It Happened Again: India's Bhupendra Kansagra Introduces Obama As A 'Fellow Kenyan'


May 29, 2010
Now why would Bhupendra Kansagra of India come out and introduce Obama to a bunch of CEOs as a Kenyan. This has got to have some meaning and surely these smart executives are smart enough to do their homework on the background of the leader of the United States. You know Obama's own wife said he was from Kenya as well as members of Kenya's parliment. Even the Kenya ambassador said it. This charade will soon end when the Republican dominated 112th Congress is sworn in and investigations are started.

Watch the video:
Why do ya'll pseudo-cons think bowing is subservent?

WND is birther central now or what.

Leave it to the Connies to spend another few million on worthless yet endless investigations. That right there is enough to not allow them full control of congress in 2012. Keep up the good work and keep trying to get Sarah nominated too.

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