It would seem Israel has the same problem we do.

From your link;

The prime minister's sudden turnaround toward victory took place after an 11th-hour effort to appeal to nationalist Israelis by pledging not to support an independent Palestinian state, and by warning voters of Arab citizens being bused to the polls in "droves" by left-wing organizations — comments that drew rebukes from Israeli Arabs and the White House.​

What are the odds that there is a growing "Arab citizens" demographic in Israel?

The fearmongering by the extreme far right in Israel looks pretty much identical to the fearmongering by the extreme far right in this nation where there is a growing "Hispanic citizens" demographic.

So yes, Israel probably does have a "similar problem" but it isn't what you believe it is because you are part of the problem rather than the solution.

These demographic changes will inevitably side with the political parties that welcome them and offer to help them assimilate and become part of the future of these nations.

The fear based extreme right is fighting a losing battle that it cannot win either here or in Israel.
From your link;

The prime minister's sudden turnaround toward victory took place after an 11th-hour effort to appeal to nationalist Israelis by pledging not to support an independent Palestinian state, and by warning voters of Arab citizens being bused to the polls in "droves" by left-wing organizations — comments that drew rebukes from Israeli Arabs and the White House.​

What are the odds that there is a growing "Arab citizens" demographic in Israel?

The fearmongering by the extreme far right in Israel looks pretty much identical to the fearmongering by the extreme far right in this nation where there is a growing "Hispanic citizens" demographic.

So yes, Israel probably does have a "similar problem" but it isn't what you believe it is because you are part of the problem rather than the solution.

These demographic changes will inevitably side with the political parties that welcome them and offer to help them assimilate and become part of the future of these nations.

The fear based extreme right is fighting a losing battle that it cannot win either here or in Israel.

Arab citizens being bused to the polls in "droves" by left-wing organizations

Israel allows Arab citizens to vote?
How many Arab countries allow Arabs to vote?
From your link;

The prime minister's sudden turnaround toward victory took place after an 11th-hour effort to appeal to nationalist Israelis by pledging not to support an independent Palestinian state, and by warning voters of Arab citizens being bused to the polls in "droves" by left-wing organizations — comments that drew rebukes from Israeli Arabs and the White House.​

What are the odds that there is a growing "Arab citizens" demographic in Israel?

The fearmongering by the extreme far right in Israel looks pretty much identical to the fearmongering by the extreme far right in this nation where there is a growing "Hispanic citizens" demographic.

So yes, Israel probably does have a "similar problem" but it isn't what you believe it is because you are part of the problem rather than the solution.

These demographic changes will inevitably side with the political parties that welcome them and offer to help them assimilate and become part of the future of these nations.

The fear based extreme right is fighting a losing battle that it cannot win either here or in Israel.
Fearmongering is key word for the right is the the truth. Good win Bibi.
From your link;

The prime minister's sudden turnaround toward victory took place after an 11th-hour effort to appeal to nationalist Israelis by pledging not to support an independent Palestinian state, and by warning voters of Arab citizens being bused to the polls in "droves" by left-wing organizations — comments that drew rebukes from Israeli Arabs and the White House.​

What are the odds that there is a growing "Arab citizens" demographic in Israel?

The fearmongering by the extreme far right in Israel looks pretty much identical to the fearmongering by the extreme far right in this nation where there is a growing "Hispanic citizens" demographic.

So yes, Israel probably does have a "similar problem" but it isn't what you believe it is because you are part of the problem rather than the solution.

These demographic changes will inevitably side with the political parties that welcome them and offer to help them assimilate and become part of the future of these nations.

The fear based extreme right is fighting a losing battle that it cannot win either here or in Israel.

Arab citizens being bused to the polls in "droves" by left-wing organizations

Israel allows Arab citizens to vote?
How many Arab countries allow Arabs to vote?
Lefties are as crooked in Israel as in the US I see.
It would seem Israel has the same problem we do.

Yes, to many rightwing christers sticking their nose in everyone business
Israel will either reduce or eliminate the Arabs among them or it will not exist.

If America does not reduce or eliminate its immigrant population it will still exist, just in little pieces.
It would seem Israel has the same problem we do.

Yes, to many rightwing christers sticking their nose in everyone business
No, it has stupid libtard socialists, they are the idiots that stick their noses in everyone's business.
Israel has the same problem we do. An ignorant self destructive left that would sell out its security for a foolish dream that their enemies will suddenly like them.

For liberal Israelis Netanyahu s win is a reality check - Yahoo News

Self loathing hateful of those that disagree with them and bent on self destruction.

take a shower and see your shrink
Take your own advice retard.
Subhuman goyim
I agree completely with the OP !!:thup:

It is indeed hard to understand how some progressive left wingers in Israel , whose very survival is in danger everyday, would be so critically destructive against those who are doing their best to protect them.

In any other Middle Eastern country these misguided, treacherous, fools would be seen as traitors and wouldn't last long....but Israel is a democracy, and in democracies, - of course - every idiot is entitled to voice their opinions.
I agree completely with the OP !!:thup:

It is indeed hard to understand how some progressive left wingers in Israel , whose very survival is in danger everyday, would be so critically destructive against those who are doing their best to protect them.

In any other Middle Eastern country these misguided, treacherous, fools would be seen as traitors and wouldn't last long....but Israel is a democracy, and in democracies, - of course - every idiot is entitled to voice their opinions.

Speaking as one of those idiots willing to voice their opinions can I ask you a question?

There are two options as I see them in Israel.

One path leads to a militarized state under constant threat of attack where civil liberties are suspended and anyone daring to question the state is considered to be a traitor.

The other is for Israeli Jews and Arabs to find a way to peacefully coexist to whatever extent that is possible in that region so that civil liberties, rights and freedoms can be maintained for everyone.

So my question is which of those options is the future you would want for yourself and your own children and grandchildren if you were living in Israel?

Israel has the same problem we do. An ignorant self destructive left that would sell out its security for a foolish dream that their enemies will suddenly like them.

For liberal Israelis Netanyahu s win is a reality check - Yahoo News

Self loathing hateful of those that disagree with them and bent on self destruction.

take a shower and see your shrink
Take your own advice retard.
Subhuman goyim
If you made any sense whatsoever you would be relevant, but you are just a delusional psycopathic libtard.
I agree completely with the OP !!:thup:

It is indeed hard to understand how some progressive left wingers in Israel , whose very survival is in danger everyday, would be so critically destructive against those who are doing their best to protect them.

In any other Middle Eastern country these misguided, treacherous, fools would be seen as traitors and wouldn't last long....but Israel is a democracy, and in democracies, - of course - every idiot is entitled to voice their opinions.

Speaking as one of those idiots willing to voice their opinions can I ask you a question?

There are two options as I see them in Israel.

One path leads to a militarized state under constant threat of attack where civil liberties are suspended and anyone daring to question the state is considered to be a traitor.

The other is for Israeli Jews and Arabs to find a way to peacefully coexist to whatever extent that is possible in that region so that civil liberties, rights and freedoms can be maintained for everyone.

So my question is which of those options is the future you would want for yourself and your own children and grandchildren if you were living in Israel?

There is no living in peace with a group of people bent on the destruction and elimination of the Jew. Israel tried TWICE to create a Palestinian State and were met with War. They have tried for years to live in peace and were met with suicide attacks bombs mortars missiles and rockets. You are to stupid to grasp that, there are those in Israel that are not.
I agree completely with the OP !!:thup:

It is indeed hard to understand how some progressive left wingers in Israel , whose very survival is in danger everyday, would be so critically destructive against those who are doing their best to protect them.

In any other Middle Eastern country these misguided, treacherous, fools would be seen as traitors and wouldn't last long....but Israel is a democracy, and in democracies, - of course - every idiot is entitled to voice their opinions.

Speaking as one of those idiots willing to voice their opinions can I ask you a question?

There are two options as I see them in Israel.

One path leads to a militarized state under constant threat of attack where civil liberties are suspended and anyone daring to question the state is considered to be a traitor.

The other is for Israeli Jews and Arabs to find a way to peacefully coexist to whatever extent that is possible in that region so that civil liberties, rights and freedoms can be maintained for everyone.

So my question is which of those options is the future you would want for yourself and your own children and grandchildren if you were living in Israel?


Sunni and Shiite are both Muslim and haven't found a way to live together; and in fact have been killing each other for hundreds of years. Do you really think that either will make peace with what both perceive to be their historical enemy?

When they fix the Sunni/Shiite problem there may be some hope. Until then, there seems to be little chance for peace.

I agree completely with the OP !!:thup:

It is indeed hard to understand how some progressive left wingers in Israel , whose very survival is in danger everyday, would be so critically destructive against those who are doing their best to protect them.

In any other Middle Eastern country these misguided, treacherous, fools would be seen as traitors and wouldn't last long....but Israel is a democracy, and in democracies, - of course - every idiot is entitled to voice their opinions.

Speaking as one of those idiots willing to voice their opinions can I ask you a question?

There are two options as I see them in Israel.

One path leads to a militarized state under constant threat of attack where civil liberties are suspended and anyone daring to question the state is considered to be a traitor.

The other is for Israeli Jews and Arabs to find a way to peacefully coexist to whatever extent that is possible in that region so that civil liberties, rights and freedoms can be maintained for everyone.

So my question is which of those options is the future you would want for yourself and your own children and grandchildren if you were living in Israel?


Obviously peaceful coexistance is the only practical option for any sane, humane person.

Unfortunately this option does not depend on Israel's goodwill but rather depends completely on the Palestinians changing their poisonous agenda..

What is required of them is the recognizion of Israel as a Jewish State, the end of all terrorism and the endoctrination of their children with hatred against Israel and Jews, stopping their destructive unilateral approach at the United Nations, ...the list goes on and on.

Don't forget that Barack and Olmud both offered the Palestinians a peace deal giving them well over 90% of their claims, of course this wasn't good enough because their hidden agenda is for the total obliteration of Israel.

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