It isn’t only Jews that Arab Muslims have been violent and barbaric towards


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
…it isn’t only Jews that Arabs were barbaric towards. Poor Black Africans they were treated far worse, in fact more Africans have died at the hands of the Arab invaders than any other people:

Bernard Lewis argues that ethnocentric prejudice later developed among Arabs, for a variety of reasons:[52] their extensive conquests and slave trade; the influence of Aristotelian ideas regarding slavery, which some Muslim philosophers directed towards Zanj (Bantu[53]) and Turkic peoples;[54] and the influence of religious ideas regarding divisions among humankind.[55] By the 8th century, anti-black prejudice among Arabs resulted in discrimination. By the 14th century, a significant number of slaves came from sub-Saharan Africa; Lewis argues that this led to the likes of Egyptian historian Al-Abshibi (1388–1446) writing that "t is said that when the [black] slave is sated, he fornicates, when he is hungry, he steals."[57]

Recent research has revealed racist attitudes in Islamic history—especially anti-Black racism and a link between Blackness and slavery—dating back to at least the ninth century CE.[58]

In 2010, at the Second Afro-Arab summit Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi apologized for Arab involvement in the African slave trade, saying: "I regret the behavior of the Arabs... They brought African children to North Africa, they made them slaves, they sold them like animals, and they took them as slaves and traded them in a shameful way. I regret and I am ashamed when we remember these practices. I apologize for this."[59][60]
in fact Arabs started invading and taking Black Africans way before Europeans, that is why the word “black” عبد literally means slave in the Arabic language.

Here’s some historical factual truth about the religion of Islam and its followers.

The Arab Muslim slave trade, also known as the trans-Saharan trade or Eastern slave trade, is noted as the longest slave trade, having occurred for more than 1,300 years while taking millions of Africans away from their continent to work in foreign lands in the most inhumane conditions.

Scholars have christened it a veiled genocide, attributing the tag line to the most humiliating and near-death experience slaves were subjected to, from capture in slave markets to labour fields abroad and the harrowing journey in between.

“The Arabs raided sub-Saharan Africa for thirteen centuries without interruption. Most of the millions of men they deported have disappeared as a result of inhumane treatment. This painful page in the history of black people has apparently not been completely turned,” read a loosely translated excerpt from The Veiled Genocide a book by Tidiane N'Diaye, a Franco-Senegalese author and anthropologist.
They just can’t seem to get along with anybody. Act like that towards everybody, then wonder why nobody will help them when one of their “victims” starts fighting back. As well as refusing to take any “refugees”.
They just can’t seem to get along with anybody. Act like that towards everybody, then wonder why nobody will help them when one of their “victims” starts fighting back. As well as refusing to take any “refugees”.
These unruly descendants of Ishmael are to roam the desert like wild donkeys and will always be at war with all nations. That is what biblical prophecy says.
And he (Ishmael: father of the Arabs) will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. -- God
Funny i just replied with the exact same response without seeing yours.
…it isn’t only Jews that Arabs were barbaric towards. Poor Black Africans they were treated far worse, in fact more Africans have died at the hands of the Arab invaders than any other people:

Bernard Lewis argues that ethnocentric prejudice later developed among Arabs, for a variety of reasons:[52] their extensive conquests and slave trade; the influence of Aristotelian ideas regarding slavery, which some Muslim philosophers directed towards Zanj (Bantu[53]) and Turkic peoples;[54] and the influence of religious ideas regarding divisions among humankind.[55] By the 8th century, anti-black prejudice among Arabs resulted in discrimination. By the 14th century, a significant number of slaves came from sub-Saharan Africa; Lewis argues that this led to the likes of Egyptian historian Al-Abshibi (1388–1446) writing that "t is said that when the [black] slave is sated, he fornicates, when he is hungry, he steals."[57]

Recent research has revealed racist attitudes in Islamic history—especially anti-Black racism and a link between Blackness and slavery—dating back to at least the ninth century CE.[58]

In 2010, at the Second Afro-Arab summit Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi apologized for Arab involvement in the African slave trade, saying: "I regret the behavior of the Arabs... They brought African children to North Africa, they made them slaves, they sold them like animals, and they took them as slaves and traded them in a shameful way. I regret and I am ashamed when we remember these practices. I apologize for this."[59][60]
The Khazars constituted one of the two great furnishers of slaves to the Muslim market (the other being the Iranian Sâmânid amîrs), supplying it with captured Slavs and tribesmen from the Eurasian northlands. It profited from the latter which enabled it to maintain a standing army of Khwarezm Muslim troops.
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Khazars - Wikipedia
…it isn’t only Jews that Arabs were barbaric towards. Poor Black Africans they were treated far worse, in fact more Africans have died at the hands of the Arab invaders than any other people:

Bernard Lewis argues that ethnocentric prejudice later developed among Arabs, for a variety of reasons:[52] their extensive conquests and slave trade; the influence of Aristotelian ideas regarding slavery, which some Muslim philosophers directed towards Zanj (Bantu[53]) and Turkic peoples;[54] and the influence of religious ideas regarding divisions among humankind.[55] By the 8th century, anti-black prejudice among Arabs resulted in discrimination. By the 14th century, a significant number of slaves came from sub-Saharan Africa; Lewis argues that this led to the likes of Egyptian historian Al-Abshibi (1388–1446) writing that "t is said that when the [black] slave is sated, he fornicates, when he is hungry, he steals."[57]

Recent research has revealed racist attitudes in Islamic history—especially anti-Black racism and a link between Blackness and slavery—dating back to at least the ninth century CE.[58]

In 2010, at the Second Afro-Arab summit Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi apologized for Arab involvement in the African slave trade, saying: "I regret the behavior of the Arabs... They brought African children to North Africa, they made them slaves, they sold them like animals, and they took them as slaves and traded them in a shameful way. I regret and I am ashamed when we remember these practices. I apologize for this."[59][60]
Did you see the Jews being violents and barbaric towards each other this weekend in NYC?
The Khazars constituted one of the two great furnishers of slaves to the Muslim market (the other being the Iranian Sâmânid amîrs), supplying it with captured Slavs and tribesmen from the Eurasian northlands. It profited from the latter which enabled it to maintain a standing army of Khwarezm Muslim troops.
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Khazars - Wikipedia
You moron, Muslims invaded lands, and after they raped, pillaged, looted and forced the inhabitants into their religion, language and culture at the point of a sword, they took their people in as slaves. In fact, modern slavery exists even today, in most Arab Muslim countries. You are just Islamic scum filled with Jew hate.

Forced labor was the most prevalent form of modern slavery in all regions worldwide in 2021. Modern slavery was most prevalent in Arab States, both forced labor and forced marriages.

Slavery was a social fact in most of the Muslim world for nearly 1400 years, with large numbers of slaves employed in domestic service as well as commerce

The Qur’an also suggests certain means of integrating slaves, some of whom were enslaved after being captured in war, into the Muslim community. It allows slaves to marry (either other slaves or free persons; Q. 24.32; 2.221; 4.25) and prohibits owners from prostituting unwilling female slaves (Q. 24.33). Despite this protection against one form of sexual exploitation, female slaves do not have the right to grant or deny sexual access to themselves. Instead, the Qur’an permits men to have sexual access to “what their right hands possess,” meaning female captives or slaves (Q. 23.5-6; 70.29-30). This was widely accepted and practiced among early Muslims; the Prophet Muhammad, for example, kept a slave-concubine (Mariya the Copt)

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