It is time to start discussing the rape of Britain’s children.

Oh no, you still do it. See your first post to me, about "othering", which is one of the absolute dumbest things Progressives have come up with in the history of ever. ONLY Progressives could make something fundamental to human thought processes from literally the moment we are born--this is me, I am not my mother, she is her, I am "other"--and make that morally bad. I mean that, ONLY Progs would cry about "othering".

You all cry about othering, by the way, WHILE you "other" the other-ers. It's absolutely some of the worst stone-cold stupidity I have ever seen. That you have not left Progressivism over it is proof positive that I am a superior thinker. If you left Progressivism today, simply for having seen the light on "othering", then we might be on an even playing field.

I'm confused. As I understand you, I'm somehow in the wrong for wanting to treat all people equally, regardless of ethnicity or religion, wheras you want to distinguish between some sort of "superior" us and an "inferior" them/other. In your world view therefore, it's fine to create a "demonised" group you can point to as "rapists" and "paedophiles". Surely you are the one "othering", not me?

Is it breaking your brain?

"othering" is going to happen and it's not even wrong. My family, my neighborhood, my coworkers, my friends, etc. Not even wrong; endemic to humanity. Again, ONLY the Progressives would take what is instinctive and natural and attempt (poorly) to make it evil.

It's what you DO with "othering" (cry and whine here, progs) that makes it wrong. If you think "This is not my family/neighborhood/coworkers/friends, but that does not make them objectively wrong or evil people", then you have no problems with "othering". It's neutral. It's only when you assign to them attributes they don't deserve--for evil OR GOOD--that "othering" becomes a problem.

Conservatives are accused of assigning Muslims evil attributes they don't deserve. You have accused this of me in this thread but I have not done it. What HAS HAPPENED in the UK is this: Muslims get assigned GOOD attributes they do not deserve, and you are tap dancing around why that is. You cannot own up to it because it would break your worldview into little bits, would it not?
Muslims are like any other group of humans that exist across many cultures. Good and bad. The issue here is unlike any other group you want to define them in entirety as bad.

Individuals did these crimes.

NOt all cultures are the same. SOme cultures are less progressive when it comes to women's rights, and/or dealing with the crime of rape.
That is true. But you are talking about a world religion that spans many different cultures.

Fair enough, show me a regional Muslim culture that is more progressive on women's rights and/or dealing with the crime of rape.

Instead of less.
Got it. More important to be sensitive than prevent the rape of children.

Well, I don't really have any follow up to that. Thank you for your honesty.

And that is the choice for the First World, one side considers being sensitive more important than preventing the rapes of children, and the other side wants is the opposite.
You use some bad decisions by low ranking officials to build a fantasy world that feeds your racist usges.
Tell me this klan boy - are you aware that there are other rapists and will you join us decent folk in condemning all rapists ?

Fallacious argument.

White non Muslim men would have been in jail long ago.
No. I have shown you on this very thread that this is nonsense. Google "Lost in Care" and read it. I have. The very same issues came up. The victims lacked credibility and were not believed. Why do you try and make it a Muslim issue when the evidence is that it is a class issue if anything ?

Two separate issues.

People in Britain are scared stiff of offending Muslims.
That is not the subject of this thread. I have read your shit and I realise that you are a deeply islamaphobic creature. But the facts do not support your froth. Rape gangs of all types have got away with it. We have failed kids over a century.

Officials knew the accusations were true, and the one that dared point out the ethnic aspect of the problem,was punished and silenced.

That is a different level of complicity than simply not believing the accusations.

AND the paradigm that led to that, is alive and well, as you have well demonstrated, with your use of accusations of racism to defend it.
It's complicated.

The Times’ chief investigative reporter, Andrew Norfolk, who broke the fostering story last week, also first exposed, five years ago, the scandal of the Rotherham child abuse case. His reporting caused a national outcry and led eventually to an official inquiry that revealed that between 1997 and 2013, 1,400 young people, mainly white girls, had been abused and raped, largely by men of Pakistani or Kashmiri background, while the authorities turned a blind eye. Several other similar abuse cases have emerged since, including the conviction of 18 people in Newcastle last month.

Norfolk’s reporting on the Rotherham abuse was, unlike his coverage of the Tower Hamlets fostering case, meticulous and thorough. He was garlanded with awards, including the Paul Foot and Orwell prizes for journalism in 2013 and news reporter of the year and the Hugh Cudipp prize at the British Press Awards for 2014.

What distinguishes the Rotherham scandal and the Tower Hamlets case is not simply the care of the reporting but also the response to the abuse. Writing in the Sun, the former equalities chief Trevor Phillips claimed last week that the actions of Tower Hamlets council were “akin to child abuse”. It was nothing of the sort. The “abuse” was largely invented by the media.

In Rotherham, on the other hand, the abuse was distressingly real. One of the reasons it was allowed to run unchecked for so long was the fear of many in authority, from social workers to police officers, of being labelled “racist” were they to take seriously allegations against men of Muslim origin. After the story broke, there was continued nervousness among liberals of discussing the ethnicity and faith of the abusers, for fear of entrenching anti-Muslim abuse. The controversy over the Rotherham MP Sarah Champion, who resigned last month as shadow equalities minister, after writing an article in the Sun claiming that “Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls”, reveals the continued difficulties liberals have in knowing how to discuss the issue.

There is a difference between saying that certain Muslims committed heinous acts and saying that they did so because they were Muslims or that many or most Muslims act in a similar fashion. But liberal nervousness only paves the way for bigots to ride roughshod over such distinctions and to target all Muslims as the Other.

It also feeds into a broader fear of criticising Islam. Progressive critics of Islam are often attacked as “Islamophobes” for challenging homophobia or misogyny within Muslim communities.

The blurring of the distinction between bigotry against Muslims and criticisms of Islam is dangerous. On the one hand, it enables many to condemn legitimate criticisms of Islam or of attitudes within Muslim communities as “Islamophobic”. On the other, it permits those who promote hatred to dismiss condemnation of that hatred as stemming from an illegitimate desire to avoid criticism of Islam. Conflating criticism and bigotry makes it more difficult to engage in a rational discussion about where and how to draw the line between the two.

The Rotherham and Tower Hamlets cases, and the debate around them, reveal the polarised ways in which Muslims are discussed in Britain. It is a discussion too often trapped between hostility towards Muslims and a fear of creating such hostility or of offending Muslims.

Neither side is able to talk about Muslims as a normal part of British life, with the usual range of achievements and inadequacies, but only as ciphers for other issues. More than simply bigotry, this failure to find an adequate language through which to discuss Muslims and Islam bedevils public debate.

Words still fail us when we attempt to talk about Muslims in Britain | Kenan Malik
Sue, there will always be people who are sexually aroused by children. I have read this whole damned thread and I still don't know what we're talking about here--teenagers, pubescent 11 year olds, six year olds, what? But what Tommy said about who the vics are is dead on. Same in this country, probably the same in most countries.
That is the most we can do. We can't rewire pedos. We've tried and nothing works. The only thing we can do is protect the victims. That is what matters. From all the numbers you've seen here, you know that this is not a problem isolated to one culture or religion. Those who focus on the Muslim perpetrators are trying to broad brush all Muslims as bad, for their own political agenda. I understand the frustration of the "whatabouts" who bring up other religions like Catholicism, but there is a reason for it--it is a human thing, regardless.

What do you make of the fact that the uk government officials let these rape rings go on for years, for fear of being called racist?

Or the one brave soul who spoke up about it being sent to "training" as punishment?
Depends on how that "brave soul" put it, don't you think? If she was as hateful about it as some of the folks here, I'd send her to diversity training, too, and be less likely to follow up on her suspicions.

Got it. More important to be sensitive than prevent the rape of children.

Well, I don't really have any follow up to that. Thank you for your honesty.

And that is the choice for the First World, one side considers being sensitive more important than preventing the rapes of children, and the other side wants is the opposite.
You use some bad decisions by low ranking officials to build a fantasy world that feeds your racist usges.
Tell me this klan boy - are you aware that there are other rapists and will you join us decent folk in condemning all rapists ?

When it is defined as a problem of only one ethnic or religious group...then it is fair to ask the question "is racism a factor for some people"? (Disclaimer: racism is being used in it's broadest definition) ... Just as it is fair to ask if political correction is inhibiting policework.

If some one hates muslims so much he has to google Nassar + Muslim to try to and make a fake claim that that pedo was a Muslim...then it is fair question motives of hate...not of the act but of the ethnicity of some of the criminals.

The fear of being accused of racism, was the stated CAUSE of these rape rings being allowed to continue for years.

In that context, the obvious solution to the problem is to raise the bar on making such accusations.

Consider this. LITERALLY, you are supporting the mechanism that lead to thousands of raped children, by your support of such accusations.

The RISK you run of NOT doing that, is that you have to defeat some one's arguments, based on their merits or lack there of, instead of attacking their motive.

ON one hand, you support the rape of children, on the other, you risk, having to address a man's arguments...

And by and large our civilization is choosing to support the rape of children.
What do you make of the fact that the uk government officials let these rape rings go on for years, for fear of being called racist?

Or the one brave soul who spoke up about it being sent to "training" as punishment?
Depends on how that "brave soul" put it, don't you think? If she was as hateful about it as some of the folks here, I'd send her to diversity training, too, and be less likely to follow up on her suspicions.

Got it. More important to be sensitive than prevent the rape of children.

Well, I don't really have any follow up to that. Thank you for your honesty.

And that is the choice for the First World, one side considers being sensitive more important than preventing the rapes of children, and the other side wants is the opposite.
You use some bad decisions by low ranking officials to build a fantasy world that feeds your racist usges.
Tell me this klan boy - are you aware that there are other rapists and will you join us decent folk in condemning all rapists ?

When it is defined as a problem of only one ethnic or religious group...then it is fair to ask the question "is racism a factor for some people"? (Disclaimer: racism is being used in it's broadest definition) ... Just as it is fair to ask if political correction is inhibiting policework.

If some one hates muslims so much he has to google Nassar + Muslim to try to and make a fake claim that that pedo was a Muslim...then it is fair question motives of hate...not of the act but of the ethnicity of some of the criminals.
Your American friends may be talking out of ignorance or may be projecting American issues on to this. I dont know. I do know that in the UK this issue has been seized on by the worst kind of racist trash. It is not possible to discuss child protection because of it. Paedos of all sorts are at work all over the world but only one group rate censure. That tells you who is racist.

We know yaxley is one of the big gobs on this and he is racist trash of long standing. BNP/EDL and all the other racist groups.

Start a thread about a white rape gang in the UK and see what reaction you get.

Other pedos do not rate censure because they do not have defenders.
I've come across an interesting article from an interview with Nazir Afzal OBE, one of the 13 chief Crown Prosecutors in England and Wales and who was responsible for the successful conviction of the Rotherham gang, who offers a more, dare I say, "superior" perspecive than that adopted by the MSM over here, often quoted by some of the more Islamophobi contributors to this "discussion" the full article can be seen here: Nazir Afzal: ‘There is no religious basis for the abuse in Rotherham’ but here's some of the more interesting comments:

"In the aftermath of the Rochdale trial, Afzal was disturbed at the way that some responded by muddling the actions of those prosecuted with their religious backgrounds. “There is a lot of criticism of religion – namely: ‘Is this a Muslim thing?’” He recalls how after the Rochdale case, someone called the Radio 4 Any Answers programme. “He said the Qu’ran supports paedophilia. I’m not paraphrasing, that is what he said. He wasn’t cut off, he was allowed to say all manner of things.”

“There is no religious basis for this. These men were not religious. Islam says that alcohol, drugs, rape and abuse are all forbidden, yet these men were surrounded by all of these things. So how can anyone say that these men were driven by their religion to do this kind of thing?

“They were doing this horrible, terrible stuff, because of the fact that they are men. That’s sadly what the driver is here. This is about male power. These young girls have been manipulated and abused because they were easy prey for evil men.”

But he recognises that this will be a difficult issue for the British Asian community for some time. “In one case I dealt with, a British National party member was convicted of child sexual abuse. The response of the BNP was to say that he was no longer a member. The British Pakistani community cannot do that about members of their community that are involved in abuse,” he says, pointing out that they do not have the same option of neatly removing membership rights from community members involved in abuse."


"He notes that the amount of media attention devoted to child sex abuse cases is inconsistent. He led the legal teams that reopened and successfully prosecuted the Rochdale grooming case in 2012, over the abuse of 47 girls by a group of Asian men. “A few weeks after the Rochdale case, we dealt with a case of 10 white men in North Yorkshire who had been abusing young girls, and they were all convicted and they got long sentences. It didn’t get the level of coverage,” he says.
Sue, there will always be people who are sexually aroused by children. I have read this whole damned thread and I still don't know what we're talking about here--teenagers, pubescent 11 year olds, six year olds, what? But what Tommy said about who the vics are is dead on. Same in this country, probably the same in most countries.
That is the most we can do. We can't rewire pedos. We've tried and nothing works. The only thing we can do is protect the victims. That is what matters. From all the numbers you've seen here, you know that this is not a problem isolated to one culture or religion. Those who focus on the Muslim perpetrators are trying to broad brush all Muslims as bad, for their own political agenda. I understand the frustration of the "whatabouts" who bring up other religions like Catholicism, but there is a reason for it--it is a human thing, regardless.

I'm not denying that all human populations have their sick pedophiles and I wouldn't even begin to call all Muslims pedophiles. The problem here is obvious: the cops wouldn't even GO AFTER the Muslims in this and other cases--they were protected because of their "diversity". THAT is what is manifest on this thread.

If you think Muslim pedos are worse than Catholic pedos, you have a problem.

If you think Catholic pedos are worse than Muslim pedos, you ALSO have a problem.
From what little I could figure out from the info in this thread, the pedo ring was full of high ranking officials, some in law enforcement. THAT is why the ring wasn't broken up earlier. No one was protecting Muslims, I'm absolutely sure.

Are you kidding me. That has already happened in the UK, in the Rotherham rape scandals. The police were tipped off but did not follow through because "multi culti"...they were told they dare not. Are you ignorant to this, old lady?
Ive posted examples on this thread where this has happened in cases not involving muslims. Yet you choose to ignore this and continue spouting crap. You have been laughed out of this thread more than once. How many times before it penetrates ?

I am REFUSING to discuss other cases right now. I can, and I have, and I will again. But you seem incapable of discussing problems within Islam.

Care to elaborate what specific "problems" exist within Islam, but do not exist in any other religious group?
See, the problem is with the little girls. They probably had it coming. And the Pakis who raped them? Well, like we said, the girls fault and there's multi-culturalism we have to protect so they may not be dissccussed.

Disgustong indeed. It is a good thing no one is claiming they had it coming and no one wants to protect these criminals. Do you have anpoint here?

What do you make of the fact that the UK government allowed these rapes to continue for years, because they were afraid of being called racist, and indeed, one official who did speak out, was punished by being sent to diversity training?
I actually already gave my thoughts on that on this thread. The police failed big time.

The police did not set that tone. They merely submitted to it.

And it is still ongoing. You are still resisting discussing the issue, by question the motives of those who are trying to do so.

Your political correctness is at fault for those rapes.
The police failed. Period.

The police followed the policies laid down from above. Especially the informal policy of Political Correctness.

Exactly what do you expect to happen ? ...."

I deleted your paragraph of strawmen and deflections to answer your actual question.

Publicly link Political Correctness and those who use it, to the results of their actions. Expel them from power.

Then have a real discussion on policy, the first honest one.

But it is a lot easier to just label it a muzzie problem and gin hate and anger towards the entire community then it is to implement programs to address the problem at it's source and fund better policing and community outreach programs.

And here you use Political Correctness to lie about what people are saying. And to deny the existence of the problem.



Who is at fault for the rapes? It wasnt politicsl correctness that underfunded police. Nor was it political correctness that refused to look at the system as a whole that was failing these kids. There is a lot of blame to go around.

It was political correctness that told the police to look away. It is political correctness that has prevented looking at the political and cultural source of that.

There is a lot of blame to go around. But you are trying to spread it around to contain the damage to your power weapon, ie Political Correctness.
I'm not denying that all human populations have their sick pedophiles and I wouldn't even begin to call all Muslims pedophiles. The problem here is obvious: the cops wouldn't even GO AFTER the Muslims in this and other cases--they were protected because of their "diversity". THAT is what is manifest on this thread.

If you think Muslim pedos are worse than Catholic pedos, you have a problem.

If you think Catholic pedos are worse than Muslim pedos, you ALSO have a problem.
From what little I could figure out from the info in this thread, the pedo ring was full of high ranking officials, some in law enforcement. THAT is why the ring wasn't broken up earlier. No one was protecting Muslims, I'm absolutely sure.

Are you kidding me. That has already happened in the UK, in the Rotherham rape scandals. The police were tipped off but did not follow through because "multi culti"...they were told they dare not. Are you ignorant to this, old lady?
Ive posted examples on this thread where this has happened in cases not involving muslims. Yet you choose to ignore this and continue spouting crap. You have been laughed out of this thread more than once. How many times before it penetrates ?

I am REFUSING to discuss other cases right now. I can, and I have, and I will again. But you seem incapable of discussing problems within Islam.

Care to elaborate what specific "problems" exist within Islam, but do not exist in any other religious group?

Much is due to the cultural and religious set-ups in Britain. Pakistani-Muslim enclaves, the Banlieus of Bradford; I've driven through them myself. There are some more in Reading, south England, I've seen. These people function only in this societal network, the women rarely going out and about. Some of them not speaking English.

There is a gigantic mosque in Leeds.
Disgustong indeed. It is a good thing no one is claiming they had it coming and no one wants to protect these criminals. Do you have anpoint here?

What do you make of the fact that the UK government allowed these rapes to continue for years, because they were afraid of being called racist, and indeed, one official who did speak out, was punished by being sent to diversity training?
I actually already gave my thoughts on that on this thread. The police failed big time.

The police did not set that tone. They merely submitted to it.

And it is still ongoing. You are still resisting discussing the issue, by question the motives of those who are trying to do so.

Your political correctness is at fault for those rapes.
The police failed. Period.

The police followed the policies laid down from above. Especially the informal policy of Political Correctness.

Exactly what do you expect to happen ? ...."

I deleted your paragraph of strawmen and deflections to answer your actual question.

Publicly link Political Correctness and those who use it, to the results of their actions. Expel them from power.

Then have a real discussion on policy, the first honest one.

But it is a lot easier to just label it a muzzie problem and gin hate and anger towards the entire community then it is to implement programs to address the problem at it's source and fund better policing and community outreach programs.

And here you use Political Correctness to lie about what people are saying. And to deny the existence of the problem.



Who is at fault for the rapes? It wasnt politicsl correctness that underfunded police. Nor was it political correctness that refused to look at the system as a whole that was failing these kids. There is a lot of blame to go around.

It was political correctness that told the police to look away. It is political correctness that has prevented looking at the political and cultural source of that.

There is a lot of blame to go around. But you are trying to spread it around to contain the damage to your power weapon, ie Political Correctness.

Yes you are right. The political correctness was the villain. It has been discussed at length on English television.
Disgustong indeed. It is a good thing no one is claiming they had it coming and no one wants to protect these criminals. Do you have anpoint here?

What do you make of the fact that the UK government allowed these rapes to continue for years, because they were afraid of being called racist, and indeed, one official who did speak out, was punished by being sent to diversity training?
I actually already gave my thoughts on that on this thread. The police failed big time.

The police did not set that tone. They merely submitted to it.

And it is still ongoing. You are still resisting discussing the issue, by question the motives of those who are trying to do so.

Your political correctness is at fault for those rapes.
The police failed. Period.

The police followed the policies laid down from above. Especially the informal policy of Political Correctness.

Exactly what do you expect to happen ? ...."

I deleted your paragraph of strawmen and deflections to answer your actual question.

Publicly link Political Correctness and those who use it, to the results of their actions. Expel them from power.

Then have a real discussion on policy, the first honest one.

But it is a lot easier to just label it a muzzie problem and gin hate and anger towards the entire community then it is to implement programs to address the problem at it's source and fund better policing and community outreach programs.

And here you use Political Correctness to lie about what people are saying. And to deny the existence of the problem.



Who is at fault for the rapes? It wasnt politicsl correctness that underfunded police. Nor was it political correctness that refused to look at the system as a whole that was failing these kids. There is a lot of blame to go around.

It was political correctness that told the police to look away. It is political correctness that has prevented looking at the political and cultural source of that.

There is a lot of blame to go around. But you are trying to spread it around to contain the damage to your power weapon, ie Political Correctness.
Again you focus on a narrow point. You are obsessed with crimes by Muslims and airbrush the vast majority of the crimes which arent. Do you think your tired and bigoted contribution will do much to protect children ?
You have no standing in this debate because you are a racist who is obsessed with hatred of brown people.
What do you make of the fact that the UK government allowed these rapes to continue for years, because they were afraid of being called racist, and indeed, one official who did speak out, was punished by being sent to diversity training?
I actually already gave my thoughts on that on this thread. The police failed big time.

The police did not set that tone. They merely submitted to it.

And it is still ongoing. You are still resisting discussing the issue, by question the motives of those who are trying to do so.

Your political correctness is at fault for those rapes.
The police failed. Period.

The police followed the policies laid down from above. Especially the informal policy of Political Correctness.

Exactly what do you expect to happen ? ...."

I deleted your paragraph of strawmen and deflections to answer your actual question.

Publicly link Political Correctness and those who use it, to the results of their actions. Expel them from power.

Then have a real discussion on policy, the first honest one.

But it is a lot easier to just label it a muzzie problem and gin hate and anger towards the entire community then it is to implement programs to address the problem at it's source and fund better policing and community outreach programs.

And here you use Political Correctness to lie about what people are saying. And to deny the existence of the problem.



Who is at fault for the rapes? It wasnt politicsl correctness that underfunded police. Nor was it political correctness that refused to look at the system as a whole that was failing these kids. There is a lot of blame to go around.

It was political correctness that told the police to look away. It is political correctness that has prevented looking at the political and cultural source of that.

There is a lot of blame to go around. But you are trying to spread it around to contain the damage to your power weapon, ie Political Correctness.
Again you focus on a narrow point. You are obsessed with crimes by Muslims and airbrush the vast majority of the crimes which arent. Do you think your tired and bigoted contribution will do much to protect children ?
You have no standing in this debate because you are a racist who is obsessed with hatred of brown people.

Are you supposed to be coherent? Or even intelligent and objective?

Why do you make this personal?
I actually already gave my thoughts on that on this thread. The police failed big time.

The police did not set that tone. They merely submitted to it.

And it is still ongoing. You are still resisting discussing the issue, by question the motives of those who are trying to do so.

Your political correctness is at fault for those rapes.
The police failed. Period.

The police followed the policies laid down from above. Especially the informal policy of Political Correctness.

Exactly what do you expect to happen ? ...."

I deleted your paragraph of strawmen and deflections to answer your actual question.

Publicly link Political Correctness and those who use it, to the results of their actions. Expel them from power.

Then have a real discussion on policy, the first honest one.

But it is a lot easier to just label it a muzzie problem and gin hate and anger towards the entire community then it is to implement programs to address the problem at it's source and fund better policing and community outreach programs.

And here you use Political Correctness to lie about what people are saying. And to deny the existence of the problem.



Who is at fault for the rapes? It wasnt politicsl correctness that underfunded police. Nor was it political correctness that refused to look at the system as a whole that was failing these kids. There is a lot of blame to go around.

It was political correctness that told the police to look away. It is political correctness that has prevented looking at the political and cultural source of that.

There is a lot of blame to go around. But you are trying to spread it around to contain the damage to your power weapon, ie Political Correctness.
Again you focus on a narrow point. You are obsessed with crimes by Muslims and airbrush the vast majority of the crimes which arent. Do you think your tired and bigoted contribution will do much to protect children ?
You have no standing in this debate because you are a racist who is obsessed with hatred of brown people.

Are you supposed to be coherent? Or even intelligent and objective?

Why do you make this personal?
Its difficult to discuss anything with him without reference to his rabid racism. He lives on the racism thread and soils pretty much every thread.
What do you make of the fact that the UK government allowed these rapes to continue for years, because they were afraid of being called racist, and indeed, one official who did speak out, was punished by being sent to diversity training?
I actually already gave my thoughts on that on this thread. The police failed big time.

The police did not set that tone. They merely submitted to it.

And it is still ongoing. You are still resisting discussing the issue, by question the motives of those who are trying to do so.

Your political correctness is at fault for those rapes.
The police failed. Period.

The police followed the policies laid down from above. Especially the informal policy of Political Correctness.

Exactly what do you expect to happen ? ...."

I deleted your paragraph of strawmen and deflections to answer your actual question.

Publicly link Political Correctness and those who use it, to the results of their actions. Expel them from power.

Then have a real discussion on policy, the first honest one.

But it is a lot easier to just label it a muzzie problem and gin hate and anger towards the entire community then it is to implement programs to address the problem at it's source and fund better policing and community outreach programs.

And here you use Political Correctness to lie about what people are saying. And to deny the existence of the problem.



Who is at fault for the rapes? It wasnt politicsl correctness that underfunded police. Nor was it political correctness that refused to look at the system as a whole that was failing these kids. There is a lot of blame to go around.

It was political correctness that told the police to look away. It is political correctness that has prevented looking at the political and cultural source of that.

There is a lot of blame to go around. But you are trying to spread it around to contain the damage to your power weapon, ie Political Correctness.

Yes you are right. The political correctness was the villain. It has been discussed at length on English television.

ANy serious change resulting, or are the people just accepting that their government is allowing the mass rape of their children with a, "Eh, that is the way it goes"?
The police did not set that tone. They merely submitted to it.

And it is still ongoing. You are still resisting discussing the issue, by question the motives of those who are trying to do so.

Your political correctness is at fault for those rapes.
The police failed. Period.

The police followed the policies laid down from above. Especially the informal policy of Political Correctness.

Exactly what do you expect to happen ? ...."

I deleted your paragraph of strawmen and deflections to answer your actual question.

Publicly link Political Correctness and those who use it, to the results of their actions. Expel them from power.

Then have a real discussion on policy, the first honest one.

But it is a lot easier to just label it a muzzie problem and gin hate and anger towards the entire community then it is to implement programs to address the problem at it's source and fund better policing and community outreach programs.

And here you use Political Correctness to lie about what people are saying. And to deny the existence of the problem.



Who is at fault for the rapes? It wasnt politicsl correctness that underfunded police. Nor was it political correctness that refused to look at the system as a whole that was failing these kids. There is a lot of blame to go around.

It was political correctness that told the police to look away. It is political correctness that has prevented looking at the political and cultural source of that.

There is a lot of blame to go around. But you are trying to spread it around to contain the damage to your power weapon, ie Political Correctness.
Again you focus on a narrow point. You are obsessed with crimes by Muslims and airbrush the vast majority of the crimes which arent. Do you think your tired and bigoted contribution will do much to protect children ?
You have no standing in this debate because you are a racist who is obsessed with hatred of brown people.

Are you supposed to be coherent? Or even intelligent and objective?

Why do you make this personal?
Its difficult to discuss anything with him without reference to his rabid racism. He lives on the racism thread and soils pretty much every thread.

You want to talk about him?

Islam is not a race.
What do you make of the fact that the UK government allowed these rapes to continue for years, because they were afraid of being called racist, and indeed, one official who did speak out, was punished by being sent to diversity training?
I actually already gave my thoughts on that on this thread. The police failed big time.

The police did not set that tone. They merely submitted to it.

And it is still ongoing. You are still resisting discussing the issue, by question the motives of those who are trying to do so.

Your political correctness is at fault for those rapes.
The police failed. Period.

The police followed the policies laid down from above. Especially the informal policy of Political Correctness.

Exactly what do you expect to happen ? ...."

I deleted your paragraph of strawmen and deflections to answer your actual question.

Publicly link Political Correctness and those who use it, to the results of their actions. Expel them from power.

Then have a real discussion on policy, the first honest one.

But it is a lot easier to just label it a muzzie problem and gin hate and anger towards the entire community then it is to implement programs to address the problem at it's source and fund better policing and community outreach programs.

And here you use Political Correctness to lie about what people are saying. And to deny the existence of the problem.



Who is at fault for the rapes? It wasnt politicsl correctness that underfunded police. Nor was it political correctness that refused to look at the system as a whole that was failing these kids. There is a lot of blame to go around.

It was political correctness that told the police to look away. It is political correctness that has prevented looking at the political and cultural source of that.

There is a lot of blame to go around. But you are trying to spread it around to contain the damage to your power weapon, ie Political Correctness.
Again you focus on a narrow point. You are obsessed with crimes by Muslims and airbrush the vast majority of the crimes which arent. Do you think your tired and bigoted contribution will do much to protect children ?
You have no standing in this debate because you are a racist who is obsessed with hatred of brown people.

The vast majority of the crimes do not have defenders such as you. That is why discussion must focus on this portion of the crimes.

Also, fuck you, you race baiting faggot.
I actually already gave my thoughts on that on this thread. The police failed big time.

The police did not set that tone. They merely submitted to it.

And it is still ongoing. You are still resisting discussing the issue, by question the motives of those who are trying to do so.

Your political correctness is at fault for those rapes.
The police failed. Period.

The police followed the policies laid down from above. Especially the informal policy of Political Correctness.

Exactly what do you expect to happen ? ...."

I deleted your paragraph of strawmen and deflections to answer your actual question.

Publicly link Political Correctness and those who use it, to the results of their actions. Expel them from power.

Then have a real discussion on policy, the first honest one.

But it is a lot easier to just label it a muzzie problem and gin hate and anger towards the entire community then it is to implement programs to address the problem at it's source and fund better policing and community outreach programs.

And here you use Political Correctness to lie about what people are saying. And to deny the existence of the problem.



Who is at fault for the rapes? It wasnt politicsl correctness that underfunded police. Nor was it political correctness that refused to look at the system as a whole that was failing these kids. There is a lot of blame to go around.

It was political correctness that told the police to look away. It is political correctness that has prevented looking at the political and cultural source of that.

There is a lot of blame to go around. But you are trying to spread it around to contain the damage to your power weapon, ie Political Correctness.
Again you focus on a narrow point. You are obsessed with crimes by Muslims and airbrush the vast majority of the crimes which arent. Do you think your tired and bigoted contribution will do much to protect children ?
You have no standing in this debate because you are a racist who is obsessed with hatred of brown people.

Are you supposed to be coherent? Or even intelligent and objective?

Why do you make this personal?

They have to.

On some level, they know that they cannot defend their policies and positions honesty.

Thus, they NEED Political Correctness to silence those that would speak the truth to the people.

To the point that they will rationalize away the rape of thousands of children, in the past and in the future, in order to maintain their power, and their vision of the future.
The police did not set that tone. They merely submitted to it.

And it is still ongoing. You are still resisting discussing the issue, by question the motives of those who are trying to do so.

Your political correctness is at fault for those rapes.
The police failed. Period.

The police followed the policies laid down from above. Especially the informal policy of Political Correctness.

Exactly what do you expect to happen ? ...."

I deleted your paragraph of strawmen and deflections to answer your actual question.

Publicly link Political Correctness and those who use it, to the results of their actions. Expel them from power.

Then have a real discussion on policy, the first honest one.

But it is a lot easier to just label it a muzzie problem and gin hate and anger towards the entire community then it is to implement programs to address the problem at it's source and fund better policing and community outreach programs.

And here you use Political Correctness to lie about what people are saying. And to deny the existence of the problem.



Who is at fault for the rapes? It wasnt politicsl correctness that underfunded police. Nor was it political correctness that refused to look at the system as a whole that was failing these kids. There is a lot of blame to go around.

It was political correctness that told the police to look away. It is political correctness that has prevented looking at the political and cultural source of that.

There is a lot of blame to go around. But you are trying to spread it around to contain the damage to your power weapon, ie Political Correctness.
Again you focus on a narrow point. You are obsessed with crimes by Muslims and airbrush the vast majority of the crimes which arent. Do you think your tired and bigoted contribution will do much to protect children ?
You have no standing in this debate because you are a racist who is obsessed with hatred of brown people.

Are you supposed to be coherent? Or even intelligent and objective?

Why do you make this personal?
Its difficult to discuss anything with him without reference to his rabid racism. He lives on the racism thread and soils pretty much every thread.

Do you ever think about the shit you say, fucker?
The police failed. Period.

The police followed the policies laid down from above. Especially the informal policy of Political Correctness.

Exactly what do you expect to happen ? ...."

I deleted your paragraph of strawmen and deflections to answer your actual question.

Publicly link Political Correctness and those who use it, to the results of their actions. Expel them from power.

Then have a real discussion on policy, the first honest one.

But it is a lot easier to just label it a muzzie problem and gin hate and anger towards the entire community then it is to implement programs to address the problem at it's source and fund better policing and community outreach programs.

And here you use Political Correctness to lie about what people are saying. And to deny the existence of the problem.



Who is at fault for the rapes? It wasnt politicsl correctness that underfunded police. Nor was it political correctness that refused to look at the system as a whole that was failing these kids. There is a lot of blame to go around.

It was political correctness that told the police to look away. It is political correctness that has prevented looking at the political and cultural source of that.

There is a lot of blame to go around. But you are trying to spread it around to contain the damage to your power weapon, ie Political Correctness.
Again you focus on a narrow point. You are obsessed with crimes by Muslims and airbrush the vast majority of the crimes which arent. Do you think your tired and bigoted contribution will do much to protect children ?
You have no standing in this debate because you are a racist who is obsessed with hatred of brown people.

Are you supposed to be coherent? Or even intelligent and objective?

Why do you make this personal?
Its difficult to discuss anything with him without reference to his rabid racism. He lives on the racism thread and soils pretty much every thread.

You want to talk about him?

Islam is not a race.

They know that. THey just say shit to smear their enemies. It means no more than that.

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