It appears Obamacare is working


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
More proof ObamaCare is working - The Week

The uninsured rate fell to 15.6 percent in the first quarter of the year, according to new Gallup data released Monday — the lowest it's been since 2008. And the rate has been falling since late last year, signaling that ObamaCare is indeed having its intended effect of extending insurance to more and more people. (The scale of the y-axis overstates the slope of the trend line, but you get the idea.)

Moreover, the rate fell precipitously in March, dropping from 15.8 percent at the month's outset to 14.7 percent come April. Such a steep drop is most likely an indication that many people raced to get insured right before ObamaCare's end-of-month enrollment deadline. And indeed, the administration reported that signups spiked in the month's closing days, pushing the total enrollments to 7.1 million.
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If the definition of working is destroying private sector health care in order to make way for an American NHS, then you are spot on!
wow, to him the DMV is a model of pristine efficiency, so consider the source
...and its eating the right wing alive. All their paid actors telling doom and gloom stories had no effect and now they look like children who didnt get their way.
If the definition of working is destroying private sector health care in order to make way for an American NHS, then you are spot on!

No mention of how the private sector health care has been destroying people for decades.

This is like a real time example of rewriting history. Suddenly the private sector health care was hunky dory!
Working, how can you tell with so much of it delayed. We know there will be claims that it's working which is pure propaganda. No one will know if it works till it all kicks in, then if it's not, the harm will likely be irreversible, which was the original intent. Good thing, when it falls apart there will be a republican congress to pick up the pieces.
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Guys, I'm sorry to have to keep reminding you (not really :) ) but dimocraps are some lying scum.

It's what they do. ALL of them.

[ame=]"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]

If you're stupid enough to believe ANYTHING a dimocrap scumbag says, then you deserve whatever befalls you.

[ame=]SHOCK! Hillary Clinton argues - What difference, at this point, does it make about how it happened? - YouTube[/ame]

But, then again, dimocraps are some seriously stupid fucks

[ame=]Obama Bucks! - YouTube[/ame]

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

More proof ObamaCare is working - The Week

The uninsured rate fell to 15.6 percent in the first quarter of the year, according to new Gallup data released Monday — the lowest it's been since 2008. And the rate has been falling since late last year, signaling that ObamaCare is indeed having its intended effect of extending insurance to more and more people. (The scale of the y-axis overstates the slope of the trend line, but you get the idea.)

Moreover, the rate fell precipitously in March, dropping from 15.8 percent at the month's outset to 14.7 percent come April. Such a steep drop is most likely an indication that many people raced to get insured right before ObamaCare's end-of-month enrollment deadline. And indeed, the administration reported that signups spiked in the month's closing days, pushing the total enrollments to 7.1 million.

See that is the problem....I know you don't believe this.
So the question remains - why are you still trying to make ACA something that is good?

If being "insured" means you get a plastic card to carry around with you, then yes - Obamacare succeeded in increasing people carrying plastic cards around. Yay! :(
If being insured means you go to the doctor - hand them the card and it pays them money, then ACA is an abysmal failure. Because for most people, they will never get beyond the very high deductible, and still have to pay 40% of the cost after that.
We already went over this...again...and again.
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Obamacare was implemented to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. A 4% drop is significant given that the program just started

Like it or not, Obamacare is here to stay

Time for Republicans to start calling it ACA
Guys, I'm sorry to have to keep reminding you (not really :) ) but dimocraps are some lying scum.

It's what they do. ALL of them.

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube

If you're stupid enough to believe ANYTHING a dimocrap scumbag says, then you deserve whatever befalls you.

SHOCK! Hillary Clinton argues - What difference, at this point, does it make about how it happened? - YouTube

But, then again, dimocraps are some seriously stupid fucks

Obama Bucks! - YouTube

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.


Wow...such desperation

Obamacare must really be working if you have to dredge up the Obamaphone lady
If the definition of working is destroying private sector health care in order to make way for an American NHS, then you are spot on!

No mention of how the private sector health care has been destroying people for decades.

This is like a real time example of rewriting history. Suddenly the private sector health care was hunky dory!

The private sector was light years ahead of obamacare.
More proof ObamaCare is working - The Week

The uninsured rate fell to 15.6 percent in the first quarter of the year, according to new Gallup data released Monday — the lowest it's been since 2008. And the rate has been falling since late last year, signaling that ObamaCare is indeed having its intended effect of extending insurance to more and more people. (The scale of the y-axis overstates the slope of the trend line, but you get the idea.)

Moreover, the rate fell precipitously in March, dropping from 15.8 percent at the month's outset to 14.7 percent come April. Such a steep drop is most likely an indication that many people raced to get insured right before ObamaCare's end-of-month enrollment deadline. And indeed, the administration reported that signups spiked in the month's closing days, pushing the total enrollments to 7.1 million.

See that is the problem....I know you don't believe this.
So the question remains - why are you still trying to make ACA something that is good?

If being "insured" means you get a plastic card to carry around with you, then yes - Obamacare succeeded in increasing people carrying plastic cards around. Yay! :(
If being insured means you go to the doctor - hand them the card and it pays them money, then ACA is an abysmal failure. Because for most people, they will never get beyond the very high deductible, and still have to pay 40% of the cost after that.
We already went over this...again...and again.

More proof ObamaCare is working - The Week

The uninsured rate fell to 15.6 percent in the first quarter of the year, according to new Gallup data released Monday — the lowest it's been since 2008. And the rate has been falling since late last year, signaling that ObamaCare is indeed having its intended effect of extending insurance to more and more people. (The scale of the y-axis overstates the slope of the trend line, but you get the idea.)

Moreover, the rate fell precipitously in March, dropping from 15.8 percent at the month's outset to 14.7 percent come April. Such a steep drop is most likely an indication that many people raced to get insured right before ObamaCare's end-of-month enrollment deadline. And indeed, the administration reported that signups spiked in the month's closing days, pushing the total enrollments to 7.1 million.
At whose expense is it working? (lol)
Whose earnings will be looted to pay for the previously un-insured?
Obamacare was implemented to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. A 4% drop is significant given that the program just started

Like it or not, Obamacare is here to stay

Time for Republicans to start calling it ACA

YOU are a proven, known liar.

Your president is a proven, known liar.

And nothing you say matters anymore. You're done.

Watch and see in November. You can not imagine how bad the defeat is going to be.

And the ACA was DOA.

We don't have to repeal it. We haven't done jack-shit and it's falling apart. Wait until we refuse to subsidize it.

And, I mean this..... It's a shame. It was something that has been needed for quite some time.

But like EVERYTHING else you scumbags touch, you FUCKED it up.

Can it be saved?

No. You pissed too many people off.

The question now is NOT whether obamacare lives or dies. You're an idiot (a fact anyway) if you think it will survive. It will not. No way, no how.

The question now is what replaces it.

Do we go back to the clusterfuck we had before or do we go to a Single Payer Plan?

THAT is the question that needs answered, not your LIES about obamacare being here to stay.

You people lie. Everything you do is a lie. You wake up lying, and you go to bed lying. That's why I call you what you are.... The scum of the earth.

Without you, without people like you, we could have had this thing up and rolling decades ago.

But you are what you are.... scum. socialist scum, to be exact
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Obamacare was implemented to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. A 4% drop is significant given that the program just started

Like it or not, Obamacare is here to stay

Time for Republicans to start calling it ACA

I think it is very possible that if history attaches Obama to the ACA, Obama will be remembered more favorably.

That is - if they fix it.

So yeah, Republicans may be elevating the way Obama will be remembered. Obama said he LOVES the Obamacare nickname.

I think there are some pretty big issues that need to be fixed, but I agree with you in that I really do believe it is here to stay.
More proof ObamaCare is working - The Week

The uninsured rate fell to 15.6 percent in the first quarter of the year, according to new Gallup data released Monday — the lowest it's been since 2008. And the rate has been falling since late last year, signaling that ObamaCare is indeed having its intended effect of extending insurance to more and more people. (The scale of the y-axis overstates the slope of the trend line, but you get the idea.)

Moreover, the rate fell precipitously in March, dropping from 15.8 percent at the month's outset to 14.7 percent come April. Such a steep drop is most likely an indication that many people raced to get insured right before ObamaCare's end-of-month enrollment deadline. And indeed, the administration reported that signups spiked in the month's closing days, pushing the total enrollments to 7.1 million.

See that is the problem....I know you don't believe this.
So the question remains - why are you still trying to make ACA something that is good?

If being "insured" means you get a plastic card to carry around with you, then yes - Obamacare succeeded in increasing people carrying plastic cards around. Yay! :(
If being insured means you go to the doctor - hand them the card and it pays them money, then ACA is an abysmal failure. Because for most people, they will never get beyond the very high deductible, and still have to pay 40% of the cost after that.
We already went over this...again...and again.

dont' confuse the libs with facts, facts make their little heads explode.

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