It really says a lot about the republican base when Trump is polling second among republicans


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I mean this man literally has nothing else to say but derogatory remarks about Mexicans and republicans go nuts over him. I mean even if you agree with his remarks don't you think it's kind of sad that's all he wants to talk about? I know he laid out a platform in his first speech but so far that's all he has elaborated on.

Now I'll admit his plans for Universal healthcare and infrastructure is surprisingly refreshing. I'm just as shocked as anyone.
Jeez, the guy doesn't stand a chance. Why would people support someone who has already managed to lose himself half of the electorate? He's a dead man walking.
Jeez, the guy doesn't stand a chance. Why would people support someone who has already managed to lose himself half of the electorate? He's a dead man walking.
Trump is very exciting to me. He is going to torpedo the other passengers in the clown car. If me makes it to the debates, it will be the television event of the century. I really hope he does.
Jeez, the guy doesn't stand a chance. Why would people support someone who has already managed to lose himself half of the electorate? He's a dead man walking.
Trump is very exciting to me. He is going to torpedo the other passengers in the clown car. If me makes it to the debates, it will be the television event of the century. I really hope he does.

Yeah, politics has become entertainment.

"Hi, you're here to interview for the CEO position of this extremely successful company, right?"
"Yes sir"
"Well, strip down to your underwear and give us a dance will you, and make it good, maybe flash some tit too."
"It really says a lot about the republican base when Trump is polling second among republicans"

Not only are many republicans refusing to denounce Trump's ignorance, hate, and racism, some are actually defending him.
Pissing off 10 million gays, 44 million blacks and 54 million hispanics is considered a "political accomplishment" in the republican world. LOL. Cons have alienated 108 million Americans already. What a great way to build grassroots support for your party!!!
Matthew said "as a fiscal liberal and a social conservative, Trump has (their) vote".

Fiscal liberal? That means spend as much as you can to fix whatever problem you think is pertinent.

Social conservative? That means you would have others believe as you do, and don't really care what they are about.

Kinda like the Christians saying that they are being attacked, when in reality, they are the dominant belief system in this country.

And...............they do more attacks towards others than others do towards them.
It says a lot about the Democrat base when Hillary Clinton is polling 1st. A proven liar who is currently engaged in obstruction of justice in a federal investigation. Do her supporters have no integrity at all?
It says a lot about the Democrat base when Hillary Clinton is polling 1st. A proven liar who is currently engaged in obstruction of justice in a federal investigation. Do her supporters have no integrity at all?

Haha! The republican led investigation of Benghazi said it all: There was no wrongdoing by anyone except that maybe US military could have done a better job and responded a bit faster. But that does not equate to Hillary lying.

Don't forget: The real lie was "Saddam has WMDs" which cost 500,000 Iraaqi lives, and also 6,000 US lives. Clinton didnt lie. Bush did. Bye. does.................

It shows that there are a lot of bigots in the Republican base.

I didn't say racist, I said bigoted.

Christians hate anything other than what they believe. There are a few people who support the Lee battle flag who don't like those who are different.

Trump is just riling up those who feel that way.

I'm glad he's doing it, it makes it easier to see where the idiots are.
It says a lot about the Democrat base when Hillary Clinton is polling 1st. A proven liar who is currently engaged in obstruction of justice in a federal investigation. Do her supporters have no integrity at all?

Haha! The republican led investigation of Benghazi said it all: There was no wrongdoing by anyone except that maybe US military could have done a better job and responded a bit faster. But that does not equate to Hillary lying.

Don't forget: The real lie was "Saddam has WMDs" which cost 500,000 Iraaqi lives, and also 6,000 US lives. Clinton didnt lie. Bush did. Bye.
Hillary lied about the emails and destroyed evidence. That's obstruction of justice. And perhaps you forgot that Hillary was claiming Saddam had WMDs long before Bush was president, back when her husband was looking for somebody to attack before he settled on Milosevic.
It says more about the democrats, when the front runner is an old hag from park ridge, who couldn't even beat the jiffy lube guy from Kenya
I mean this man literally has nothing else to say but derogatory remarks about Mexicans and republicans go nuts over him. I mean even if you agree with his remarks don't you think it's kind of sad that's all he wants to talk about? I know he laid out a platform in his first speech but so far that's all he has elaborated on.

Now I'll admit his plans for Universal healthcare and infrastructure is surprisingly refreshing. I'm just as shocked as anyone.
Gee polling at this stage reflects nothing but name recognition. I've been saying this for weeks. Here's proof. Another fail thread from Billy Triple Fail.
"It really says a lot about the republican base when Trump is polling second among republicans"

Not only are many republicans refusing to denounce Trump's ignorance, hate, and racism, some are actually defending him.

Funny, when you look at the RealClearPolitics avg Trump is #7. The sad part is Bush is #1, he'll never get my vote under any circumstance.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination

Clinton or PASS!!!

It says a lot about the Democrat base when Hillary Clinton is polling 1st. A proven liar who is currently engaged in obstruction of justice in a federal investigation. Do her supporters have no integrity at all?

Haha! The republican led investigation of Benghazi said it all: There was no wrongdoing by anyone except that maybe US military could have done a better job and responded a bit faster. But that does not equate to Hillary lying.

Don't forget: The real lie was "Saddam has WMDs" which cost 500,000 Iraaqi lives, and also 6,000 US lives. Clinton didnt lie. Bush did. Bye.

Bill said there were WMDs in Iraq. How was Bush to know that Bill was lying!!!

I mean this man literally has nothing else to say but derogatory remarks about Mexicans and republicans go nuts over him. I mean even if you agree with his remarks don't you think it's kind of sad that's all he wants to talk about? I know he laid out a platform in his first speech but so far that's all he has elaborated on.

Now I'll admit his plans for Universal healthcare and infrastructure is surprisingly refreshing. I'm just as shocked as anyone.

You are playing too much into this. In 2011, in the weeks before Obama made Trump look like a fool at the correspondents dinner, after having released his long-form BC, and then OBL was killed at the President's direct order, Trump was actually WINNING in GOP polling. He was flavor of the month. And in July or August of this year, the Republicans will have a new flavor of the month.

So, chill out.


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