It took only 2 days for the MISERY to escalate under Obama

So companies like the Coal company in Utah can use Obama to blame for laying people off.

Not the accident they had that killed 9 people and got them a million dollar fine... Nope... it's Obama's fault.

That was in 2009 you ignorant fuck. You actually provided me the link in another thread. They are going out of business in 2012 due to Obama policy not some fucking obsession you have about a fine they dealt with in 2009.

Actually, they aren't going out of business even now.

I just find it amusing that these "heroes" you guys are touting for firing people in retalation for Obama getting re-elected are the same worthless fucks who are so slack on worker safety that lots of people die on their watch.

I mean, shit, I've worked for some shitty employers, but no one ever died. There's that.

So as I keep asking you (and you refuse to answer), why don't you start your own company and be the big hero to "the people"? You can spend billions making sure it is 100% safe and pay each employee 8-figures. Think about what a patriot you would be!

What? What's that you say? You're too lazy to start a business? You'd rather stay home crying like a little bitch? Oh, ok....
“You can’t love jobs and hate job creators,” he added, “and [President Obama] hates jobs creators.” - Art Laffer

Make no mistake, Obama doesn't want to see people employed because he wants them beholden to government, and thus, him. He wants them dependent on him for everything, so he can control them just like slaves.

Except Repubs aren't job creators. There was one headline out there saying a guy in Vegas fired 22 people when Obama was elected. How can you say they are job creators? They never create jobs, they take away jobs. They employ as few people as possible and make them work twice as hard so they can fill their own pockets.

Job creators.. :lmao:

Wow is that a reckless statement from an uniformed liberal (typical). Where is your evidence that they "employ as few people as possible and make them work twice as hard"?!?

It's amazing how liberals are so fuck'n lazy, they complain about having to actually work when they are paid to do a job...
“You can’t love jobs and hate job creators,” he added, “and [President Obama] hates jobs creators.” - Art Laffer

Make no mistake, Obama doesn't want to see people employed because he wants them beholden to government, and thus, him. He wants them dependent on him for everything, so he can control them just like slaves.

You can always tell when Poodle is losing an argument- his fonts get bigger.

Here's the reality. The rich don't create jobs.

Consumers create jobs. The rich just take advantage, which is what they do.

A rich guy can put a billion dollars into a factory that makes Shit Sandwiches, and he'll go out of business the minute the money runs out, because no one wants to buy a shit sandwich. I mean, they might make a few sales with a slick advertising campaign. They even get working people to vote Republican, so anything is possible.

But at the end of the day, jobs are created because people want things that people make or do. Which is why this silliness that we just need to cut taxes on rich douchebags to get the economy moving is bunk.

We have never gotten out of recession without a major investment in government spending.

Not once.

Once again, you defeat your own argument! :rofl:

Hey genius.... if jobs are created because people "want things", then wouldn't cutting taxes leave more money in their pockets to buy those things they want and this create more demand?

Furthermore, demand drives supply. If there are no "evil rich people" building the products the people "want", then their "want" means nothing and does nothing for job creation. God you are the dumbest twit in America! I've told you this a thousand times and you're still too stupid to understand it. No wonder you won't start your own business, you can't even understand the fundamental basics of business that 10 year olds are taught.
We have never gotten out of recession without a major investment in government spending.

Not once.

JoeB. is a danger to himself and society when he attempts to think.

We have over spent by $16 trillion fucking dollars. That's not what we've spent, that's what we've over spent.

So logic would dictate that if government spending magically got nations out of recessions and into flourishing economies, we would never have gotten into a recession and we would have had a flourishing economy for the past 100 years.

JoeB. has never made even a remotely competent post. Not once.
That was in 2009 you ignorant fuck. You actually provided me the link in another thread. They are going out of business in 2012 due to Obama policy not some fucking obsession you have about a fine they dealt with in 2009.

Actually, they aren't going out of business even now.

I just find it amusing that these "heroes" you guys are touting for firing people in retalation for Obama getting re-elected are the same worthless fucks who are so slack on worker safety that lots of people die on their watch.

I mean, shit, I've worked for some shitty employers, but no one ever died. There's that.

So as I keep asking you (and you refuse to answer), why don't you start your own company and be the big hero to "the people"? You can spend billions making sure it is 100% safe and pay each employee 8-figures. Think about what a patriot you would be!

What? What's that you say? You're too lazy to start a business? You'd rather stay home crying like a little bitch? Oh, ok....

See, Poodles Fonts get bigger when he's desperate. He still doesn't understand why people aren't bending over for the Plutocrats like he does.

If I won a lottery ticket or something, I wouldn't go into a business where I fuck over people. I'd pay them fairly and I'd run a safe shop. Incidently, good bosses do exactly that.

Shitty bosses don't, and they are the type that think Romney would have been a wonderful president.
We have never gotten out of recession without a major investment in government spending.

Not once.

JoeB. is a danger to himself and society when he attempts to think.

We have over spent by $16 trillion fucking dollars. That's not what we've spent, that's what we've over spent.

So logic would dictate that if government spending magically got nations out of recessions and into flourishing economies, we would never have gotten into a recession and we would have had a flourishing economy for the past 100 years.

JoeB. has never made even a remotely competent post. Not once.

We didn't "overspend", we under taxed.

Most of that 16 Trillion were things Republicans agreed we had to do. Wars, roads, bridges, making sure Granny wasn't eating Alpo. Both parties own that debt, and both parties borrowed because it was the path of least resistance compared to raising taxes or cutting programs, both of which would have been unpopular.

That said, simple logic, every recession we've been in, we've had a flurry of federal spending, which lifted us out, and then - usually- debts contracted as we recovered.

Case in point, we finally got out of the Great Depression because of WWII, and we had a national debt that exceeded GDP. By 1959, we had reduced Debt to GDP ratio to 50%.

Then your boy Reagan had some crazy idea about cutting the taxes of the wealthy... and Debt to GDP ratio soared again.

Clinton raised taxes on the rich, and it started to go down again, and the country prospered. Then Bush cut them again, and lo and behold, we are at the current state.

We have never gotten out of recession without a major investment in government spending.

Not once.

JoeB. is a danger to himself and society when he attempts to think.

We have over spent by $16 trillion fucking dollars. That's not what we've spent, that's what we've over spent.

So logic would dictate that if government spending magically got nations out of recessions and into flourishing economies, we would never have gotten into a recession and we would have had a flourishing economy for the past 100 years.

JoeB. has never made even a remotely competent post. Not once.

We didn't "overspend", we under taxed.

Most of that 16 Trillion were things Republicans agreed we had to do. Wars, roads, bridges, making sure Granny wasn't eating Alpo. Both parties own that debt, and both parties borrowed because it was the path of least resistance compared to raising taxes or cutting programs, both of which would have been unpopular.

That said, simple logic, every recession we've been in, we've had a flurry of federal spending, which lifted us out, and then - usually- debts contracted as we recovered.

Case in point, we finally got out of the Great Depression because of WWII, and we had a national debt that exceeded GDP. By 1959, we had reduced Debt to GDP ratio to 50%.

Then your boy Reagan had some crazy idea about cutting the taxes of the wealthy... and Debt to GDP ratio soared again.

Clinton raised taxes on the rich, and it started to go down again, and the country prospered. Then Bush cut them again, and lo and behold, we are at the current state.

I bet you're also blaming Bush for the budget of 2009?
“You can’t love jobs and hate job creators,” he added, “and [President Obama] hates jobs creators.” - Art Laffer

Make no mistake, Obama doesn't want to see people employed because he wants them beholden to government, and thus, him. He wants them dependent on him for everything, so he can control them just like slaves.

It takes an extremely stupid individual to believe this crap. I suppose Bush hated America too since he caused the recession, right? The reason Bush took us to war was because he hated American soldiers and wanted to see them die and lose their arms, legs, and balls in some cases.

See how that works asswipe.

Once again, you defeat your own argument! :rofl:

Hey genius.... if jobs are created because people "want things", then wouldn't cutting taxes leave more money in their pockets to buy those things they want and this create more demand?

Furthermore, demand drives supply. If there are no "evil rich people" building the products the people "want", then their "want" means nothing and does nothing for job creation. God you are the dumbest twit in America! I've told you this a thousand times and you're still too stupid to understand it. No wonder you won't start your own business, you can't even understand the fundamental basics of business that 10 year olds are taught.

Ooooh, Poodle, the point is, Government spending puts money in people's pockets better than giving it to rich people. That's the point.

Rich people tend to sit on it unless they think they can make more money.

Government uses that to build schools and roads and stuff, and that means working folks have stuff in their pockets. Simple math. Government spending is good for the economy.

Incidently, probably know more about business than you do, as I negotiate 4 million in purchases every year...

The wealthy are parasites that have convinced stupid people they are vital organs. We had a more prosperous country when they paid a top 93% marginal rate and working folks were mostly unionized. Again, look at the chart. The period when Debt to GDP ratio nose dived was when the rich paid their fair share.
Shut the fuck up, factory worker.


Once again, you defeat your own argument! :rofl:

Hey genius.... if jobs are created because people "want things", then wouldn't cutting taxes leave more money in their pockets to buy those things they want and this create more demand?

Furthermore, demand drives supply. If there are no "evil rich people" building the products the people "want", then their "want" means nothing and does nothing for job creation. God you are the dumbest twit in America! I've told you this a thousand times and you're still too stupid to understand it. No wonder you won't start your own business, you can't even understand the fundamental basics of business that 10 year olds are taught.

Ooooh, Poodle, the point is, Government spending puts money in people's pockets better than giving it to rich people. That's the point.

Rich people tend to sit on it unless they think they can make more money.

Government uses that to build schools and roads and stuff, and that means working folks have stuff in their pockets. Simple math. Government spending is good for the economy.

Incidently, probably know more about business than you do, as I negotiate 4 million in purchases every year...

The wealthy are parasites that have convinced stupid people they are vital organs. We had a more prosperous country when they paid a top 93% marginal rate and working folks were mostly unionized. Again, look at the chart. The period when Debt to GDP ratio nose dived was when the rich paid their fair share.
It was the damndest thing in economics. I mean on Monday all is well companies are making a profit and things humming along, then the election and the very next day no profit, companies suddenly ready to under and people have to be fired. Really amazing. Makes one wonder.
It was the damndest thing in economics. I mean on Monday all is well companies are making a profit and things humming along, then the election and the very next day no profit, companies suddenly ready to under and people have to be fired. Really amazing. Makes one wonder.
There's nothing to wonder about you were warned about this happening. Companies are preparing for obamatax and instability.
Uh, companies have been losing money.

The stock market is a crapshoot for investors that are hedging their bets a company will do well down the road. Many investors thought Romney was going to win but once the idiots elected Obamination, the stock market crashed.

Companies and investors don't like Obamination because he is stupid and he is coming after them with more taxes and regulation so he can spend their money on his ghetto trash buddies. The US leads the industrial world with its corporate tax rate, but of course that isn't high enough for Obamination...

It was the damndest thing in economics. I mean on Monday all is well companies are making a profit and things humming along, then the election and the very next day no profit, companies suddenly ready to under and people have to be fired. Really amazing. Makes one wonder.
Uh, companies have been losing money.

The stock market is a crapshoot for investors that are hedging their bets a company will do well down the road. Many investors thought Romney was going to win but once the idiots elected Obamination, the stock market crashed.

Companies and investors don't like Obamination because he is stupid and he is coming after them with more taxes and regulation so he can spend their money on his ghetto trash buddies. The US leads the industrial world with its corporate tax rate, but of course that isn't high enough for Obamination...

It was the damndest thing in economics. I mean on Monday all is well companies are making a profit and things humming along, then the election and the very next day no profit, companies suddenly ready to under and people have to be fired. Really amazing. Makes one wonder.

That would be correct what happen to chris and his stock market up date?

Nov. 7 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks slumped, giving the Dow Jones Industrial Average its biggest decline in a year, as investors’ focus turned to the budget debate and Europe’s debt crisis following President Barack Obama’s re-election.

Read more: Dow Average Tumbles Most in 1 Year After Presidential Elections - SFGate
they're out of work because the employers can't foot the bill for obamacare. They tried to tell you asswipe democraps that but you shoved that peice of shit down Americas throat anyway. Now you get to reap what you done sowed. And, America deserves it.

I'm still waiting for you guys to tell me what ObamaCare did that was so bad, that it caused unemployment years before it was even passed.

Medical costs have been increasing at 3 times the rate of inflation for years... ObamaCare actually controls some of that. Not enough. We should go to single payer like every other country has, and the rich get the same medical care as the poor. That would fix the system.

Yeah. . . we should go to single payer like every other country has, and the rich get the same crappy healthcare as the poor. . .
The reason medical costs have been increasing at 3 times the rate of theft (let's call "inflation" what it really is) is Government Intervention. Prohibiting medical insurance to be bought except within the state one resides in. . . mandating every stupid elective surgery under the sun. . .
The Free Market was what used to keep medical costs down - you charge too much, people go elsewhere for their medical care - thanks to Duh Gutterment, that's no longer an option - you're stuck with whomever will accept your overpriced, under-paid insurance. . . and the number of doctors/hospitals accepting it will go down, further reducing your options. . .

Good gravy - this isn't rocket surgery. . .

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