It's a hell of a pin point operation

The cancelling is coming about.

Hamas's Civilian Death Strategy

Let's state the obvious: No one likes to see dead children. Well, that's not completely true: Hamas does. They would prefer those children to be Jewish, but there is greater value to them if they are Palestinian. Outmatched by Israel's military, handicapped by rocket launchers with the steady hands of Barney Fife, Hamas is playing the long game of moral revulsion.

With this conflict about to enter its third week, winning the PR war is the best Hamas can hope to achieve. Their weapon of choice, however, seems to be the cannon fodder of their own people, performing double duty in also sounding the drumbeat of Israeli condemnation. If you can't beat Iron Dome, then deploy sacrificial children as human shields.

Civilian casualties will continue to mount. The evolving story will focus on the collateral damage of Palestinian lives. Israel's moral dilemma will receive little attention. Each time the ledgers of relative loss are reported, world public opinion will turn against the Jewish state and box Israel into an even tighter corner of the Middle East.


The absurdity of Israel's Gaza campaigns requires an entirely new terminology for the conduct of wars. "Enemy combatants," "theater of war," "innocent civilians," "casualties of war" all have ambiguous meaning in Gaza. There is nothing casual about why so many Gazans die; these deaths are tragically predictable and predetermined. Hamas builds tunnels for terrorists and their rockets; bomb shelters for the people of Gaza never entered the Hamas leaders' minds.

So much innocence is lost in this citizen army, which serves as the armor for demented leaders and their dwindling arsenal of rockets and martyrs. In Gaza the death toll of civilians is an endgame disguised as a tragedy. It is a sideshow—without death, Hamas has nothing to show for its efforts.

Surely there are civilians who have been killed in this conflict who have taken every step to distance themselves from this fast-moving war zone, and children whose parents are not card-carrying Hamas loyalists. These are the true innocents of Gaza. It is they for whom our sympathy should be reserved. The impossibility of identifying them, and saving them, is Israel's deepest moral dilemma.

Facts on the ground show that they have used the recent. "Years of Peace" to detour concrete shipments from housing to building tunnels to attack Israelis.

They have taken monies intended for supporting the people to obtain weapons.

All this of course is lost in the minds of the world to include the people of Palestine themselves and their lack of protest can only be viewed as silent consent to Hamas' actions.
Cancel faceschmuck and get a life and a job.
Yeah I thought the pro-Pal's boycott Israelis productions..
Amazing how hard the Israel First brigade works at justifying the murder of women and children by the IDF.

Hey, only you psychopaths believe your own crap.
Amazing how hard the Israel First brigade works at justifying the murder of women and children by the IDF.

Hey, only you psychopaths believe your own crap.

Are you aware that German and Japanese women and children died when the Allies invaded them? Are you also aware that Hamas uses women and children as human shields?
Amazing how hard the Israel First brigade works at justifying the murder of women and children by the IDF.

Hey, only you psychopaths believe your own crap.
And for now all I can say to you psychopath that justifying the murder of women and children by Palestinians/Hamas/Radical Islams

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Amazing how hard the Israel First brigade works at justifying the murder of women and children by the IDF.

Hey, only you psychopaths believe your own crap.

Show me one post in this thread that justifies murder (you need to learn what the word murder means).
Amazing how hard the Israel First brigade works at justifying the murder of women and children by the IDF.

Hey, only you psychopaths believe your own crap.

Have you read the Geneva conventions that spell it all out. The fact that Israel gave fair warning of their intentions to shell certain areas put the onus on hamas to evacuate the civilians. Because they did not leave makes them militia and no longer protected persons.

So if you have a problem take it up with the UN who it seems are sick of the Palestinians tricks and are giving Israel a free run at hamas.
There are not 2 million places.
Director of Operations for UNRWA in Gaza, Robert Turner said “the speed with which this has happened is staggering. The number of displaced persons doubled in one day and more than 25,000 moved to our schools only yesterday; we are very concerned.”

“These men, women and children are relying on us to provide them with shelter, and the reality is that UNRWA only had relief supplies in stock for about 35,000 people.

They are housing shelters. Not bomb shelters.

This is what Israel does to UNRWA premises:

Why are they not seeking shelter in Egypt?

As you should know already, that track is blocked by the Egyptians. Israel has them trapped; there is no way out for them. There is no route out of Gaza, including the sea, which Israel has blockaded for some time.

It kinda, sorta reminds me of what I have read about what the Nazis did when they created the Warsaw ghetto during WWII. I guess that parallel is lost on the war hawk Likud coalition!
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Amazing how hard the Israel First brigade works at justifying the murder of women and children by the IDF.

Hey, only you psychopaths believe your own crap.
Meanwhile, the only people that take pride in targeting and murdering women and children are Palestinians and their Muslim brethren.

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