Israeli and U.S. Groups sued for $34.5 Billion For Funding Settlements

P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, what agreements within the Oslo Accords are important. The Palestinian National Authority ](PNA) (AKA: The Palestinian Authority)(PA)] was established in 1994 as an outcome of the Oslo peace process as the elected government.

Remember: The abrogation of the Oslo Accords does not change the Seventh Arab Summit Resolution on Palestine, Rabat, Morocco, October 1974. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is by decree, the authoritarian government established by the Arab League.

"2. To affirm the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent national authority under the command of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated. This authority, once it is established, shall enjoy the support of the Arab states in all fields and at all levels;"
The Arab Palestinians cannot demonstrate any more competence in government today, then it could back in 1974; or that exercised by the All Palestine Government between (1948-1959); under the flag of the 1916 Arab Revolt. There is no greater example in the world of a government in chaos than the internal disunity and inter-Arab politics --- than that reflected by the Palestinians. While the violence never subsides, the ability to create and perpetuate a self-replicating government on time, and in accordance with the Basic Law, simply has not been exhibited. The Arab Palestinians do not control their fate any more today, then they did in 1948

The conflicting and shifting interests that defined the regional politics of the Middle East in 1948 characterized the existence and failure of the All-Palestine Government. There may have been some genuine concern for the fate of the Palestinians, but Egypt’s and Transjordan’s relationships with the All-Palestine Government are a better indication of their own interests. While Egypt and other Arab League states supported the idea of a Palestinian state, their decision to support the All-Palestine Government was motivated more by blocking Transjordan’s claims to represent the Palestinians than by a fundamental desire to realize Palestinian national aspirations. King Faruq of Egypt did not need Gaza as much as King Abdallah of Transjordan needed the West Bank for political gain, and this difference informed the two countries’ contrasting approaches to the question of a Palestinian government. Historian Avi Shlaim writes, “Ostensibly the embryo for an independent Palestinian state, the new government, from the moment of its inception, was thus reduced to the unhappy role of a shuttlecock in the ongoing power struggle between Cairo and Amman.”
SOURCE: Inter-Arab Rivalry and the All-Palestine Government of 1948 - Institute for Palestinian Studies

Maybe the PA should fold its tent. They just get in the way of any progress.

The Arab-Palestinian create chaos, political disturbances and conduct terrorist in much the same way as drug kingpins and warlords; and for the very same reason (the maintenance of power). Just as there may have been some genuine concern for the fate of the Palestinian people in 1948, in 1967, and right through today; Egypt’s and Jordan’s relationships today with the PA and HAMAS are still demonstrative of their own interests. The Arab League regional concern is that the radicalized Islamic terrorist profile exhibited by the Arab Palestinians is constrained and stopped from spreading.

Objectively, the continuous conflict is to pressure Israel into making concessions with HAMAS such that over time, Israel will give-up more and more while the HAMAS compromises nothing.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, you are a hoot.

Palestine is the poster child of illegal external interference.

What a shame that the Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputed territories are so ineffectual and incompetent that they're wholly unable to manage their affairs.

Hey, maybe If the UN established a dedicated welfare agency for their exclusive abuse and mismanagement, the Arabs-Moslems could find a way to finance an entire Islamic terrorist infrastructure network.
Indeed, the US installed Abbas and his oligarch friends would jump on that.
Indeed, you make all the usual excuses for Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians.

Indeed, "I blame the Great Satan" is but one of the excuses for supporting Islamic terrorism as furthered by the Death Cultists occupying the disputed territories.
They are not disputed, numbnuts, they are occupied.

And I don't buy into Israel's third grade terrorist name calling thing.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, what agreements within the Oslo Accords are important. The Palestinian National Authority ](PNA) (AKA: The Palestinian Authority)(PA)] was established in 1994 as an outcome of the Oslo peace process as the elected government.

Remember: The abrogation of the Oslo Accords does not change the Seventh Arab Summit Resolution on Palestine, Rabat, Morocco, October 1974. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is by decree, the authoritarian government established by the Arab League.

"2. To affirm the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent national authority under the command of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated. This authority, once it is established, shall enjoy the support of the Arab states in all fields and at all levels;"
The Arab Palestinians cannot demonstrate any more competence in government today, then it could back in 1974; or that exercised by the All Palestine Government between (1948-1959); under the flag of the 1916 Arab Revolt. There is no greater example in the world of a government in chaos than the internal disunity and inter-Arab politics --- than that reflected by the Palestinians. While the violence never subsides, the ability to create and perpetuate a self-replicating government on time, and in accordance with the Basic Law, simply has not been exhibited. The Arab Palestinians do not control their fate any more today, then they did in 1948

The conflicting and shifting interests that defined the regional politics of the Middle East in 1948 characterized the existence and failure of the All-Palestine Government. There may have been some genuine concern for the fate of the Palestinians, but Egypt’s and Transjordan’s relationships with the All-Palestine Government are a better indication of their own interests. While Egypt and other Arab League states supported the idea of a Palestinian state, their decision to support the All-Palestine Government was motivated more by blocking Transjordan’s claims to represent the Palestinians than by a fundamental desire to realize Palestinian national aspirations. King Faruq of Egypt did not need Gaza as much as King Abdallah of Transjordan needed the West Bank for political gain, and this difference informed the two countries’ contrasting approaches to the question of a Palestinian government. Historian Avi Shlaim writes, “Ostensibly the embryo for an independent Palestinian state, the new government, from the moment of its inception, was thus reduced to the unhappy role of a shuttlecock in the ongoing power struggle between Cairo and Amman.”
SOURCE: Inter-Arab Rivalry and the All-Palestine Government of 1948 - Institute for Palestinian Studies


The Arab-Palestinian create chaos, political disturbances and conduct terrorist in much the same way as drug kingpins and warlords; and for the very same reason (the maintenance of power). Just as there may have been some genuine concern for the fate of the Palestinian people in 1948, in 1967, and right through today; Egypt’s and Jordan’s relationships today with the PA and HAMAS are still demonstrative of their own interests. The Arab League regional concern is that the radicalized Islamic terrorist profile exhibited by the Arab Palestinians is constrained and stopped from spreading.

Objectively, the continuous conflict is to pressure Israel into making concessions with HAMAS such that over time, Israel will give-up more and more while the HAMAS compromises nothing.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, you are a hoot.

Palestine is the poster child of illegal external interference.

What a shame that the Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputed territories are so ineffectual and incompetent that they're wholly unable to manage their affairs.

Hey, maybe If the UN established a dedicated welfare agency for their exclusive abuse and mismanagement, the Arabs-Moslems could find a way to finance an entire Islamic terrorist infrastructure network.
Indeed, the US installed Abbas and his oligarch friends would jump on that.
Indeed, you make all the usual excuses for Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians.

Indeed, "I blame the Great Satan" is but one of the excuses for supporting Islamic terrorism as furthered by the Death Cultists occupying the disputed territories.
They are not disputed, numbnuts, they are occupied.

And i don't buy into Israel's third grade terrorist name calling thing.

Actually, the disputed territories occupied by both Pal'istanian Islamic terrorist franchises are called "disputed territories" for a reason. You can pray at the altar of the Hamas Charter all you wish but your claims to an islamo-waqf are disputed by a stronger Israel with better weapons, better tactics and a history of delivering humiliating losses to Islamic terrorist aggressors.

What a shame you will never get an invite to Mahmoud's 13 million dollar palace financed with kuffar welfare dollars and built on the bodies of Pal'istanian terrorist "martyrs". Dead Pali terrorists are a valuable commodity.
Rocco, you are a hoot.

Palestine is the poster child of illegal external interference.

What a shame that the Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputed territories are so ineffectual and incompetent that they're wholly unable to manage their affairs.

Hey, maybe If the UN established a dedicated welfare agency for their exclusive abuse and mismanagement, the Arabs-Moslems could find a way to finance an entire Islamic terrorist infrastructure network.
Indeed, the US installed Abbas and his oligarch friends would jump on that.
Indeed, you make all the usual excuses for Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians.

Indeed, "I blame the Great Satan" is but one of the excuses for supporting Islamic terrorism as furthered by the Death Cultists occupying the disputed territories.
They are not disputed, numbnuts, they are occupied.

And i don't buy into Israel's third grade terrorist name calling thing.

Actually, the disputed territories occupied by both Pal'istanian Islamic terrorist franchises are called "disputed territories" for a reason. You can pray at the altar of the Hamas Charter all you wish but your claims to an islamo-waqf are disputed by a stronger Israel with better weapons, better tactics and a history of delivering humiliating losses to Islamic terrorist aggressors.

What a shame you will never get an invite to Mahmoud's 13 million dollar palace financed with kuffar welfare dollars and built on the bodies of Pal'istanian terrorist "martyrs". Dead Pali terrorists are a valuable commodity.
Actually, the disputed territories occupied by both Pal'istanian Islamic terrorist franchises are called "disputed territories" for a reason.​

Indeed, it is a propaganda campaign by the lying sacks of crap in Israel.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, what agreements within the Oslo Accords are important. The Palestinian National Authority ](PNA) (AKA: The Palestinian Authority)(PA)] was established in 1994 as an outcome of the Oslo peace process as the elected government.

Remember: The abrogation of the Oslo Accords does not change the Seventh Arab Summit Resolution on Palestine, Rabat, Morocco, October 1974. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is by decree, the authoritarian government established by the Arab League.

"2. To affirm the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent national authority under the command of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated. This authority, once it is established, shall enjoy the support of the Arab states in all fields and at all levels;"
The Arab Palestinians cannot demonstrate any more competence in government today, then it could back in 1974; or that exercised by the All Palestine Government between (1948-1959); under the flag of the 1916 Arab Revolt. There is no greater example in the world of a government in chaos than the internal disunity and inter-Arab politics --- than that reflected by the Palestinians. While the violence never subsides, the ability to create and perpetuate a self-replicating government on time, and in accordance with the Basic Law, simply has not been exhibited. The Arab Palestinians do not control their fate any more today, then they did in 1948

The conflicting and shifting interests that defined the regional politics of the Middle East in 1948 characterized the existence and failure of the All-Palestine Government. There may have been some genuine concern for the fate of the Palestinians, but Egypt’s and Transjordan’s relationships with the All-Palestine Government are a better indication of their own interests. While Egypt and other Arab League states supported the idea of a Palestinian state, their decision to support the All-Palestine Government was motivated more by blocking Transjordan’s claims to represent the Palestinians than by a fundamental desire to realize Palestinian national aspirations. King Faruq of Egypt did not need Gaza as much as King Abdallah of Transjordan needed the West Bank for political gain, and this difference informed the two countries’ contrasting approaches to the question of a Palestinian government. Historian Avi Shlaim writes, “Ostensibly the embryo for an independent Palestinian state, the new government, from the moment of its inception, was thus reduced to the unhappy role of a shuttlecock in the ongoing power struggle between Cairo and Amman.”
SOURCE: Inter-Arab Rivalry and the All-Palestine Government of 1948 - Institute for Palestinian Studies

Maybe the PA should fold its tent. They just get in the way of any progress.

The Arab-Palestinian create chaos, political disturbances and conduct terrorist in much the same way as drug kingpins and warlords; and for the very same reason (the maintenance of power). Just as there may have been some genuine concern for the fate of the Palestinian people in 1948, in 1967, and right through today; Egypt’s and Jordan’s relationships today with the PA and HAMAS are still demonstrative of their own interests. The Arab League regional concern is that the radicalized Islamic terrorist profile exhibited by the Arab Palestinians is constrained and stopped from spreading.

Objectively, the continuous conflict is to pressure Israel into making concessions with HAMAS such that over time, Israel will give-up more and more while the HAMAS compromises nothing.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, you are a hoot.

Palestine is the poster child of illegal external interference.

And all at the hands of islamonazi nations, showing that they are fighting a proxy war and losing.
Gooo Rocco.

Bottom line is you can squander all the billions you want to on the Arab Muslims in Israel, they are more interested in personal gain than they are in any form of actual government.

Its a rather sad parade of one self interested con man after another starting with the Egyptian.
Indeed, that is why he should leave.

He has for good, and his widow is sitting pretty with all his $billions
What a shame that the Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputed territories are so ineffectual and incompetent that they're wholly unable to manage their affairs.

Hey, maybe If the UN established a dedicated welfare agency for their exclusive abuse and mismanagement, the Arabs-Moslems could find a way to finance an entire Islamic terrorist infrastructure network.
Indeed, the US installed Abbas and his oligarch friends would jump on that.
Indeed, you make all the usual excuses for Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians.

Indeed, "I blame the Great Satan" is but one of the excuses for supporting Islamic terrorism as furthered by the Death Cultists occupying the disputed territories.
They are not disputed, numbnuts, they are occupied.

And i don't buy into Israel's third grade terrorist name calling thing.

Actually, the disputed territories occupied by both Pal'istanian Islamic terrorist franchises are called "disputed territories" for a reason. You can pray at the altar of the Hamas Charter all you wish but your claims to an islamo-waqf are disputed by a stronger Israel with better weapons, better tactics and a history of delivering humiliating losses to Islamic terrorist aggressors.

What a shame you will never get an invite to Mahmoud's 13 million dollar palace financed with kuffar welfare dollars and built on the bodies of Pal'istanian terrorist "martyrs". Dead Pali terrorists are a valuable commodity.
Actually, the disputed territories occupied by both Pal'istanian Islamic terrorist franchises are called "disputed territories" for a reason.​

Indeed, it is a propaganda campaign by the lying sacks of crap in Israel.
Goofy conspiracy theories are another symptom of the debilitating disease known as Pal'istanian Mentality™. It's a retreat into some alternate reality that allows Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputated territories to believe their 7th century worldview is somehow relevant in the era of first world societies.

Do you think the Islamic terrorist kingpins like Mahmoud get a hearty guffaw at those dead Pali "martyrs" when he's fanning his stacks of welfare dollars?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, what agreements within the Oslo Accords are important. The Palestinian National Authority ](PNA) (AKA: The Palestinian Authority)(PA)] was established in 1994 as an outcome of the Oslo peace process as the elected government.

Remember: The abrogation of the Oslo Accords does not change the Seventh Arab Summit Resolution on Palestine, Rabat, Morocco, October 1974. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is by decree, the authoritarian government established by the Arab League.

"2. To affirm the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent national authority under the command of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated. This authority, once it is established, shall enjoy the support of the Arab states in all fields and at all levels;"
The Arab Palestinians cannot demonstrate any more competence in government today, then it could back in 1974; or that exercised by the All Palestine Government between (1948-1959); under the flag of the 1916 Arab Revolt. There is no greater example in the world of a government in chaos than the internal disunity and inter-Arab politics --- than that reflected by the Palestinians. While the violence never subsides, the ability to create and perpetuate a self-replicating government on time, and in accordance with the Basic Law, simply has not been exhibited. The Arab Palestinians do not control their fate any more today, then they did in 1948

The conflicting and shifting interests that defined the regional politics of the Middle East in 1948 characterized the existence and failure of the All-Palestine Government. There may have been some genuine concern for the fate of the Palestinians, but Egypt’s and Transjordan’s relationships with the All-Palestine Government are a better indication of their own interests. While Egypt and other Arab League states supported the idea of a Palestinian state, their decision to support the All-Palestine Government was motivated more by blocking Transjordan’s claims to represent the Palestinians than by a fundamental desire to realize Palestinian national aspirations. King Faruq of Egypt did not need Gaza as much as King Abdallah of Transjordan needed the West Bank for political gain, and this difference informed the two countries’ contrasting approaches to the question of a Palestinian government. Historian Avi Shlaim writes, “Ostensibly the embryo for an independent Palestinian state, the new government, from the moment of its inception, was thus reduced to the unhappy role of a shuttlecock in the ongoing power struggle between Cairo and Amman.”
SOURCE: Inter-Arab Rivalry and the All-Palestine Government of 1948 - Institute for Palestinian Studies

Maybe the PA should fold its tent. They just get in the way of any progress.

The Arab-Palestinian create chaos, political disturbances and conduct terrorist in much the same way as drug kingpins and warlords; and for the very same reason (the maintenance of power). Just as there may have been some genuine concern for the fate of the Palestinian people in 1948, in 1967, and right through today; Egypt’s and Jordan’s relationships today with the PA and HAMAS are still demonstrative of their own interests. The Arab League regional concern is that the radicalized Islamic terrorist profile exhibited by the Arab Palestinians is constrained and stopped from spreading.

Objectively, the continuous conflict is to pressure Israel into making concessions with HAMAS such that over time, Israel will give-up more and more while the HAMAS compromises nothing.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, you are a hoot.

Palestine is the poster child of illegal external interference.

What a shame that the Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputed territories are so ineffectual and incompetent that they're wholly unable to manage their affairs.

Hey, maybe If the UN established a dedicated welfare agency for their exclusive abuse and mismanagement, the Arabs-Moslems could find a way to finance an entire Islamic terrorist infrastructure network.
Indeed, the US installed Abbas and his oligarch friends would jump on that.

I thought it was the arab league that installed him as head of the PLO
What a shame that the Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputed territories are so ineffectual and incompetent that they're wholly unable to manage their affairs.

Hey, maybe If the UN established a dedicated welfare agency for their exclusive abuse and mismanagement, the Arabs-Moslems could find a way to finance an entire Islamic terrorist infrastructure network.
Indeed, the US installed Abbas and his oligarch friends would jump on that.
Indeed, you make all the usual excuses for Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians.

Indeed, "I blame the Great Satan" is but one of the excuses for supporting Islamic terrorism as furthered by the Death Cultists occupying the disputed territories.
They are not disputed, numbnuts, they are occupied.

And i don't buy into Israel's third grade terrorist name calling thing.

Actually, the disputed territories occupied by both Pal'istanian Islamic terrorist franchises are called "disputed territories" for a reason. You can pray at the altar of the Hamas Charter all you wish but your claims to an islamo-waqf are disputed by a stronger Israel with better weapons, better tactics and a history of delivering humiliating losses to Islamic terrorist aggressors.

What a shame you will never get an invite to Mahmoud's 13 million dollar palace financed with kuffar welfare dollars and built on the bodies of Pal'istanian terrorist "martyrs". Dead Pali terrorists are a valuable commodity.
Actually, the disputed territories occupied by both Pal'istanian Islamic terrorist franchises are called "disputed territories" for a reason.​

Indeed, it is a propaganda campaign by the lying sacks of crap in Israel.

Of course it is your imam has told you it is
P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, what agreements within the Oslo Accords are important. The Palestinian National Authority ](PNA) (AKA: The Palestinian Authority)(PA)] was established in 1994 as an outcome of the Oslo peace process as the elected government.

Remember: The abrogation of the Oslo Accords does not change the Seventh Arab Summit Resolution on Palestine, Rabat, Morocco, October 1974. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is by decree, the authoritarian government established by the Arab League.

"2. To affirm the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent national authority under the command of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated. This authority, once it is established, shall enjoy the support of the Arab states in all fields and at all levels;"
The Arab Palestinians cannot demonstrate any more competence in government today, then it could back in 1974; or that exercised by the All Palestine Government between (1948-1959); under the flag of the 1916 Arab Revolt. There is no greater example in the world of a government in chaos than the internal disunity and inter-Arab politics --- than that reflected by the Palestinians. While the violence never subsides, the ability to create and perpetuate a self-replicating government on time, and in accordance with the Basic Law, simply has not been exhibited. The Arab Palestinians do not control their fate any more today, then they did in 1948

The conflicting and shifting interests that defined the regional politics of the Middle East in 1948 characterized the existence and failure of the All-Palestine Government. There may have been some genuine concern for the fate of the Palestinians, but Egypt’s and Transjordan’s relationships with the All-Palestine Government are a better indication of their own interests. While Egypt and other Arab League states supported the idea of a Palestinian state, their decision to support the All-Palestine Government was motivated more by blocking Transjordan’s claims to represent the Palestinians than by a fundamental desire to realize Palestinian national aspirations. King Faruq of Egypt did not need Gaza as much as King Abdallah of Transjordan needed the West Bank for political gain, and this difference informed the two countries’ contrasting approaches to the question of a Palestinian government. Historian Avi Shlaim writes, “Ostensibly the embryo for an independent Palestinian state, the new government, from the moment of its inception, was thus reduced to the unhappy role of a shuttlecock in the ongoing power struggle between Cairo and Amman.”
SOURCE: Inter-Arab Rivalry and the All-Palestine Government of 1948 - Institute for Palestinian Studies


The Arab-Palestinian create chaos, political disturbances and conduct terrorist in much the same way as drug kingpins and warlords; and for the very same reason (the maintenance of power). Just as there may have been some genuine concern for the fate of the Palestinian people in 1948, in 1967, and right through today; Egypt’s and Jordan’s relationships today with the PA and HAMAS are still demonstrative of their own interests. The Arab League regional concern is that the radicalized Islamic terrorist profile exhibited by the Arab Palestinians is constrained and stopped from spreading.

Objectively, the continuous conflict is to pressure Israel into making concessions with HAMAS such that over time, Israel will give-up more and more while the HAMAS compromises nothing.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, you are a hoot.

Palestine is the poster child of illegal external interference.

What a shame that the Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputed territories are so ineffectual and incompetent that they're wholly unable to manage their affairs.

Hey, maybe If the UN established a dedicated welfare agency for their exclusive abuse and mismanagement, the Arabs-Moslems could find a way to finance an entire Islamic terrorist infrastructure network.
Indeed, the US installed Abbas and his oligarch friends would jump on that.
Indeed, you make all the usual excuses for Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians.

Indeed, "I blame the Great Satan" is but one of the excuses for supporting Islamic terrorism as furthered by the Death Cultists occupying the disputed territories.
They are not disputed, numbnuts, they are occupied.

And I don't buy into Israel's third grade terrorist name calling thing.

And who was in control of them when Israel occupied them ?

Then what happened to them to make them disputed

Read the laws concerning occupation

Nutandyahoo still banging on about his terrorist propaganda campaign.

And you are still trying to justify islamonazi terrorism and violence


Nutandyahoo still banging on about his terrorist propaganda campaign.

And you are still trying to justify islamonazi terrorism and violence


Looks like "Palestinians" would benefit from ending their rocket firings, but they're so fucking stupid they won't.

Israel thinks that killing a lot of civilians and destroying a lot of civilian infrastructure is winning.

Actually they are shooting themselves in the foot,.

Nutandyahoo still banging on about his terrorist propaganda campaign.

And you are still trying to justify islamonazi terrorism and violence


Yeah, that's nice. The cartoon has been cut and pasted before.

What a shame that the Arab-Moslem Islamic terrorists don't make the connection between committing acts of Islamic terrorism and a retaliation to those acts.

How fortunate for the Arab-Moslem terrorists that Pal'istanian Mentality makes allowances for Arab-Moslem terrorists to facilitate their own deaths.

Nutandyahoo still banging on about his terrorist propaganda campaign.

And you are still trying to justify islamonazi terrorism and violence


Looks like "Palestinians" would benefit from ending their rocket firings, but they're so fucking stupid they won't.

Israel thinks that killing a lot of civilians and destroying a lot of civilian infrastructure is winning.

Actually they are shooting themselves in the foot,.

Israel thinks that killing a lot of civilians and destroying a lot of civilian infrastructure is winning.

Your terrorist buddies think killing a lot of civilians, whether Jews or Arabs, is winning.

Nutandyahoo still banging on about his terrorist propaganda campaign.

And you are still trying to justify islamonazi terrorism and violence


Looks like "Palestinians" would benefit from ending their rocket firings, but they're so fucking stupid they won't.

Israel thinks that killing a lot of civilians and destroying a lot of civilian infrastructure is winning.

Actually they are shooting themselves in the foot,.

So what have they lost after the journalists told the truth in 2014 and showed the Palestinians using women, children and the media as human shields. All the Palestinians have left is pallywood productions to provide their propaganda videos
And the lawsuit will inevitably fail. Its perfectly legal to take a tax break on these kind of donations to Israel ;--)
Unreal isn't it.

US taxpayers paid more to Israeli defense budget than Israelis

By Alison Weir on September 17, 2012

American taxpayers give Israel over $3 billion per year (over $8 million per day), more than to any other nation, despite the fact that Israel is smaller than New Jersey and is in the top 30 richest countries in the world.

The Israeli army’s chief of staff states that in the past three years, “US taxpayers have contributed more to the Israeli defense budget than Israeli taxpayers,” according to a report in the Jerusalem Post, a prominent Israeli newspaper.

Some of the other top recipients of US tax money, Egypt and Jordan, were provided this assistance in return for diplomatic recognition of the Israeli state.

According to the Congressional Research Service, Israel is given this money in a lump sum at the beginning of the fiscal year. Americans then pay interest on money they have given to Israel, while Israel makes interest on it.

US taxpayers paid more to Israeli defense budget than Israelis | Veterans News Now

I agree, awful! We should give money to send the Arabs living there to Syria.
Lots of room, no pesky Jews to blame for their failures.

Why americans are allowed only to help this Apartheid army not other armies in world?
Does it confirm that US is under zionist tribe control?
Actually Americans help various army's all across the planet, mostly in Africa.
et al,

There are certain assumptions here that are false.

Nutandyahoo still banging on about his terrorist propaganda campaign.
And you are still trying to justify islamonazi terrorism and violence
Looks like "Palestinians" would benefit from ending their rocket firings, but they're so fucking stupid they won't.
Israel thinks that killing a lot of civilians and destroying a lot of civilian infrastructure is winning.
Actually they are shooting themselves in the foot,.
Israel thinks that killing a lot of civilians and destroying a lot of civilian infrastructure is winning.
Your terrorist buddies think killing a lot of civilians, whether Jews or Arabs, is winning.

On the Palestinian Side:
• Khartoum Resolution (1967)

∆ No peace with Israel,
∆ No recognition of Israel,
∆ No negotiations with Israel.
PLO Charter (1988)

∆ Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine. This is the overall strategy, not merely a tactical phase.
∆ Commando (Feday'ee) action constitutes the nucleus of the Palestinian popular liberation war.
∆ The partition of Palestine in 1947, and the establishment of the state of Israel are entirely illegal, regardless of the passage of time, because they were contrary to the will of the Palestinian people and its natural right in their homeland, and were inconsistent with the principles embodied in the Charter of the United Nations, particularly the right to self-determination.
∆ The Arab Palestinian people, expressing themselves by armed Palestinian revolution, reject all solutions which are substitutes for the total liberation of Palestine and reject all proposals aimed at the liquidation of the Palestinian cause, or at its internationalization.
• Islamic Resistance Movement (1988)

∆ Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.
∆ There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.
∆ The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day.
∆ Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement. Abusing any part of Palestine is abuse directed against part of religion.
∆ Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
Vision and Strategy of HAMAS; reflecting the practical application of its strategies.

∆ Palestine, from its [Jordan] river to its [Mediterranean] sea, from its north to its south, is the land of the Palestinian people; it is their homeland and their legitimate right.
∆ Palestine, in its entirety, is an Arab and Islamic land.
∆ The liberation of Palestine is a national, domestic and legitimate duty. It is the responsibility of the Palestinians, the Arabs and the Islamic ummah.
∆ Jihad and armed resistance is the correct and authentic means for the liberation of Palestine and the restoration of all rights.

From the Arab Palestinian perspective --- there is no incentive to settle the conflict by peaceful means. They will continue the conflict until such time as they are able to apply sufficient political pressure that will overturn recommendations adopted in General Assembly Resolution [181(II)].

Combining all these statement, wherein the Hostile Arab Palestinians identifies themselves as Jihadist that:

• Threaten to use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel.
• Violate the existing international boundaries of Israel as a means of solving international disputes,
• Decline to pursue in good faith negotiations for the early conclusion of a universal treaty.
• Disseminates information designed to provoke or encourage conflict; and threaten the peace, or induce act of aggression;
• Palestinian terrorists who dress as civilians
• Palestinians targeting civilians
• Palestinians performing Acts of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited.
• Locating valid military objectives inside Densely Populated Areas
• Failure to evacuate Civilians and remove Civilian Objects from the Vicinity of Military Operations.
• Conducting bombings, kidnapping and murder, hijackings, piracy, and other asymmetric operations directed against noncombatants.

This outlines, in thumbnail form, the general character and nature of the Hostile Arab Palestinian.

Most Respectfully,

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