Israel’s Top Respiratory Doctor Blows Whistle on Vaccine Effectiveness and American Media Ignores Completely: Claims vaccinated account for 85-90% of

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
NOQ Report ^ | 08/07/2021 | JD Rucker
Posted on 8/8/2021, 12:06:24 AM by SeekAndFind

Dr. Kobi Haviv is not just any doctor. He’s world-renowned for his work on Covid-19 treatments, particularly aiding patients who have acute respiratory ailments as a result. One would think an interview with him explaining the growing problems Israel is facing with Covid-19 hospitalizations would be newsworthy in the United States, but there has been a media blackout.

Why? Because he had the gall to utter the phrase, “Yes, unfortunately the vaccine… as they say, its effectiveness is waning.”

But during the interview, he laid out other bombshells concerning the hospitalization rates in Israel as they relate to vaccinated versus unvaccinated patients. As The Gateway Pundit reported:

According to Dr. Haviv, the vaccinated account for 85-90% of all new hospitalizations and 95% of “severe” cases at the Herzog Medical Center in Jerusalem.

He explains how one infected patient will spread the virus to “a large number of people” and that it doesn’t just happen “here or there,” it’s happening frequently.

According to their health officials, the majority of Israelis have been fully vaccinated, including 85% of those who are eligible. Out of the estimated 9.3 million citizens, 5.8 million have received at least one shot and 5.4 million are fully vaccinated.

Despite most of them taking the jab, the country has seen a quick spike in cases that has resulted in more daily positive test results than they had on the same day last year. On Thursday they had 3,843 new cases.

The Israeli Health Ministry used the data to justify tightening restrictions for their authoritarian vaccine passports. After their emergency vote on Thursday, citizens are now required to provide proof of vaccination, a positive test, or proof that they recovered recently from the virus to participate in most indoor and outdoor activities.

This includes gyms, restaurants, and parks. Synagogues and houses of worship were originally included in the expanded restrictions but they were taken out at the last minute.

Here’s the interview with English subtitles:


Doctors we’ve talked to in the United States, including Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Karladine Graves, and others have been warning this would happen for months. The majority that we’ve interviewed do not believe these are actually even “vaccines” but rather experimental injections that have taken on the “vaccine” label for the sake of political expediency.

Meanwhile, people continue to die from the injections, including children.

It’s career suicide for American journalists to report on such things. The Big Tech banhammer comes down hard on those who share it. But real science needs its day in the sun, so we’ll continue to report it.


RE: What vaccine was primarily used in Israel?

See here:

COVID-19 vaccination in Israel - Wikipedia

Mainly Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna
NOQ Report ^ | 08/07/2021 | JD Rucker
Posted on 8/8/2021, 12:06:24 AM by SeekAndFind

Dr. Kobi Haviv is not just any doctor. He’s world-renowned for his work on Covid-19 treatments, particularly aiding patients who have acute respiratory ailments as a result. One would think an interview with him explaining the growing problems Israel is facing with Covid-19 hospitalizations would be newsworthy in the United States, but there has been a media blackout.

Why? Because he had the gall to utter the phrase, “Yes, unfortunately the vaccine… as they say, its effectiveness is waning.”

But during the interview, he laid out other bombshells concerning the hospitalization rates in Israel as they relate to vaccinated versus unvaccinated patients. As The Gateway Pundit reported:

According to Dr. Haviv, the vaccinated account for 85-90% of all new hospitalizations and 95% of “severe” cases at the Herzog Medical Center in Jerusalem.

He explains how one infected patient will spread the virus to “a large number of people” and that it doesn’t just happen “here or there,” it’s happening frequently.

According to their health officials, the majority of Israelis have been fully vaccinated, including 85% of those who are eligible. Out of the estimated 9.3 million citizens, 5.8 million have received at least one shot and 5.4 million are fully vaccinated.

Despite most of them taking the jab, the country has seen a quick spike in cases that has resulted in more daily positive test results than they had on the same day last year. On Thursday they had 3,843 new cases.

The Israeli Health Ministry used the data to justify tightening restrictions for their authoritarian vaccine passports. After their emergency vote on Thursday, citizens are now required to provide proof of vaccination, a positive test, or proof that they recovered recently from the virus to participate in most indoor and outdoor activities.

This includes gyms, restaurants, and parks. Synagogues and houses of worship were originally included in the expanded restrictions but they were taken out at the last minute.

Here’s the interview with English subtitles:


Doctors we’ve talked to in the United States, including Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Karladine Graves, and others have been warning this would happen for months. The majority that we’ve interviewed do not believe these are actually even “vaccines” but rather experimental injections that have taken on the “vaccine” label for the sake of political expediency.

Meanwhile, people continue to die from the injections, including children.

It’s career suicide for American journalists to report on such things. The Big Tech banhammer comes down hard on those who share it. But real science needs its day in the sun, so we’ll continue to report it.


RE: What vaccine was primarily used in Israel?

See here:

COVID-19 vaccination in Israel - Wikipedia

Mainly Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna
No surprise there in the fact the Media is controlled by the CIA and the CIA and the mossad work hand in hand together.No surprise in the least most of Israel has had the jab,they throw the people that resist it into concentration camps.
Last edited:
NOQ Report ^ | 08/07/2021 | JD Rucker
Posted on 8/8/2021, 12:06:24 AM by SeekAndFind

Dr. Kobi Haviv is not just any doctor. He’s world-renowned for his work on Covid-19 treatments, particularly aiding patients who have acute respiratory ailments as a result. One would think an interview with him explaining the growing problems Israel is facing with Covid-19 hospitalizations would be newsworthy in the United States, but there has been a media blackout.

Why? Because he had the gall to utter the phrase, “Yes, unfortunately the vaccine… as they say, its effectiveness is waning.”

But during the interview, he laid out other bombshells concerning the hospitalization rates in Israel as they relate to vaccinated versus unvaccinated patients. As The Gateway Pundit reported:

According to Dr. Haviv, the vaccinated account for 85-90% of all new hospitalizations and 95% of “severe” cases at the Herzog Medical Center in Jerusalem.

He explains how one infected patient will spread the virus to “a large number of people” and that it doesn’t just happen “here or there,” it’s happening frequently.

According to their health officials, the majority of Israelis have been fully vaccinated, including 85% of those who are eligible. Out of the estimated 9.3 million citizens, 5.8 million have received at least one shot and 5.4 million are fully vaccinated.

Despite most of them taking the jab, the country has seen a quick spike in cases that has resulted in more daily positive test results than they had on the same day last year. On Thursday they had 3,843 new cases.

The Israeli Health Ministry used the data to justify tightening restrictions for their authoritarian vaccine passports. After their emergency vote on Thursday, citizens are now required to provide proof of vaccination, a positive test, or proof that they recovered recently from the virus to participate in most indoor and outdoor activities.

This includes gyms, restaurants, and parks. Synagogues and houses of worship were originally included in the expanded restrictions but they were taken out at the last minute.

Here’s the interview with English subtitles:


Doctors we’ve talked to in the United States, including Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Karladine Graves, and others have been warning this would happen for months. The majority that we’ve interviewed do not believe these are actually even “vaccines” but rather experimental injections that have taken on the “vaccine” label for the sake of political expediency.

Meanwhile, people continue to die from the injections, including children.

It’s career suicide for American journalists to report on such things. The Big Tech banhammer comes down hard on those who share it. But real science needs its day in the sun, so we’ll continue to report it.


RE: What vaccine was primarily used in Israel?

See here:

COVID-19 vaccination in Israel - Wikipedia

Mainly Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna
Oh boy ..there goes lefty's dream of total control!

The Purge
Your odds of living are far higher if you get the vaccine than they’re dying from it due to complications
But if you get the vaccine...your odds of dying from the Vaccine are 100% greater than they were before you stood in line like a scared little chicken to get stuck.

How many new cases have to be hospitalized? Why do these scare stories never include all the information?

These new cases amount to 0.007% of the population. Jump back!!! ...
If you are over 40..get the vaccine !! Even just one shot will protect your lungs and heart
Covid is not the flu
It’s also not Ebola lol

If you get Ebola or sars -then just ask fncceo to shoot you in the head
How many new cases have to be hospitalized? Why do these scare stories never include all the information?

These new cases amount to 0.007% of the population. Jump back!!! ...
Because if they showed the real numbers instead of the percentages everyone would realize that it is a tempest in a tea cup.....notice they always shy away from details.


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