Israel’s efforts to erase Palestinian history reflect ‘incremental genocide...

From the above Jewish source:

The strategy and goal of the course is to educate and enable an 'army' of editors of Wikipedia, giving them the professional skills to write and edit the online encyclopedia's content in a manner which defends and promotes Israel's image.
From the above Jewish source:

The strategy and goal of the course is to educate and enable an 'army' of editors of Wikipedia, giving them the professional skills to write and edit the online encyclopedia's content in a manner which defends and promotes Israel's image.
Looks like a good idea
From the above Jewish source:

The strategy and goal of the course is to educate and enable an 'army' of editors of Wikipedia, giving them the professional skills to write and edit the online encyclopedia's content in a manner which defends and promotes Israel's image.
Looks like a good idea
Just a part of Israel's bullshit machine.
Wow, the sociopaths are trying to prove the OP wrong...

Occupied Palestinian Territory 2016 emergency appeal progress report

Two years on from the summer 2014 hostilities that resulted in unprecedented destruction and loss of life, it is estimated that 43,500 people remain displaced. The root causes of the conflict remain unaddressed and the land, air and sea blockade of Gaza entered its tenth year in June 2016....

Occupied Palestinian Territory 2016 emergency appeal progress report
Wow, the sociopaths are trying to prove the OP wrong...

Occupied Palestinian Territory 2016 emergency appeal progress report

Two years on from the summer 2014 hostilities that resulted in unprecedented destruction and loss of life, it is estimated that 43,500 people remain displaced. The root causes of the conflict remain unaddressed and the land, air and sea blockade of Gaza entered its tenth year in June 2016....

Occupied Palestinian Territory 2016 emergency appeal progress report

Can Hamas ask for an increase in their welfare payments?

Tedious. That's another pointless cut and paste you have cut and pasted multiple times across multiple threads.
You must be posting the same dumb shit on multiple threads. Yeah, that's it, you think every thread is about Hamas and how it's Jewish land.

Back on topic...

Occupied Palestinian Territory 2016 emergency appeal progress report

Two years on from the summer 2014 hostilities that resulted in unprecedented destruction and loss of life, it is estimated that 43,500 people remain displaced. The root causes of the conflict remain unaddressed and the land, air and sea blockade of Gaza entered its tenth year in June 2016....

Occupied Palestinian Territory 2016 emergency appeal progress report

Tedious. That's another pointless cut and paste you have cut and pasted multiple times across multiple threads.
You must be posting the same dumb shit on multiple threads. Yeah, that's it, you think every thread is about Hamas and how it's Jewish land.

Back on topic...

Occupied Palestinian Territory 2016 emergency appeal progress report

Two years on from the summer 2014 hostilities that resulted in unprecedented destruction and loss of life, it is estimated that 43,500 people remain displaced. The root causes of the conflict remain unaddressed and the land, air and sea blockade of Gaza entered its tenth year in June 2016....

Occupied Palestinian Territory 2016 emergency appeal progress report

Why is it that you're cutting and pasting the same cartoons multiple times across multiple threads?

Tedious. That's another pointless cut and paste you have cut and pasted multiple times across multiple threads.
You must be posting the same dumb shit on multiple threads. Yeah, that's it, you think every thread is about Hamas and how it's Jewish land.

Back on topic...

Occupied Palestinian Territory 2016 emergency appeal progress report

Two years on from the summer 2014 hostilities that resulted in unprecedented destruction and loss of life, it is estimated that 43,500 people remain displaced. The root causes of the conflict remain unaddressed and the land, air and sea blockade of Gaza entered its tenth year in June 2016....

Occupied Palestinian Territory 2016 emergency appeal progress report

Emergency appeal for more welfare fraud money?
Emergency appeal for more welfare fraud money?
Looks like you forget which threead you were on again.

Here is an excerpt from the link in the OP.

The question about genocide– yes, it’s an incremental genocide. And I think that’s a word that gives a lot of people pause and it certainly should. We don’t see the absolutely mass slaughters, although in Gaza I think we’ve seen something very much like it that we usually associate with genocide. But– the attempts to erase a people, to just erase them, to erase their history, I think follow a logic that can only be called genocidal. I mean, every time someone says– and people say it all the time, I get it on twitter all the time– “There’s no such thing as a Palestinian,” or “There was nobody there when the Zionists arrived”– these are genocidal statements, these are attempts to erase a culture, erase a history, decimate a people and I think they should be recognized as that.

Israel’s efforts to erase Palestinian history reflect ‘incremental genocide,’ Ehrenreich says

Do you disagree with any of that?
And Palestinians don't try to erease our history?

If we're both doing it, then it doesn't worth the title, since it's a common war tactic.

So, bored now. NEXT@!
The Palestinians have no power to. The Jews have made new maps with "Jewish" towns where there were Arab towns and then pretend that these people never existed.

That is but one example.

You are not both doing it... that's just dumb.
The question about genocide– yes, it’s an incremental genocide. And I think that’s a word that gives a lot of people pause and it certainly should. We don’t see the absolutely mass slaughters, although in Gaza I think we’ve seen something very much like it that we usually associate with genocide. But– the attempts to erase a people, to just erase them, to erase their history, I think follow a logic that can only be called genocidal. I mean, every time someone says– and people say it all the time, I get it on twitter all the time– “There’s no such thing as a Palestinian,” or “There was nobody there when the Zionists arrived”– these are genocidal statements, these are attempts to erase a culture, erase a history, decimate a people and I think they should be recognized as that.

Israel’s efforts to erase Palestinian history reflect ‘incremental genocide,’ Ehrenreich says
So you're falsely accusing Israel of what Arabs and Muslims have done for 1400 years?! Ha ha ha.
Palestinians recently sponsored a UN resolution that referred to the Temple Mount solely as the "Noble Sanctuary." They even became angry when the new Secretary-General of the UN, from Portugal, had the audacity to say that Solomon's Temple once stood there. They are trying to destroy all Temple Mount excavations. They even are trying to usurp traditionally Jewish sites, like the Western Wall and Rachel's Tomb, giving them Muslim names. But they will never succeed.
Unlike the Colosseum in Rome for example, there is not a shred of evidence that Solomon's temple existed just as there is no evidence that the western wall has anything to do with Jews.

Beyond that, using the bible for an historical reference is just plain dumb.

BTW, this is the thread about the Jewish genocide of the Palestinian people.
The Collussuem in Rome was built by stolen gold from the temple and 50,000 Jewish slaves, moron. That is historical fact. There is even archeological evidence marking this event, you undereducated fool.

The Arch of Titus (Italian: Arco di Tito; Latin: Arcus Titi) is a 1st-century AD. honorific arch,[1] located on the Via Sacra, Rome, just to the south-east of the Roman Forum. It was constructed in c. AD. 82 by the EmperorDomitian shortly after the death of his older brother Titus to commemorate Titus's victories, including the Siege of Jerusalem (AD 70). The arch has provided the general model for many triumphal arches erected since the 16th century—perhaps most famously it is the inspiration for the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France.[2]


Close up of relief showing spoils from the Siege of Jerusalem
The Arch provides one of the few contemporary depictions of Temple period artifacts.[11][12]

The seven-branched menorah and trumpets are clearly depicted. It became a symbol of the Jewish diaspora. In a later era, Pope Paul IV made it the place of a yearly oath of submission. Until the modern State of Israel was founded in 1948, Jews refused to walk under it due to a rabbinical prohibition.[13]

The menorah depicted on the Arch served as the model for the menorah used on the emblem of the state of Israel.[14]
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Because they cannot mooch as good as Israel.

The fakestinians are the world's #1 parasites, and the fakestinian/UN/UNRWA/Western guilt money syndrome is the biggest fraudulent industry of all time. More aid $$ flushed down the toilet to the fakestinians swiss bank accounts than can be counted - just as Suha in her $100K/month lifestyle at that Parisian hotel.

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