Italy stands up against tyranny


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Do you believe Covid-1984 scamdemic is about you health?
If YES you're naive.
The plandemic has been planed for decades, it's goal is the totally elimination of humanity. Look what going on in countries which peoples want to purge satanists from their offices.
The Italian people are demonstrating en masses against the government and the main ports are manned by workers and thousands of citizens. The Italians are fighting against an unelected government that wants to cancel freedoms, but their battle is for the freedom of all.
Did you heard about from MS presstitutes?

Not that I believe any of this...........but I still have questions about it.

Not the elimination of humanity, but elimination of those that would rise up against those in power.

Doesn't matter what you call them.............Illuminati, Star Chamber, Alien Lizard People, Underground Coalition, The Swamp, Freemasons, Shadow Government, etc......... they want control over the entire world, and will do anything to get it. In order to do that, they have to get rid of all those that would get in their way.

MY question is...


Wouldn't it have been MORE LOGICAL, smarter, and EASIER to have taken over.........let say, back in Medieval times? When people were easier to control, handle, and get you to believe governmental lies?

Why NOW, when it's causing SO much grief, SO much money, and SO much death? Having to develop and use biological warfare and terror tactics............... It doesn't make any sense.

Not that any kind of government has ever done anything logically and smart in the first place............but if there ARE such organizations as these hidden governments that are supposed to be intelligent enough to control the world through massive numbers of human puppets over the centuries........WHY NOW? Why go through all the wars, famine, diseases, and deaths? Why not just grab hold of humanity when it was ripe for the picking, at such point it would be EASY to take over??????

Seems to me, IF there are such organizations, they are ignorant fucks. And like ALL governments and big companies, HAVE NO FREEKING CLUE what they are doing or how to do it, and just making a global fuckfest of it all.
Do you believe Covid-1984 scamdemic is about you health?
If YES you're naive.
The plandemic has been planed for decades, it's goal is the totally elimination of humanity. Look what going on in countries which peoples want to purge satanists from their offices.
The Italian people are demonstrating en masses against the government and the main ports are manned by workers and thousands of citizens. The Italians are fighting against an unelected government that wants to cancel freedoms, but their battle is for the freedom of all.
Did you heard about from MS presstitutes?

This is lunacy... Mass hysteria..
I would advise them to be careful, otherwise it will be like with Poland:

BRUSSELS, Oct 21 –. The European Parliament at its plenary session in Strasbourg approved by a majority vote on Thursday a resolution calling on the European Commission and the EU Council to immediately initiate legal proceedings due to Poland's violation of the principles of the rule of European law, as well as to refuse Warsaw to allocate funds from EU funds to finance a national economic recovery plan after the pandemic.
The resolution was supported by 502 deputies, 153 voted against, 16 abstained.
"The Constitutional Court of Poland has no legal force and independence and has no right to interpret the constitution of the country…

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