The Corona lie. We are at War, who will win? the 99.999% against the 0.001%?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The great story which clearly shows up wjhat's going on today.

We are at war. Yes. And I don’t mean the west against the east, against Russa and China, nor the entire world against an invisible corona virus. No. We, the common people, are at war against an ever more authoritarian and tyrannical elitist Globalist system, reigned by a small group of multi-billionaires, that planned already decades ago to take power over the people, to control them reduce them to what a minute elite believes is an “adequate number” to inhabit Mother Earth – and to digitize and robotize the rest of the survivors, as a sort of serfs. It’s a combination of George Orwell’s “1984” and Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”.
Welcome to the age of the transhumans. If we allow it. That’s why vaccination is needed in warp speed, to inject us with transgenic substances that may change our DNA, lest we may wake up, or at least a critical mass may become conscious – and change the dynamics. Because dynamics are not predictable, especially not in the long-term.
The war is real and the sooner we all realize it, the sooner those in masks and those in social distancing take cognizance of the worldwide dystopian situations we have allowed to become our governments, the better our chance to retake our sovereign selves. Today we are confronted with totally illegal and oppressive rules, all imposed under the pretext of “health protection”. Non-obedience is punishable by huge fines; military and police enforced rules: Mask wearing, social distancing, keeping within the allowed radius of our “homes”, quarantining, staying away from our friends and families.
Actually, the sooner We, the People, will take up an old forgotten characteristic of human kind – “solidarity” – and fight this war with our solidarity, with our love for each other, for mankind, with our love for LIFE and our Love for Mother Earth, the sooner we become again independent, self-assured beings, an attribute we have lost gradually over the last decades, at the latest since the beginning of the neoliberal onslaught of the 1980s. Slice by tiny slice of human rights and civil rights have been cut off under false pretexts and propaganda – “security” – to the point where we begged for more security and gladly gave away more of our freedoms and rights. How sad.
Now, the salami has been sliced away. We suddenly realize, there is nothing left. Its irrecoverable. We have allowed it to happen before our eyes, for promised comfort and propaganda lies by these small groups of elitists – by the Globalists, in their thirst for endless power and endless greed – and endless enlargements of their riches, of their billions. – Are billions of any monetary union “riches”? – Doubtfully. They have no love. No soul, no heart just a mechanical blood-pump that keeps them alive.
These people, the Globalists, they have sunk so deep in their moral dysfunction, totally devoid of ethics, that their time has come – either to be judged against international human rights standards, war crimes and crimes against humanity – similar as was done by the Nuremberg Trials after WWII, or to disappear, blinded away by a new epoch of Light.
As the number of awakening people is increasing, the western Powers that Be (PTB) are becoming increasingly nervous and spare no efforts coercing all kinds of people, para-government, administrative staff, medical personnel, even independent medical doctors into defending and promoting the official narrative.
It is so obvious, when you have known these people in “normal” times, their progressive opinions suddenly turning, by 180 degrees, to the official narrative, defending the government lies, the lies of the bought “scientific Task Forces” that advise the governments, and thereby provide governments with alibis to “tighten the screws” a bit more (Ms. Merkel’s remarks) around the people, the very people the governments should defend and work for; the lies and deceptive messages coming from “scientists” who may have been promised “eternal, endless ladders of careers”, or of lives in a hidden paradise?
What more may they get in turn for trying to subvert their friends’, peers’, patients’ opinions about the horror disease “covid-19”? – Possibly something that is as good a s life itself – and is basically cost free for the avaricious rich. For example, a vax-certificate without having been vaxxed by the toxic injections – opening the world of travel and pleasurable activities to them as “before”.
Other special benefits may include dispensation from social distancing, mask wearing, quarantining – and who knows, a hefty monetary award. Nothing would be surprising, when you see how this tiny evil cell is growing like a cancer to take over full power of the world – including and especially Russia and China, where the bulk of the world’s natural resources are buried, and where technological and economic advances far outrank the greed-economy of the west. They will not succeed.
What if the peons don’t behave? – Job loss, withdrawal of medial licenses, physical threats to families and loved ones, and more.
The Globalists evil actions and influence-peddling is limited in the east, where they are confronted with educated and awakened people.

We are at war. Indeed. The 99.999% against the 0.001%. Their tactics are dividing to conquer, accompanied by this latest brilliant idea – launching an invisible enemy, a virus, a plandemic, and a fear campaign to oppress and tyrannize the entire world, all 193 UN member countries.

China is winning

idiots in America are destroying the greatest economy in the world because of their hysterical fear of the wuflu

Pretty soon this country will be in ruin and the chicoms will sprint ahead
China is winning

idiots in America are destroying the greatest economy in the world because of their hysterical fear of the wuflu

Pretty soon this country will be in ruin and the chicoms will sprint ahead

Because clever Chinese don't allow criminal liars to run their country
You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet: The Worst Is Yet to Come

The aim of power is always more power, and therefore, the powerful never cease in their efforts to fool the people into believing that monsters from afar, or mysterious monsters from within are to be feared by all. Fear breeds weakness, and due to this unnecessary state of mind, dependence on power becomes normalized. Once this societal reliance on the ruling hierarchy is in place, power and control become much easier to achieve. This is all done with smoke and mirrors and the highest level of propaganda, as no reality can support this unwarranted state of confusion and vulnerability by the majority that has by design led to the surrender of freedom due only to deceit.

What has been witnessed this past year is unbelievable, and in any sane world, it should serve as the impetus for the people to stand up and fight against any and all forms of governance by the few that have been allowed to demand compliance to its nefarious mandates. Laying blame at the feet of government and those that command them is absurd, because it is “you the people” that have given up and refused to hold and defend your own liberty. Freedom cannot survive in any system that allows a ruling class to exist, whether by farcical representation or not. The notions of a democracy, or as the very misguided supporters of what is called a republic support, are both nearly identical. The former relies on what is said to be ‘mob’ rule, while the latter relies on ‘mob’ rule through a handful of powerful surrogates. This is all based on the idea that the people are too stupid to rule themselves, and can only function by allowing a despotic president and 535 criminal proxy agents out of a population of 325 million to make and enforce all the rules. This system caused the ultimate demise of the freedom of an entire country. This is what the people allowed, and this is why we all face the end of what began as a country based on individual freedom due to the natural and inherent rights of mankind. This was never due to any piece of government paper, but was accepted as sacred doctrine due to man’s ability to rule himself.


All is not lost however, as all of you still have the upper hand; at least for the moment. There are 325 million people in this country, and only a few at the top that need to be opposed. The enforcers will quickly become impotent if their betters are not only threatened, but their power taken from them by the sheer numbers of those opposing their rule. Disobedience and non-compliance by the masses is key, and nothing of value can be gained unless the people at large refuse to take any orders from federal and state officials that restrict or disallow normal behavior in any way. This is the only solution that seems viable. Catherine Austin Fitts lays out what is coming in her great interview titled “Planet Lockdown.”

This is a monumental effort by the evil among us to change the course of life on earth, and only by fighting for your own freedom can we survive and retain a world of hope and dreams instead of death and destruction.
China is winning

idiots in America are destroying the greatest economy in the world because of their hysterical fear of the wuflu

Pretty soon this country will be in ruin and the chicoms will sprint ahead

That's already happening, thanks to nitwits like the OP.
China is winning

idiots in America are destroying the greatest economy in the world because of their hysterical fear of the wuflu

Pretty soon this country will be in ruin and the chicoms will sprint ahead

Because clever Chinese don't allow criminal liars to run their country
Wanna bet? The CCP is run by criminal liars, an the CCP runs China.

China is winning

idiots in America are destroying the greatest economy in the world because of their hysterical fear of the wuflu

Pretty soon this country will be in ruin and the chicoms will sprint ahead
China has won. They have a fully compliant American government and a demented figurehead at the helm.
The great story which clearly shows up wjhat's going on today.

We are at war. Yes. And I don’t mean the west against the east, against Russa and China, nor the entire world against an invisible corona virus. No. We, the common people, are at war against an ever more authoritarian and tyrannical elitist Globalist system, reigned by a small group of multi-billionaires, that planned already decades ago to take power over the people, to control them reduce them to what a minute elite believes is an “adequate number” to inhabit Mother Earth – and to digitize and robotize the rest of the survivors, as a sort of serfs. It’s a combination of George Orwell’s “1984” and Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”.
Welcome to the age of the transhumans. If we allow it. That’s why vaccination is needed in warp speed, to inject us with transgenic substances that may change our DNA, lest we may wake up, or at least a critical mass may become conscious – and change the dynamics. Because dynamics are not predictable, especially not in the long-term.
The war is real and the sooner we all realize it, the sooner those in masks and those in social distancing take cognizance of the worldwide dystopian situations we have allowed to become our governments, the better our chance to retake our sovereign selves. Today we are confronted with totally illegal and oppressive rules, all imposed under the pretext of “health protection”. Non-obedience is punishable by huge fines; military and police enforced rules: Mask wearing, social distancing, keeping within the allowed radius of our “homes”, quarantining, staying away from our friends and families.
Actually, the sooner We, the People, will take up an old forgotten characteristic of human kind – “solidarity” – and fight this war with our solidarity, with our love for each other, for mankind, with our love for LIFE and our Love for Mother Earth, the sooner we become again independent, self-assured beings, an attribute we have lost gradually over the last decades, at the latest since the beginning of the neoliberal onslaught of the 1980s. Slice by tiny slice of human rights and civil rights have been cut off under false pretexts and propaganda – “security” – to the point where we begged for more security and gladly gave away more of our freedoms and rights. How sad.
Now, the salami has been sliced away. We suddenly realize, there is nothing left. Its irrecoverable. We have allowed it to happen before our eyes, for promised comfort and propaganda lies by these small groups of elitists – by the Globalists, in their thirst for endless power and endless greed – and endless enlargements of their riches, of their billions. – Are billions of any monetary union “riches”? – Doubtfully. They have no love. No soul, no heart just a mechanical blood-pump that keeps them alive.
These people, the Globalists, they have sunk so deep in their moral dysfunction, totally devoid of ethics, that their time has come – either to be judged against international human rights standards, war crimes and crimes against humanity – similar as was done by the Nuremberg Trials after WWII, or to disappear, blinded away by a new epoch of Light.
As the number of awakening people is increasing, the western Powers that Be (PTB) are becoming increasingly nervous and spare no efforts coercing all kinds of people, para-government, administrative staff, medical personnel, even independent medical doctors into defending and promoting the official narrative.
It is so obvious, when you have known these people in “normal” times, their progressive opinions suddenly turning, by 180 degrees, to the official narrative, defending the government lies, the lies of the bought “scientific Task Forces” that advise the governments, and thereby provide governments with alibis to “tighten the screws” a bit more (Ms. Merkel’s remarks) around the people, the very people the governments should defend and work for; the lies and deceptive messages coming from “scientists” who may have been promised “eternal, endless ladders of careers”, or of lives in a hidden paradise?
What more may they get in turn for trying to subvert their friends’, peers’, patients’ opinions about the horror disease “covid-19”? – Possibly something that is as good a s life itself – and is basically cost free for the avaricious rich. For example, a vax-certificate without having been vaxxed by the toxic injections – opening the world of travel and pleasurable activities to them as “before”.
Other special benefits may include dispensation from social distancing, mask wearing, quarantining – and who knows, a hefty monetary award. Nothing would be surprising, when you see how this tiny evil cell is growing like a cancer to take over full power of the world – including and especially Russia and China, where the bulk of the world’s natural resources are buried, and where technological and economic advances far outrank the greed-economy of the west. They will not succeed.
What if the peons don’t behave? – Job loss, withdrawal of medial licenses, physical threats to families and loved ones, and more.
The Globalists evil actions and influence-peddling is limited in the east, where they are confronted with educated and awakened people.

We are at war. Indeed. The 99.999% against the 0.001%. Their tactics are dividing to conquer, accompanied by this latest brilliant idea – launching an invisible enemy, a virus, a plandemic, and a fear campaign to oppress and tyrannize the entire world, all 193 UN member countries.

You need to meet another USMB poster, MisterBeale.
Because clever Chinese don't allow criminal liars to run their country

They don't?

That's already happening, thanks to nitwits like the OP
The OP is not responsible for the wuflu or the reaction to the disease by petty dictators on the left in cities and states, along with freaked out libs who are afraid to come out of their basement

he writes:

Today we are confronted with totally illegal and oppressive rules, all imposed under the pretext of “health protection”. Non-obedience is punishable by huge fines; military and police enforced rules: Mask wearing, social distancing, keeping within the allowed radius of our “homes”, quarantining, staying away from our friends and families.
China is winning

idiots in America are destroying the greatest economy in the world because of their hysterical fear of the wuflu

Pretty soon this country will be in ruin and the chicoms will sprint ahead

Because clever Chinese don't allow criminal liars to run their country

Of course they do. That's all a Communist Gov is.
China has won. They have a fully compliant American government and a demented figurehead at the helm
It goes beyond that

China has bought the loyalty of members of congress, academia, the media and even sports groups like the NBA

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