It is time to re examine the origins of our national anthem another neo confederate symbol


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
It is time to re-examine the origins of our national anthem, another neo-Confederate symbol

Confederate war memorials are just the beginning.

The removal of a statue of Chief Justice Roger Taney from its pride of place in the capital of Maryland is the manifestation of a popular awakening that goes beyond bringing down statues of Confederate heroes like Stonewall Jackson.

What we are seeing is the popula......................................

STRIPPING the NATION you a.h are going to regret your communist wants pathetic idiots.
To stupid to see that we are going to lose more and more and more because the RETARDS of society are offended by everything and anything........... WELCOME TO COMMUNIST AMERICA

SAUL ALINKSY is winning his plan compliments of Asshole Obama and his sheep.

It's still amazing how none of you morons were bothered by this bs until TRUMP came in.

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