It will be a great day when George Soros dies

Those three .....very, very evil..... Globlalists ......New World Order...... not good human beings, not at all.

There is no excuse for the liberal attitude toward crime
How about self-defense? This guy pays his puppets around the world to enslave people and to create conditions that result in loss of life, limb and liberty for untold thousands of not millions. The only thing about that is his empire will simply be perpetuated by his lieutenants around the world. Look how long some empires and dynasties lasted in past centuries! Rome was not created nor destroyed in a day. Various emperors and senators continued the traditions of corruption long after the original proponents returned to dust.
I liked the part where Soros was about to kill Luke, but then Darth Vader finally grabbed him and tossed him over the edge and into the abyss.
i don't wish death on anyone. why not just wish that George's influence in the world wanes, so he can do no harm to anyone. that's what i wish for!
Nice attempt at a gotcha moment. What you don't seem to realize is I am not fan of Joe Biden.
Both wings are from the same bird.
Oh, so you either don't vote or throw away your vote on a third party candidate and then bitch about the people who get the job.

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