It isn't your grandfather's LEFT anymore


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
How did it happen? Why did it happen? How does it sustain itself and spread? Inquiring minds want to know.

The left used to be anti-war.
Now they’re giving Zelensky a blank check with no accountability required and don't seem to care that North Korea, Iran, and China are all saber rattling.

The left used to be anti-FBI and other government law enforcement.
Now they own it and use it against law abiding Americans.

The left used to be pro- women.
Now they applaud transgendered men taking women's jobs, sporting records, scholarships, and putting women at higher risk for assault and worse.

The left used to be pro-children.
Now they applaud or turn a blind eye to grooming of children via inappropriate curriculum, entertainment, recreation and don't seem to care that American students are far behind their counterparts in most core subjects around the world.

The left used to be pro-diversity of opinions and freedom of choice.
Now they tell you what opinions you MUST have and how you are required to live.

The left used to be pro-free speech.
Now they say speech is violence, and silence you if you hurt someone’s feelings.

The left used to be American.
Now they are New World Order one world government advocates.

The change has occurred as the left becomes more and more the large majority in government, media, education, entertainment, scientific organizations, big business and has more and more power and control of all.
How did it happen? Why did it happen? How does it sustain itself and spread? Inquiring minds want to know.

The left used to be anti-war.
Now they’re giving Zelensky a blank check with no accountability required and don't seem to care that North Korea, Iran, and China are all saber rattling.

The left used to be anti-FBI and other government law enforcement.
Now they own it and use it against law abiding Americans.

The left used to be pro- women.
Now they applaud transgendered men taking women's jobs, sporting records, scholarships, and putting women at higher risk for assault and worse.

The left used to be pro-children.
Now they applaud or turn a blind eye to grooming of children via inappropriate curriculum, entertainment, recreation and don't seem to care that American students are far behind their counterparts in most core subjects around the world.

The left used to be pro-diversity of opinions and freedom of choice.
Now they tell you what opinions you MUST have and how you are required to live.

The left used to be pro-free speech.
Now they say speech is violence, and silence you if you hurt someone’s feelings.

The left used to be American.
Now they are New World Order one world government advocates.

The change has occurred as the left becomes more and more the large majority in government, media, education, entertainment, scientific organizations, big business and has more and more power and control of all.
Well, you can't be a fascist until you obtain power.

Then when they attain power like they have, fascists gotta fascist

But until they did, they talked a good game.
How did it happen? Why did it happen? How does it sustain itself and spread? Inquiring minds want to know.

The left used to be anti-war.
Now they’re giving Zelensky a blank check with no accountability required and don't seem to care that North Korea, Iran, and China are all saber rattling.

The left used to be anti-FBI and other government law enforcement.
Now they own it and use it against law abiding Americans.

The left used to be pro- women.
Now they applaud transgendered men taking women's jobs, sporting records, scholarships, and putting women at higher risk for assault and worse.

The left used to be pro-children.
Now they applaud or turn a blind eye to grooming of children via inappropriate curriculum, entertainment, recreation and don't seem to care that American students are far behind their counterparts in most core subjects around the world.

The left used to be pro-diversity of opinions and freedom of choice.
Now they tell you what opinions you MUST have and how you are required to live.

The left used to be pro-free speech.
Now they say speech is violence, and silence you if you hurt someone’s feelings.

The left used to be American.
Now they are New World Order one world government advocates.

The change has occurred as the left becomes more and more the large majority in government, media, education, entertainment, scientific organizations, big business and has more and more power and control of all.
Don't need to go back to anyone's grandfather....This isn't the left of Bill Clinton.
How did it happen? Why did it happen? How does it sustain itself and spread? Inquiring minds want to know.

The left used to be anti-war.
Now they’re giving Zelensky a blank check with no accountability required and don't seem to care that North Korea, Iran, and China are all saber rattling.

The left used to be anti-FBI and other government law enforcement.
Now they own it and use it against law abiding Americans.

The left used to be pro- women.
Now they applaud transgendered men taking women's jobs, sporting records, scholarships, and putting women at higher risk for assault and worse.

The left used to be pro-children.
Now they applaud or turn a blind eye to grooming of children via inappropriate curriculum, entertainment, recreation and don't seem to care that American students are far behind their counterparts in most core subjects around the world.

The left used to be pro-diversity of opinions and freedom of choice.
Now they tell you what opinions you MUST have and how you are required to live.

The left used to be pro-free speech.
Now they say speech is violence, and silence you if you hurt someone’s feelings.

The left used to be American.
Now they are New World Order one world government advocates.

The change has occurred as the left becomes more and more the large majority in government, media, education, entertainment, scientific organizations, big business and has more and more power and control of all.
Untrue since groups on the left and right were anti-war during Nam.
Well, you can't be a fascist until you obtain power.

Then when they attain power like they have, fascists gotta fascist

But until they did, they talked a good game.
There are elements of fascism in all of that for sure, at least if we go with the most popular definition/elements of fascism. But somebody once said trying to define fascism is like trying to nail jelly to a wall. Mussolini or Hitler style fascism is to empower and exalt the nation for the purpose of subjecting all others nations to the 'motherland.'

Our American leftists these days seem to want America weak, divided, vulnerable, and to subject it to the will of the New World Order i.e. one world government. I am pretty sure their open borders policies, emasculation/cultural shift to 'wokeism' in the military and transferring police powers to social workers and negotiators is all a part of that larger goal.
The Dems are doing what the GOP used to do since their creation (ending slavery) to social liberalism in the later nineteenth to early twentieth century.
Not your Grandfathers RIGHT anymore

The Right used to oppose Russia
The Right used to stand for Family Values
The Right used to support the FBI
The Right used to support NATO
The Right used to support our Democracy and Constitution
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There are elements of fascism in all of that for sure, at least if we go with the most popular definition/elements of fascism. But somebody once said trying to define fascism is like trying to nail jelly to a wall. Mussolini or Hitler style fascism is to empower and exalt the nation for the purpose of subjecting all others nations to the 'motherland.'

Our American leftists these days seem to want America weak, divided, vulnerable, and to subject it to the will of the New World Order i.e. one world government. I am pretty sure their open borders policies, emasculation/cultural shift to 'wokeism' in the military and transferring police powers to social workers and negotiators is all a part of that larger goal.
How well has anyone been able to emasculate you?
Communism is a stateless state.
Marxist communism requires a stage of totalitarian government with unlimited power to accomplish confiscation of all private property and wealth, abolishing religion, as well as control of the message, speech, expressed opinions of the people. Once that is accomplished and the people no longer have individual ambitions, that totalitarian government can then be abolished and the people will live in complete peace with each receiving according to his needs from each according to his ability.

Not only does it totally ignore human nature, but no government once having seized the totalitarian power has ever willingly given it up.
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Your continued lies about the left and children are just that, lies.Children are at risk from all sides of society and always has been, to see only half the problem serves no useful purpose.
How did it happen? Why did it happen? How does it sustain itself and spread? Inquiring minds want to know.

The left used to be anti-war.
Now they’re giving Zelensky a blank check with no accountability required and don't seem to care that North Korea, Iran, and China are all saber rattling.

The left used to be anti-FBI and other government law enforcement.
Now they own it and use it against law abiding Americans.

The left used to be pro- women.
Now they applaud transgendered men taking women's jobs, sporting records, scholarships, and putting women at higher risk for assault and worse.

The left used to be pro-children.
Now they applaud or turn a blind eye to grooming of children via inappropriate curriculum, entertainment, recreation and don't seem to care that American students are far behind their counterparts in most core subjects around the world.

The left used to be pro-diversity of opinions and freedom of choice.
Now they tell you what opinions you MUST have and how you are required to live.

The left used to be pro-free speech.
Now they say speech is violence, and silence you if you hurt someone’s feelings.

The left used to be American.
Now they are New World Order one world government advocates.

The change has occurred as the left becomes more and more the large majority in government, media, education, entertainment, scientific organizations, big business and has more and more power and control of all.
Yawn, what a whiney sniveling lying excuse for a post.

Good grief.

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