It begins: White man throws black family out of segregated restaurant in NYC

But vaccinated people contract and spread the disease too. You do know that, right?

Maybe the unvaccinated folks with antibodies should be afraid of vaccinated folks?
It wouldn’t be spreading if not for the unvaccinated. It would not be mutating if not for the unvaccinated. It’s the unvaccinated that are making sure we can’t have nice things. They should stay the fuck home and be their unvaccinated nastiness all alone.
It wouldn’t be spreading if not for the unvaccinated. It would not be mutating if not for the unvaccinated. It’s the unvaccinated that are making sure we can’t have nice things. They should stay the fuck home and be their unvaccinated nastiness all alone.
God you people are repulsive.
But vaccinated people contract and spread the disease too. You do know that, right?

Maybe the unvaccinated folks with antibodies should be afraid of vaccinated folks?
There is less transmission among the vaccinated.

Unvaccinated people remain the greatest concern: The greatest risk of transmission is among unvaccinated people who are much more likely to get infected, and therefore transmit the virus. Fully vaccinated people get COVID-19 (known as breakthrough infections) less often than unvaccinated people. People infected with the Delta variant, including fully vaccinated people with symptomatic breakthrough infections, can transmit the virus to others. CDC is continuing to assess data on whether fully vaccinated people with asymptomatic breakthrough infections can transmit the virus.
Segregated as in vaccinated vs unvaccinated and yes, the OP certainly implied some irony given how race obsessed the left is.

God you people are repulsive.
Not nearly as repulsive as the unvaccinated that are keeping us in this masked up state. You guys bitched and moaned for a year about having to stay home and wear a mask. The opportunity for actual freedom presents itself with zero cost to you and you guys just want to keep the status quo going. I think you want to keep the disease going just so you can bitch. That’s true repulsiveness.
If it was a KKK Democrat that threw them out of course we know their racist roots, so yah.
Hey, another wingnut who came to the same conclusion that the OP is implying the couple were thrown out because they were black.

Gee, what a shocking surprise, even ^this genius gets it.
Not nearly as repulsive as the unvaccinated that are keeping us in this masked up state. You guys bitched and moaned for a year about having to stay home and wear a mask. The opportunity for actual freedom presents itself with zero cost to you and you guys just want to keep the status quo going. I think you want to keep the disease going just so you can bitch. That’s true repulsiveness.
If only reality wasnt so black and white. SMH
I’m unvaccinated but I did have covid. I’m safer for the public than you are. Why don’t you stay home?
No, you are not “safer” than I am. Doctors still recommend that people who had Covid get the vaccine. But yes, immunity is immunity regardless of its origin. I would just rather we get immunity without killing millions of people first. You?
Hey, another wingnut who came to the same conclusion that the OP is implying the couple were thrown out because they were black.

Gee, what a shocking surprise, even ^this genius gets it.
The OP stated exactly what happened. If you think it is implying racism, then thats why you think they got thrown out.
Hey, im ok with that. Whatever you want to believe. Im used to you cultists delusion.

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