Trial

Inept justice at it's core.

Whats going on with the George trial?

It's due to start some time next year. At the moment, he's free on bail.

My guess, they're waiting for the racial BS to cool down. He'll go before a jury and be found not guilty of the main charge. They might found him guilty of a lesser offense and give him Time Served.

He'll have to go into hiding for the remainder of his life. Probably in Little Tijuana where other Hispanics will protect him. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

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