It rained for first time ever at Greenland’s ice sheet summit.

Also in 1942, "
  • Dutch East Indies campaign: Japan declares war on the Netherlands and invades the Dutch East Indies."
It is not just one weird weather event. It is decades of an unprecedented global warming trend having reached another in a long, long list of records.
Wrong. Thousands of years of an interglacial cycle.
It is not just one weird weather event. It is decades of an unprecedented global warming trend having reached another in a long, long list of records.
I felt like attempting preemptive satire. You just know at least one would have said it otherwise.
What an idiot. One weird weather event and right away it's, "Oh noes, climate change!";)

Well it does seem coincidental. With all your meteorological experience, can you explain the reason?
Don't tell me trump did it. That's bullshit.
It is decades of an unprecedented global warming trend having reached another in a long, long list of records.

Hardly unprecedented. Even if you only include human history, approximately 5,000 years, there are multiple periods of warming and cooling that occur cyclically.

If we include known geographic climate trends, what we experience today isn't even a blip on the radar.
So.. the last time it rained at the summit of Greenland's ice sheet was when exactly? What year?
So.. the last time it rained at the summit of Greenland's ice sheet was when exactly? What year?
It has not rained there in recorded history. That is not just from the point the area came under observation. Ice cores clearly show melting and rainfall events. From

August 14, 2021, rain was observed at the highest point on the Greenland Ice Sheet for several hours, and air temperatures remained above freezing for about nine hours. This was the third time in less than a decade, and the latest date in the year on record, that the National Science Foundation’s Summit Station had above-freezing temperatures and wet snow. There is no previous report of rainfall at this location (72.58°N 38.46°W), which reaches 3,216 meters (10,551 feet) in elevation. Earlier melt events in the instrumental record occurred in 1995, 2012, and 2019; prior to those events, melting is inferred from ice cores to have been absent since an event in the late 1800s. The cause of the melting event that took place from August 14 to 16, 2021, was similar to the events that occurred this late July, where a strong low pressure center over Baffin Island and high air pressure southeast of Greenland conspired to push warm air and moisture rapidly from the south.
The first permanent weather station in Greenland was established in 1942.
My thought exactly. How in the world could they possibly know "first time ever".

My Birthday is in early March.
I remember birthdays where it was like a summer day... I remember birthdays where we went sleigh riding.
My thought exactly. How in the world could they possibly know "first time ever".

My Birthday is in early March.
I remember birthdays where it was like a summer day... I remember birthdays where we went sleigh riding.
It is the first time in recorded history. It is known by simply consulting the history recorded. It's like knowing George Washington's birthday even though he lived long before you and I.

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