Israeli Genocidists suffering heavy losses


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022

Palestine - Occupation Forces Have Serious Losses​

Great to hear that the oppressed Freedom Fighters are removing Isreaeli terrorists in considerable numbers .
Betrand at MoonofAlabama provides his usual best informed summary --- see below .
We can already see that MSM reports supporting the Israeli Child Killers are wildly exaggerated .
Along the lines of the Fake New that we all saw in Ukraine until recently . But where now the continuing obliteration of the UAF is near impossible to cover up any longer .

Looks as though the Allahu Akbars could smash the Israelis if they draw in allies like the Houthi and Hezbollah to give Israel a taste of what they want to hand out .
So read on and admire those freedom Fighters trying to hold up the Israeli mad drive for ethnic cleansing --- to the utter disgust of the rest of the world except that of the greatest terrorist world force , the USeLess who use Israel as their proxy fighters

The Israeli army is slowly recognizing and acknowledging that its enemies are serious fighters:

In Gaza itself, the military is amazed at the scale of Hamas' strength in the region, building a de facto terror army stationed 50 minutes away from Tel Aviv over the past 14 years, including hundreds of thousands of weapons ranging from various types of RPGs that constitute the main weapon in targeting soldiers, advanced rocket launchers, strike drones and strike drones modeled to counter Israeli ones.
This also includes mortar shells, AK-47 rifles, Dragunov sniper rifles, communication devices, operational telephone lines and explosive charges in various sizes.
The resistance is stubborn. It doesn't give up even in areas the Israeli Occupation Forces have claimed to have cleaned:

In Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza, located just yards away from Sderot, the IDF has been operating from the early days of the operation, achieving tactical successes. However, the risks still remain. Last week, Hamas terrorists came out of a mosque in the town, and new weapon caches were also discovered.
The IDF is targeting Hamas commanders, and most of these terrorist cells are local and small, but as Beit Hanoun can testify, it will take months to completely clear it of enemy forces- and this isn’t the location in which Hamas is at its strongest.
The occupation forces have relatively high losses, much higher than they admit. Via Haaretz:

IDF Reports 1,593 Wounded Since October 7, but Hospital Data Is Much Higher (archived)

Making its first such announcement since Hamas attacked on October 7, Israel stated on Sunday that 1,593 Israeli soldiers have been wounded during this period.
The military noted that 255 soldiers had suffered serious injuries, 446 moderate injuries and 892 minor injuries. The army released the information on the numbers of wounded soldiers and their condition after Haaretz reported two weeks ago that it had been refusing to do so.
As of Sunday, the number of fallen soldiers in the war that Israel had dubbed "Swords of Iron" stands at 425 (97 of whom have been killed since the launch of the ground operation. An examination conducted by Haaretz with the hospitals where the wounded soldiers have been and are treated shows a considerable and unexplained gap between the data reported by the military and that from the hospitals. The hospitals' data shows that the number of wounded soldiers to be twice as high as the army's numbers.
For example, Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon alone reports treating 1,949 soldiers hurt in the war since October 7 (out of 3,117 injured people treated there during the war), whereas the army reports a total of 1,593 wounded soldiers. Assuta Ashdod reportedly treated 178 patients, Ichilov (Tel Aviv) 148, Rambam (Haifa) 181, Hadassah (Jerusalem) 209 and Sha'arei Tzedek (Jerusalem) 139.
In addition, another 1,000 or so soldiers were treated at Be'er Sheva's Soroka Medical Center, while another 650 were treated at Sheba Medical Center in Tel-Hashomer. This is a partial list, as the data does not include soldiers currently in rehab wards who have already been counted as wounded upon arrival at emergency wards and inpatient wards.
The Health Ministry has counted over 10,000 wounded.

There are likely also more dead soldiers than the occupation forces admit. Some special units, which are generally small, have taken serious hits:

Verum Reports @VerumReports - 13:25 UTC · Oct 14, 2023
Israel Special forces have taken heavy losses:
Unit 5101 Shaldag: 5 KIA, 3 officers/NCOs
Shayetet 13: 2 officer/NCOs KIAs
Yahalom: 1 officer KIA
Yamam: 8 KIA
LOTAR: 5 KIA (3 officers)
Sayeret Matkal (Israel’s elite SOF): 11 KIA (10 officers/NCOs)

Within a somewhat small but open community it is difficult to hide the real numbers.

How many will there have to be to make the Zionist less bloodthirsty?

So well done and three cheers for those Palestinian Freedom Fighters .

Palestine - Occupation Forces Have Serious Losses​

Great to hear that the oppressed Freedom Fighters are removing Isreaeli terrorists in considerable numbers .
Betrand at MoonofAlabama provides his usual best informed summary --- see below .
We can already see that MSM reports supporting the Israeli Child Killers are wildly exaggerated .
Along the lines of the Fake New that we all saw in Ukraine until recently . But where now the continuing obliteration of the UAF is near impossible to cover up any longer .

Looks as though the Allahu Akbars could smash the Israelis if they draw in allies like the Houthi and Hezbollah to give Israel a taste of what they want to hand out .
So read on and admire those freedom Fighters trying to hold up the Israeli mad drive for ethnic cleansing --- to the utter disgust of the rest of the world except that of the greatest terrorist world force , the USeLess who use Israel as their proxy fighters

The Israeli army is slowly recognizing and acknowledging that its enemies are serious fighters:

The resistance is stubborn. It doesn't give up even in areas the Israeli Occupation Forces have claimed to have cleaned:

The occupation forces have relatively high losses, much higher than they admit. Via Haaretz:

IDF Reports 1,593 Wounded Since October 7, but Hospital Data Is Much Higher (archived)

The Health Ministry has counted over 10,000 wounded.

There are likely also more dead soldiers than the occupation forces admit. Some special units, which are generally small, have taken serious hits:


Within a somewhat small but open community it is difficult to hide the real numbers.

How many will there have to be to make the Zionist less bloodthirsty?

So well done and three cheers for those Palestinian Freedom Fighters .

Do you really think Lebanon and Yemen wants to end up looking like Gaza? I would suggest they put their Hezbollah buddies and Yemen put their Houthi shitheads on a shorter leash. Israel is more than prepared and motivated to turn both Lebanon and Yemen into parking lots, if need be.

Think I'm kidding?
Do you really think Lebanon and Yemen wants to end up looking like Gaza? I would suggest they put their Hezbollah buddies and Yemen put their Houthi shitheads on a shorter leash. Israel is more than prepared and motivated to turn both Lebanon and Yemen into parking lots, if need be.

Think I'm kidding?
Mark my words . USless and Israel are dicing with potentially big trouble . The former is broke and already the Israeli economy is shaky and they are short of ordnance .

If it ever does escalate , the one guaranteed huge loser will be Israel , if Turkey and Russia choose to get involved .
It is the last thing I personally would like to see, but if you believe this has been a False Flag and Deep State Psy-Op operation from the beginning , you must assume that Deep State will be delighted to see mayhem and chaos , providing the following escape trouble --- The Vatican , City of London , Washington and Switzerland . .
If the rest of the western world wants to kill itself , they will be delighted .
Last edited:
Are you a Hamas member, OP?
Nobody enjoys reading the opposite of what they want or believe .
But that is just sentimentality and wishful thinking

I am a Contrarian in everything and I also love upsetting the real disgusting small bunch of ignorant racists here .
Nobody enjoys reading the opposite of what they want or believe .
But that is just sentimentality and wishful thinking

The same goes for you too!

So, are you a Hamas member?
The 'allies' have killed 11 million arabs in the last 20 years in multiple 'endless wars' always resulting in the coffers of some globalist increasing , while the animosity does as well....

The validation for doing so is always some bait/switch FF

There's a point where, it doesn't matter what you believe, it doesn't matter who threw the first punch, it doesn't even matter if you've a dog in the fight.....


The same goes for you too!

So, are you a Hamas member?
If that is what you are so desperate to hear, then I am their number one in secret residence here in south east England where I race Camels most weekends .

Get a grip .

Palestine - Occupation Forces Have Serious Losses​

Great to hear that the oppressed Freedom Fighters are removing Isreaeli terrorists in considerable numbers .
Betrand at MoonofAlabama provides his usual best informed summary --- see below .
We can already see that MSM reports supporting the Israeli Child Killers are wildly exaggerated .
Along the lines of the Fake New that we all saw in Ukraine until recently . But where now the continuing obliteration of the UAF is near impossible to cover up any longer .

Looks as though the Allahu Akbars could smash the Israelis if they draw in allies like the Houthi and Hezbollah to give Israel a taste of what they want to hand out .
So read on and admire those freedom Fighters trying to hold up the Israeli mad drive for ethnic cleansing --- to the utter disgust of the rest of the world except that of the greatest terrorist world force , the USeLess who use Israel as their proxy fighters

The Israeli army is slowly recognizing and acknowledging that its enemies are serious fighters:

The resistance is stubborn. It doesn't give up even in areas the Israeli Occupation Forces have claimed to have cleaned:

The occupation forces have relatively high losses, much higher than they admit. Via Haaretz:

IDF Reports 1,593 Wounded Since October 7, but Hospital Data Is Much Higher (archived)

The Health Ministry has counted over 10,000 wounded.

There are likely also more dead soldiers than the occupation forces admit. Some special units, which are generally small, have taken serious hits:


Within a somewhat small but open community it is difficult to hide the real numbers.

How many will there have to be to make the Zionist less bloodthirsty?

So well done and three cheers for those Palestinian Freedom Fighters .
USMB readers can't see the MoonofAlabama page.
Mark my words . USless and Israel are dicing with potentially big trouble . The former is broke and already the Israeli economy is shaky and they are short of ordnance .

If it ever does escalate , the one guaranteed huge loser will be Israel , if Turkey and Russia choose to get involved .
It is the last thing I personally would like to see, but if you believe this has been a False Flag and Deep State Psy-Op operation from the beginning , you must assume that Deep State will be delighted to see mayhem and chaos , providing the following escape trouble --- The Vatican , City of London , Washington and Switzerland . .
If the rest of the western world wants to kill itself , they will be delighted .

Israel isn't broke. They still have anywhere between 70 to 400 nukes, depending on whom you believe.
Proof of IOF military incompetence:

Who is going to read it ?
It's more than four sentences .
USMB prisoners used to be able to see the MoonofAlabama Twitter site. We think even as late as 19 Jun 2023, it was still so. Musk killed Twitter in Jul 2023. USMB prisoners are now forced to join Musk's SS to see it:

19 Jun 2023 MoonofAlabama Post #27
USMB prisoners used to be able to see the MoonofAlabama Twitter site. We think even as late as 19 Jun 2023, it was still so. Musk killed Twitter in Jul 2023. USMB prisoners are now forced to join Musk's SS to see it:

19 Jun 2023 MoonofAlabama Post #27
Over here it is just " ."
No wonder there was such a high level of ignorance if the rodents could not tune in .
Simplicius the Thinker is also beyond outstanding .

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