It was no need in D-Day


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Russia had already smashed Hitler after four long years of war, Germany was already defeated and practically clinically dead. The 'brave' allies waited for the Third Reich got weak and than entered the war. Where were US, UK and other troops before?
Russia had already smashed Hitler after four long years of war, Germany was already defeated and practically clinically dead. The 'brave' allies waited for the Third Reich got weak and than entered the war. Where were US, UK and other troops before?

Fighting in the Pacific, North Africa, Italy, the North Atlantic...…..
Russia had already smashed Hitler after four long years of war, Germany was already defeated and practically clinically dead. The 'brave' allies waited for the Third Reich got weak and than entered the war. Where were US, UK and other troops before?

Fighting in the Pacific, North Africa, Italy, the North Atlantic...…..

...against a couple of tired German troops in the end of WWII?
Russia had already smashed Hitler after four long years of war, Germany was already defeated and practically clinically dead. The 'brave' allies waited for the Third Reich got weak and than entered the war. Where were US, UK and other troops before?

Fighting in the Pacific, North Africa, Italy, the North Atlantic...…..

...against a couple of tired German troops in the end of WWII?
Germany was too much of a chicken to invade the US...
Russia had already smashed Hitler after four long years of war, Germany was already defeated and practically clinically dead. The 'brave' allies waited for the Third Reich got weak and than entered the war. Where were US, UK and other troops before?

Tell that to the boys in the Ardennes when the Battle of Bulge almost gave the Gerry's the breakthrough they needed to split our forces and drive us back to Normandy. I appreciate Normandy although Ike's naval batteries missed most of the Nazi pillboxes and yet he went ahead at high tide....they don't talk about the GIs that drowned before they ever got ashore. I'm not saying there was a viable alternative but the timing was terrible.
Left: French while entering Hitler into Paris

Right: Russians while entering of Hitler into Stalingrad

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Russia had already smashed Hitler after four long years of war, Germany was already defeated and practically clinically dead. The 'brave' allies waited for the Third Reich got weak and than entered the war. Where were US, UK and other troops before?

The fog of war and knowledge of recent history is something we can't always appreciate 75 years later.


-less than two decades previously the Russians fell out of the War to End All Wars after a revolution

-the Germans just MIGHT HAVE developed an A-Bomb before '46, '47 or whenever Stalin made it to Paris. In hindsight we have an idea of how inferior German technology was but at the time we weren't sure, and that would be a heck of a thing to gamble with

-The UK was out to avenge themselves! Manning up and doing your part was a thing. We can both debate if the UK war effort was the end of their empire but can't accuse them of not giving it their all/last.

-I still see casualty figures all over the place. Even as late as the ill conceived Citadel offensive in summer of '43 the Germans were still killing Russians en masse. We talking someplace between 1 to 2 and 1 to 6 kill ratios. Battle of Kursk - Wikipedia Unfortunately its amazing how effective the German land forces were even in failed assaults.

-Stalin was a monster. His allies knew it. If the Germans weren't such narcissistic genocidal political idiots the Brits, Charles Lindbergh, us normal peeps and the French just may have helped them fight Russia. Think people like Political Chick gives FDR a hard time now, if he hadn't prevented the iron curtain from being put up on the French coast I might have a difficult time with it.
Russia had already smashed Hitler after four long years of war, Germany was already defeated and practically clinically dead. The 'brave' allies waited for the Third Reich got weak and than entered the war. Where were US, UK and other troops before?

Good Night.... I suggest you do a little reading.
One little diddy that most people do not know, because our pitiful apologist education system that is currently down playing Americas role and glorifying if they won WW II single handily... Stalin and Hitler worked together prior to WW II to help Germany build it's army. They provided training and intelligence in mechanizing Germanys woeful military. Without Russias direct assistance WW II would have never happened. Not a chance.
Russia also invaded Finland immediately following Hitler invading Poland.
Russia is at least as much fault for starting WW II as Germany.
So, there was no way America/UK/France was going to allow Russia to move in on Germany. There would have been no East/West Germany...Germany would have become a province of the Soviet Union and TODAY - The Soviet Union would be the world power and not America.
Russia had already smashed Hitler after four long years of war, Germany was already defeated and practically clinically dead. The 'brave' allies waited for the Third Reich got weak and than entered the war. Where were US, UK and other troops before?

Our war was with Japan.
Russia had already smashed Hitler after four long years of war, Germany was already defeated and practically clinically dead. The 'brave' allies waited for the Third Reich got weak and than entered the war. Where were US, UK and other troops before?

Enjoy that private Idaho of yours.
The likelihood is high that Stalin would have rolled right through Germany and made all of western Europe Soviet satellite states.

Yep, it is the main reason why USA went to the war
The main reason Murica went to war was because FDR had to have a way to distract from his fascisitc New Deal being a towering failure....Total economic mobilization for the war effort bailed him out.
At the time preceding WWII, the U.S. was isolationist and still remembered WWI which was not a fond memory. They wanted to stay out of another "European War". Some people think Roosevelt knew Pearl Harbor would be attacked and let it happen so we would have no choice but to enter the war. Germany declaring war on the U.S. after Pearl Harbor was the stupidest thing Hitler ever did.
Russia had already smashed Hitler after four long years of war, Germany was already defeated and practically clinically dead. The 'brave' allies waited for the Third Reich got weak and than entered the war. Where were US, UK and other troops before?

Good Night.... I suggest you do a little reading.
One little diddy that most people do not know, because our pitiful apologist education system that is currently down playing Americas role and glorifying if they won WW II single handily... Stalin and Hitler worked together prior to WW II to help Germany build it's army. They provided training and intelligence in mechanizing Germanys woeful military. Without Russias direct assistance WW II would have never happened. Not a chance.
Russia also invaded Finland immediately following Hitler invading Poland.
Russia is at least as much fault for starting WW II as Germany.
So, there was no way America/UK/France was going to allow Russia to move in on Germany. There would have been no East/West Germany...Germany would have become a province of the Soviet Union and TODAY - The Soviet Union would be the world power and not America.
great post , Koba and Lenin started ww2 ALREADY in 1918 with occupation of BNR, UPR, etc.

Who Started World War II? by Viktor Suvorov"
Russia had already smashed Hitler after four long years of war, Germany was already defeated and practically clinically dead. The 'brave' allies waited for the Third Reich got weak and than entered the war. Where were US, UK and other troops before?

The fog of war and knowledge of recent history is something we can't always appreciate 75 years later.


-less than two decades previously the Russians fell out of the War to End All Wars after a revolution

-the Germans just MIGHT HAVE developed an A-Bomb before '46, '47 or whenever Stalin made it to Paris. In hindsight we have an idea of how inferior German technology was but at the time we weren't sure, and that would be a heck of a thing to gamble with

-The UK was out to avenge themselves! Manning up and doing your part was a thing. We can both debate if the UK war effort was the end of their empire but can't accuse them of not giving it their all/last.

-I still see casualty figures all over the place. Even as late as the ill conceived Citadel offensive in summer of '43 the Germans were still killing Russians en masse. We talking someplace between 1 to 2 and 1 to 6 kill ratios. Battle of Kursk - Wikipedia Unfortunately its amazing how effective the German land forces were even in failed assaults.

-Stalin was a monster. His allies knew it. If the Germans weren't such narcissistic genocidal political idiots the Brits, Charles Lindbergh, us normal peeps and the French just may have helped them fight Russia. Think people like Political Chick gives FDR a hard time now, if he hadn't prevented the iron curtain from being put up on the French coast I might have a difficult time with it.

The facts speak another language.


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