Israel’s New Tourist Attraction Allows Guests to ‘Shoot Palestinian Terrorists’

As someone who stays out of this forum, and who plans to stay off it in the future, I'd like to make one observation:

Your hatred for the enemy is hurting you, folks, bleeding away your humanity. No matter which side you're on. It doesn't matter.
Welcome to the human race, sweetie. Our motto is "If you ain't killing off the tribe of humans next door, you ain't doin' it right!" :D


It's in our DNA, baby!
My heart bleeds for all who have been killed in this horrible conflict. When it reaches the point that people see killing the enemy as an "amusement" there's a problem. I'm not hearing anyone recognize that, either side. That's the problem I see.

We disagree with your premise. Its not the slightest bit amusing to be forced to defend yourself against terrorists on a daily basis in Israel. Its not about killing the "enemy". Its about protecting oneself.
Self-defense is a natural right.
My heart bleeds for all who have been killed in this horrible conflict. When it reaches the point that people see killing the enemy as an "amusement" there's a problem. I'm not hearing anyone recognize that, either side. That's the problem I see.

We disagree with your premise. Its not the slightest bit amusing to be forced to defend yourself against terrorists on a daily basis in Israel. Its not about killing the "enemy". Its about protecting oneself.

The Palestinians are attacked daily by the Jews, who hold all the power, every once in while they are able to defend themselves.
My heart bleeds for all who have been killed in this horrible conflict. When it reaches the point that people see killing the enemy as an "amusement" there's a problem. I'm not hearing anyone recognize that, either side. That's the problem I see.

We disagree with your premise. Its not the slightest bit amusing to be forced to defend yourself against terrorists on a daily basis in Israel. Its not about killing the "enemy". Its about protecting oneself.

The Palestinians are attacked daily by the Jews, who hold all the power, every once in while they are able to defend themselves.
Let's have one great war to figure out who is right. Are you willing to participate or are you just one of the "idea men" kind of guys?
My heart bleeds for all who have been killed in this horrible conflict. When it reaches the point that people see killing the enemy as an "amusement" there's a problem. I'm not hearing anyone recognize that, either side. That's the problem I see.

We disagree with your premise. Its not the slightest bit amusing to be forced to defend yourself against terrorists on a daily basis in Israel. Its not about killing the "enemy". Its about protecting oneself.

The Palestinians are attacked daily by the Jews, who hold all the power, every once in while they are able to defend themselves.

The Arabs-Moslems posing as Pal'istanians are attacked daily?

I'm sure that is just more of your usual nonsense. I presume you will shuffle off when tasked with supporting your nonsense claim.
That's why there are millions more than there were in 1948.
Sorry Jew hater, you lose once again.

Stating facts is not Jew hating. It's stating facts. There are more Palestinians now than there were in 1948 because of natural population growth minus those murdered by Jews. In any case, 6 million Palestinians live outside of Jew control.
so occupation does not equal control?
Is it OK for people to set up a tourist attraction where people can enjoy pretending to murder Palestinian people?
America has tons of shooting ranges just like that.
Not to mention how many anti-Arab movies Hollywood has produced.
REALLY? Tons of shooting ranges just like that? Where? Do any of them have websites?
In other words, prove it.
OMG OMG OMG, Did you see that, those evil Americanos are practicing killing Muslims! The horror! The horror!


America has tons of shooting ranges just like that.
Not to mention how many anti-Arab movies Hollywood has produced.
See? That's another thing that you people do to piss people off. When you want them to be Americans they are "Americans," and when you want them to be jews, they are "jews."

Those disgusting movies you are talking about are made by jews. Let's be clear.
If you're going to talk antisemtic shit like that, at least wipe it off your mouth.
so occupation does not equal control?
Is it OK for people to set up a tourist attraction where people can enjoy pretending to murder Palestinian people?
America has tons of shooting ranges just like that.
Not to mention how many anti-Arab movies Hollywood has produced.
REALLY? Tons of shooting ranges just like that? Where? Do any of them have websites?
In other words, prove it.
You've got to be kidding.
I have friends who go upstate to these shooting ranges all the time.
Personally, I go to the local Nassau County range.
Fine. Share the site with me and I will visit it and see if provides a two hour "realistic" experience where you and your five year old can all use guns to shoot terrorists.
Please share that with me.
Are you the young lady the left with the Osama target?

No, illiterate liar, it was you who brought us this gem in post 189...

Not to mention how many anti-Arab movies Hollywood has produced.
No semen sample, you've been bringing up Jewwood for months.
As I have already stated, synchronize with the rest of the crew.
You see, you keep repeating stuff the other members of your group have already posted as though it's new.
That's why I know you're all out of sync, not to mention a bunch of idiots. Achmed's case his gene pool was a little chlorinated.

How dare those Americanos practice shooting at Muslims!

As someone who stays out of this forum, and who plans to stay off it in the future, I'd like to make one observation:

Your hatred for the enemy is hurting you, folks, bleeding away your humanity. No matter which side you're on. It doesn't matter.

Reminds you of the way Lefties have gone nuts over Trump, no?
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There is no moral equivalence between defending yourself against an attacker and murdering innocents.
Right, morally, the idea of supporting zionism is beyond belief while supporting freedom for the Palestinians is like supporting David against Goliath.
The David is the tiny Israel which comprises less than 1% of the land mass controled by compared to the Goliath, and ocean of Arab Muslims that surround it, and have tried but failed to destroy Israel many times. Looks like 6 million Jews are outnumbering the 600 million Arab Muslims...waddaya think, Achmed?
My heart bleeds for all who have been killed in this horrible conflict. When it reaches the point that people see killing the enemy as an "amusement" there's a problem. I'm not hearing anyone recognize that, either side. That's the problem I see.

We disagree with your premise. Its not the slightest bit amusing to be forced to defend yourself against terrorists on a daily basis in Israel. Its not about killing the "enemy". Its about protecting oneself.

The Palestinians are attacked daily by the Jews, who hold all the power, every once in while they are able to defend themselves.
Every once in a while the innocent Palestinian animals blow up places filled with unarmed, defenseless, women and children, and when they can they drive over old women especially at bus stops, and then get out and stab them. I mean these people are angels. Ha ha ha.
so occupation does not equal control?
Is it OK for people to set up a tourist attraction where people can enjoy pretending to murder Palestinian people?
America has tons of shooting ranges just like that.
Not to mention how many anti-Arab movies Hollywood has produced.
REALLY? Tons of shooting ranges just like that? Where? Do any of them have websites?
In other words, prove it.

Enough examples have been provided, just through some pages back.
But there're enough more such places in the US. You might not 'like' guns..but it seems to be a BIG part of the American culture.

The Kids Experience
What guns are included in the Kids Package?
This package includes the Beretta ARX and the M4. Add on the Sniper Rifle for $30.

Is this an independent package?
No. The Kids Package is an add-on only experience. A parent/guardian must shoot.

What is the age range for this package?
Children must meet a certain height and weight to shoot this package. This is only for children 17 and under. Children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Is the Kids Package safe?
Absolutely! We have experienced range instructors who work one-on-one with your child to ensure a safe and fun experience.

What is the duration of the Kids Package?
The Kids Package lasts about 30 minutes.

Shooting Range for Kids in Las Vegas | Vegas Attractions
Thanks. Funny none of the "targets" are mentioned in any of the packages. It shows people in the traditional gun range "pose" of firing at a target from a set place. Some make more types of guns available, but that's it.
Not the Israeli amusement park program, so far as I can see, and as disgusting as the Vegas site is, thank goodness it's not quite as bad as that.
Pretty good shooting, not too many misses against a poor defenseless suicide bomber hiding behind a veil.

My heart bleeds for all who have been killed in this horrible conflict. When it reaches the point that people see killing the enemy as an "amusement" there's a problem. I'm not hearing anyone recognize that, either side. That's the problem I see.

We disagree with your premise. Its not the slightest bit amusing to be forced to defend yourself against terrorists on a daily basis in Israel. Its not about killing the "enemy". Its about protecting oneself.

The Palestinians are attacked daily by the Jews, who hold all the power, every once in while they are able to defend themselves.
And you know this for a fact because you have smart phones planted all over Israel and the Jordan's West Bank.
About Us - Caliber 3 Ltd.

you can read testimonials from visitors to Israel.

Israelis have gone to a new low. Sick stuff.

Well well. I smelled a rat and Penelope had it all the time. Caliber 3 is NOT a "tourist attraction". It's a TRAINING facility. It's clients aren't bored NYC Jews with a grudge -- It's military and govt INSTITUTIONS..

Caliber 3’s clients are comprised of some of the top law enforcement, militaries, government and private security services agencies around the world. Each program specifically geared to their specific requirements.

The academy is certified by:

· The Israeli Defense Forces
· The Israeli Prime Minister's Office
· The Israeli Ministry of Defense
· The Israeli Police
· The Israeli Ministry of Homeland Security
· The Israeli Ministry of Commerce and Industry
· The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Do these Russian special forces training at Caliber 3 look like TOURISTS to you??

Oh, I get it. That makes it OK for the zionist psychopaths to encourage tourists to come pretend to kill Palestinians.

More Louie whining and "blah blah blah..." Looks like you didn't get it again. He made a fool out of you with that video.
About Us - Caliber 3 Ltd.

you can read testimonials from visitors to Israel.

Israelis have gone to a new low. Sick stuff.

Well well. I smelled a rat and Penelope had it all the time. Caliber 3 is NOT a "tourist attraction". It's a TRAINING facility. It's clients aren't bored NYC Jews with a grudge -- It's military and govt INSTITUTIONS..

Caliber 3’s clients are comprised of some of the top law enforcement, militaries, government and private security services agencies around the world. Each program specifically geared to their specific requirements.

The academy is certified by:

· The Israeli Defense Forces
· The Israeli Prime Minister's Office
· The Israeli Ministry of Defense
· The Israeli Police
· The Israeli Ministry of Homeland Security
· The Israeli Ministry of Commerce and Industry
· The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Yes. But these are the programs I was discussing.
Shooting Adventure

Hopefully, it goes to the right place. There are other tourist adventures listed there as well.

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