Israel's supposed racism.

52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are ‘a cancer’

Peace Index finds 33% condone anti-migrant violence, establishes a direct correlation between racist attitudes and religiosity

Only 19% of Arab respondents agreed that the migrants were “a cancer.”

The report termed the findings “troubling” and “surprising,” especially considering the fact that 79.5 percent of respondents said that “where they live there are only a few, very few, or no” refugees or migrant workers.
52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are ‘a cancer’


52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are ‘a cancer’

Peace Index finds 33% condone anti-migrant violence, establishes a direct correlation between racist attitudes and religiosity

Only 19% of Arab respondents agreed that the migrants were “a cancer.”

The report termed the findings “troubling” and “surprising,” especially considering the fact that 79.5 percent of respondents said that “where they live there are only a few, very few, or no” refugees or migrant workers.
52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are ‘a cancer’


abi What about Ramallah, Nabi Saleh or even Um many African migrants actually live in any of the Arab villages or towns?

Let's compare Tel-Aviv to Ramallah or even Nabi Saleh.
abi What about Ramallah, Nabi Saleh or even Um many African migrants actually live in any of the Arab villages or towns?

Let's compare Tel-Aviv to Ramallah or even Nabi Saleh.
Is this the new thing? Keep asking me irrelevant questions and then claim I won't answer them? So you never have to bother with the actual topic?

Here, Teddy began the thread with: Israel's supposed racism. What lunacy - supposed - and none of this has anything to do with the demographics of a population long occupied by a racist regime.

I'll simplify for you:





The only thing clear -that You won't answer anything.
No discussion at all.
abi What about Ramallah, Nabi Saleh or even Um many African migrants actually live in any of the Arab villages or towns?

Let's compare Tel-Aviv to Ramallah or even Nabi Saleh.
Is this the new thing? Keep asking me irrelevant questions and then claim I won't answer them? So you never have to bother with the actual topic?

Here, Teddy began the thread with: Israel's supposed racism. What lunacy - supposed - and none of this has anything to do with the demographics of a population long occupied by a racist regime.

I'll simplify for you:





Let me make this more clear, You're reluctant at discussing African migrant in Arab towns - because there're virtually none:

15 hurt in brawl between Africans, Kfar Manda residents
Local says Sudanese 'pose threat,' must be banished from Lower Galilee village at once

Large police forces that were dispatched to the scene were forced to use tear gas to break up the fight. Two Kfar Manda residents and a Sudanese migrant were arrested.

A police official told Ynet the scuffle erupted because some Kfar Manda residents "were not pleased" with the presence of Sudanese migrants in the village.

Following the brawl, hundreds of locals arrived at the scene and demanded that the migrants be removed from the village.

Maleq Sa'adi, who works at a local clinic, said those who were involved in the brawl "used sticks and stones. Our team had a very hard time evacuating the wounded, and locals also hurled stones at a Magen David Adom ambulance and shattered its windshield."

Kfar Manda resident Amjad Zidan said, "This is not the first time locals fight with Sudanese migrants. They must be banished from the village immediately, because they pose a danger to its residents."
The topic is Israel's supposed racism, but please start a thread.

Let me make this more clear, You're reluctant at discussing African migrant in Arab towns - because there're virtually none:
And your above comment is amazing considering the discussion we had here:
Does any have or know where to find demographics information for the occupied territories?

Where we learned the same thing about the settlements.

In these settlements:

אריאל 8
Beitar Illit
ביתר עילית n/a
Ma'ale Adumim
מעלה אדומים
Modi'in Illit
מודיעין עילית

how many blacks live there would you say?

Oh, look, back on topic.
So many folks who think they know something about Israel bash them for everything under the sun. I have seen posts about how they do not tolerate people of darker skin color, or African decent. I have countered with my PERSONAL experience of seeing with my own eyes while in the country that this view is incorrect.

Here's some more to chew on:

Jobless Ethiopian Israelis train as nurse s aides ISRAEL21c
My wife is best friends with the mother of the woman running these programs.
It's good to see these programs getting press.
The topic is Israel's supposed racism, but please start a thread.

Let me make this more clear, You're reluctant at discussing African migrant in Arab towns - because there're virtually none:
And your above comment is amazing considering the discussion we had here:
Does any have or know where to find demographics information for the occupied territories?

Where we learned the same thing about the settlements.

In these settlements:

אריאל 8
Beitar Illit
ביתר עילית n/a
Ma'ale Adumim
מעלה אדומים
Modi'in Illit
מודיעין עילית

how many blacks live there would you say?

Oh, look, back on topic.
As many as want to be,
How many Blacks living in Arab nations with equal rights?
None? That's what I thought.
New legislation reflects the desire to approve at the constitutional level the establishment of 'Arab-free'communities around the country

The clause now proposed in the nation-state bill in fact brings to light the true goal of the acceptance committee law: exclusion based on racism.

read more: Israel's attempts to preserve a racist heritage

Again, I chose a Jewish source on purpose.
So, in one thread you immediately discredit the linked article because it is a blog, then here you use an opinion article as your source.

Flip flop like a fish. Bye bye.
So, in one thread you immediately discredit the linked article because it is a blog, then here you use an opinion article as your source.

Flip flop like a fish. Bye bye.
Are you outright denying the existence of such legislation?
So, in one thread you immediately discredit the linked article because it is a blog, then here you use an opinion article as your source.

Flip flop like a fish. Bye bye.
Are you outright denying the existence of such legislation?
Yes, you are apparently.

I have chosen a Jewish source again on purpose.

Rights groups say legislation, which allows small communities to screen potential members, promotes racism and discrimination.
read more:
High Court upholds residential screening law, enabling Jewish villages to keep Arabs out
This legislation is way overdue.
No one should sleep with the enemy.
In essence, this was Hitler's argument for his brilliant idea of setting up his pure racial colonies.

Are you getting this?
I think everyone gets the "racial colonies" that are virtually exclusive Islamist enclaves.

How many Jews are in Gaza?

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