Israel tries to prevent airing a report on displacing Christians from Palestine

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
NAZARETH (PIC)-- American Network "CBS" disclosed, on Tuesday, that there was Zionist pressure exerted on the network to stop it from broadcasting a report within "60 Minutes" program discussing the Zionist policies to displace Palestinian Christians from Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

The correspondent on the U.S. news program "60 Minutes", Bob Simon, has scolded Israel's ambassador to US Michael Oren for his intervention and his attempt to prevent the airing of the report, saying that he had never received a reaction to a story that hadn't been broadcast yet. The ambassador replied that there is always a first time for everything, and that he is serving his country and protecting it, pointing out that the channel should have broadcast reports on the situation of Christians in other countries in the region.

The channel aired last night, the report unveiling the policy of the Zionist entity to displace Palestinian Christians from the Holy Land revealing the harassment and oppression by the occupation that Christians face and that turns their lives into hell.

The Zionist ambassador told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who intervened with the channel’s management to stop the airing of the report, that if the report contains the information he was told it contains then it would be a strategic disaster for our relations with United States' Christians.

Israel tries to prevent airing a report on displacing Christians from Palestine
Journalistic Malpractice
Christian leaders, Middle East experts, and observers on Capitol Hill are crying foul on a CBS News report that they say erroneously blamed Israel for the persecution and migration of Palestinian Christians.

The report by “60 Minutes” contributor Bob Simon blamed Israeli security policies for the outflow of Christian Palestinians from historically Christian areas such as Nazareth and Bethlehem.

In interviews with Palestinian Christian leaders and others, Simon concluded that Israel, through its settlements and security measures, is squeezing Middle Eastern Christians into obscurity.

The segment’s profound inaccuracies were startling, Christian leaders and other experts argued. Simon’s report, they say, whitewashed the extremist rhetoric of its various subjects and intentionally failed to tell the real story behind the West Bank’s Christian exodus—and the continuing growth in Israel’s Christian population.

“I find it incomprehensible for CBS to focus on one Christian population that is not actually shrinking and blame its troubles on the steps Israel is taking to protect itself from these same Islamic terrorists” who target Arab Christians, said David Brog, executive director of Christians United for Israel, one of the nation’s largest pro-Israel groups.

“They leave out the fact that the only Christian community that is thriving is the one in Israel,” said Brog, explaining that Christian minorities across the Middle East routinely face slaughter at the hands of Islamic extremists.

The CBS report purports to reveal that Israeli policies are asphyxiating Christian minorities throughout the West Bank. Statistics, however, reveal that Muslim populations in Greater Israel have increased over the years, leading experts to determine that most Christian persecution is being carried out by Islamic hardliners, not Israel.

“CBS is falling for the same tricks that a lot of tourists to the region fall for,” said Brog, whose supporters fired off more than 19,000 emails of protest to CBS executives Monday. “I’d expect more from a veteran CBS reporter than a first time tourist. It is irresponsible and misleading; it’s journalistic malpractice.”

Experts on the region noted that Palestinian Christians live in fear of their Muslim neighbors, who routinely intimidate them and sometimes carry out violent attacks. For this reason, it is incredibly dangerous to criticize the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, which control the areas they live in.

“As a persecuted minority, if [Christians] shift the blame to Israel, they take the heat off of themselves,” said Jordanna McMillan, director of outreach for the International Israel Allies Caucus Foundation, a group that unites pro-Israel advocates across the religious spectrum. “‘60 Minutes’ doesn’t understand the intricacies of the issue.”

“Christians and Muslims do not now get along well in the Palestinian territories and they did not ever,” said Lee Smith, a fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies who frequently writes about these issues. “If that was really the case, then we would find it difficult explain the fact of a Muslim majority in the Middle East, and in particular in the birthplace of Jesus. Christians are a minority because the conflict between Christians and Muslims has lasted for more than a thousand years, and the Christians did not win it.”

Israel is the only pluralistic democracy in the region, where Christians are able to live free from persecution and have grown in actual numbers, unlike so many other places in the Middle East.”
Journalistic Malpractice | Washington Free Beacon
Journalistic Malpractice
Christian leaders, Middle East experts, and observers on Capitol Hill are crying foul on a CBS News report that they say erroneously blamed Israel for the persecution and migration of Palestinian Christians.

The report by “60 Minutes” contributor Bob Simon blamed Israeli security policies for the outflow of Christian Palestinians from historically Christian areas such as Nazareth and Bethlehem.

In interviews with Palestinian Christian leaders and others, Simon concluded that Israel, through its settlements and security measures, is squeezing Middle Eastern Christians into obscurity.

The segment’s profound inaccuracies were startling, Christian leaders and other experts argued. Simon’s report, they say, whitewashed the extremist rhetoric of its various subjects and intentionally failed to tell the real story behind the West Bank’s Christian exodus—and the continuing growth in Israel’s Christian population.

“I find it incomprehensible for CBS to focus on one Christian population that is not actually shrinking and blame its troubles on the steps Israel is taking to protect itself from these same Islamic terrorists” who target Arab Christians, said David Brog, executive director of Christians United for Israel, one of the nation’s largest pro-Israel groups.

“They leave out the fact that the only Christian community that is thriving is the one in Israel,” said Brog, explaining that Christian minorities across the Middle East routinely face slaughter at the hands of Islamic extremists.

The CBS report purports to reveal that Israeli policies are asphyxiating Christian minorities throughout the West Bank. Statistics, however, reveal that Muslim populations in Greater Israel have increased over the years, leading experts to determine that most Christian persecution is being carried out by Islamic hardliners, not Israel.

“CBS is falling for the same tricks that a lot of tourists to the region fall for,” said Brog, whose supporters fired off more than 19,000 emails of protest to CBS executives Monday. “I’d expect more from a veteran CBS reporter than a first time tourist. It is irresponsible and misleading; it’s journalistic malpractice.”

Experts on the region noted that Palestinian Christians live in fear of their Muslim neighbors, who routinely intimidate them and sometimes carry out violent attacks. For this reason, it is incredibly dangerous to criticize the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, which control the areas they live in.

“As a persecuted minority, if [Christians] shift the blame to Israel, they take the heat off of themselves,” said Jordanna McMillan, director of outreach for the International Israel Allies Caucus Foundation, a group that unites pro-Israel advocates across the religious spectrum. “‘60 Minutes’ doesn’t understand the intricacies of the issue.”

“Christians and Muslims do not now get along well in the Palestinian territories and they did not ever,” said Lee Smith, a fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies who frequently writes about these issues. “If that was really the case, then we would find it difficult explain the fact of a Muslim majority in the Middle East, and in particular in the birthplace of Jesus. Christians are a minority because the conflict between Christians and Muslims has lasted for more than a thousand years, and the Christians did not win it.”

Israel is the only pluralistic democracy in the region, where Christians are able to live free from persecution and have grown in actual numbers, unlike so many other places in the Middle East.”
Journalistic Malpractice | Washington Free Beacon
Yes, of course, some are really interested in the plight of the suffering Christian minorities. That's why Tinmore posts articles about Christians being murdered in cold blood and their churches blown up (with worshippers still inside of course), by Muslims in Egypt, and other Muslim countries. Such a humanitarian this Tinmore is, genuinely concerned about Christians. Let us now take a quick look around the globe and observe the beautiful, tolerant, peaceful treatment of Christians by Muslims and Arabs. Where shall we start? And who will be the first to post it? I can't wait.
Journalistic Malpractice
Christian leaders, Middle East experts, and observers on Capitol Hill are crying foul on a CBS News report that they say erroneously blamed Israel for the persecution and migration of Palestinian Christians.

The report by “60 Minutes” contributor Bob Simon blamed Israeli security policies for the outflow of Christian Palestinians from historically Christian areas such as Nazareth and Bethlehem.

In interviews with Palestinian Christian leaders and others, Simon concluded that Israel, through its settlements and security measures, is squeezing Middle Eastern Christians into obscurity.

The segment’s profound inaccuracies were startling, Christian leaders and other experts argued. Simon’s report, they say, whitewashed the extremist rhetoric of its various subjects and intentionally failed to tell the real story behind the West Bank’s Christian exodus—and the continuing growth in Israel’s Christian population.

“I find it incomprehensible for CBS to focus on one Christian population that is not actually shrinking and blame its troubles on the steps Israel is taking to protect itself from these same Islamic terrorists” who target Arab Christians, said David Brog, executive director of Christians United for Israel, one of the nation’s largest pro-Israel groups.

“They leave out the fact that the only Christian community that is thriving is the one in Israel,” said Brog, explaining that Christian minorities across the Middle East routinely face slaughter at the hands of Islamic extremists.

The CBS report purports to reveal that Israeli policies are asphyxiating Christian minorities throughout the West Bank. Statistics, however, reveal that Muslim populations in Greater Israel have increased over the years, leading experts to determine that most Christian persecution is being carried out by Islamic hardliners, not Israel.

“CBS is falling for the same tricks that a lot of tourists to the region fall for,” said Brog, whose supporters fired off more than 19,000 emails of protest to CBS executives Monday. “I’d expect more from a veteran CBS reporter than a first time tourist. It is irresponsible and misleading; it’s journalistic malpractice.”

Experts on the region noted that Palestinian Christians live in fear of their Muslim neighbors, who routinely intimidate them and sometimes carry out violent attacks. For this reason, it is incredibly dangerous to criticize the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, which control the areas they live in.

“As a persecuted minority, if [Christians] shift the blame to Israel, they take the heat off of themselves,” said Jordanna McMillan, director of outreach for the International Israel Allies Caucus Foundation, a group that unites pro-Israel advocates across the religious spectrum. “‘60 Minutes’ doesn’t understand the intricacies of the issue.”

“Christians and Muslims do not now get along well in the Palestinian territories and they did not ever,” said Lee Smith, a fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies who frequently writes about these issues. “If that was really the case, then we would find it difficult explain the fact of a Muslim majority in the Middle East, and in particular in the birthplace of Jesus. Christians are a minority because the conflict between Christians and Muslims has lasted for more than a thousand years, and the Christians did not win it.”

Israel is the only pluralistic democracy in the region, where Christians are able to live free from persecution and have grown in actual numbers, unlike so many other places in the Middle East.”
Journalistic Malpractice | Washington Free Beacon
Yes, of course, some are really interested in the plight of the suffering Christian minorities. That's why Tinmore posts articles about Christians being murdered in cold blood and their churches blown up (with worshippers still inside of course), by Muslims in Egypt, and other Muslim countries. Such a humanitarian this Tinmore is, genuinely concerned about Christians. Let us now take a quick look around the globe and observe the beautiful, tolerant, peaceful treatment of Christians by Muslims and Arabs. Where shall we start? And who will be the first to post it? I can't wait.

Adam Kredo is senior writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Formerly an award-winning political reporter for the Washington Jewish Week, where he frequently broke national news, Kredo’s work has been featured in outlets such as the Jerusalem Post, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, and Politico, among others.

Adam Kredo | Washington Free Beacon
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Christians United for Israel has grown to become the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world. CUFI spans all fifty states and reaches millions with our message. Each year CUFI holds hundreds of pro-Israel events in cities around the country. And each July, thousands of pro-Israel Christians gather in Washington, D.C. to participate in the CUFI Washington Summit and make their voices heard in support of Israel and the Jewish people.
Our impact has been immediate. Our growth has been phenomenal. And we've only just begun.
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US Senate mulls unprecedented aid to Israel
05.23.12 - Legislators aim to further expand security aid so as to improve Israel's capabilities vis-à-vis Iran, Defense News weekly reports
The bill was introduced by Jewish Senator Barbara Boxer of California and aims to extend US government-backed loan guarantees to Israel through 2015. It also urges expanded technology sharing and joint military exercises. A detailed look at the bill indicates that US lawmakers are in tune with Jerusalem's proclaimed needs manifested in expanded security aid in areas that are pertinent to a possible campaign against Iran.

The bill, for example, offers the Israel Air Force additional training opportunities in the US to compensate for Israel’s limited air space and encourages an expanded role for Israel within NATO, "including enhanced presence at NATO headquarters and exercises." It also proposes making surplus defense gear and services available to Israel, particularly those resulting from the US pullout from Iraq. Under the bill, the US will also strengthen efforts to prevent weapon smuggling into Gaza and threats infiltrating from the Sinai Peninsula.

Moreover, US legislators are also demanding to allocate additional weaponry and munitions and extend the time allocated for US war reserves stockpiled in Israel and expand bilateral cooperation in homeland security, counterterrorism, maritime security, energy and cybersecurity.

US Senate mulls unprecedented aid to Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews
Yes, of course, some are really interested in the plight of the suffering Christian minorities. That's why Tinmore posts articles about Christians being murdered in cold blood and their churches blown up (with worshippers still inside of course), by Muslims in Egypt, and other Muslim countries. Such a humanitarian this Tinmore is, genuinely concerned about Christians. Let us now take a quick look around the globe and observe the beautiful, tolerant, peaceful treatment of Christians by Muslims and Arabs. Where shall we start? And who will be the first to post it? I can't wait.

So you're defending Israel's actions by equating them with murderous arabs regimes? Nice of you to admit that.
NAZARETH (PIC)-- American Network "CBS" disclosed, on Tuesday, that there was Zionist pressure exerted on the network to stop it from broadcasting a report within "60 Minutes" program discussing the Zionist policies to displace Palestinian Christians from Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

The correspondent on the U.S. news program "60 Minutes", Bob Simon, has scolded Israel's ambassador to US Michael Oren for his intervention and his attempt to prevent the airing of the report, saying that he had never received a reaction to a story that hadn't been broadcast yet. The ambassador replied that there is always a first time for everything, and that he is serving his country and protecting it, pointing out that the channel should have broadcast reports on the situation of Christians in other countries in the region.

The channel aired last night, the report unveiling the policy of the Zionist entity to displace Palestinian Christians from the Holy Land revealing the harassment and oppression by the occupation that Christians face and that turns their lives into hell.

The Zionist ambassador told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who intervened with the channel’s management to stop the airing of the report, that if the report contains the information he was told it contains then it would be a strategic disaster for our relations with United States' Christians.

Israel tries to prevent airing a report on displacing Christians from Palestine
Geez, Tiny-brain actually thinks these kinds of sites are legitimate sources of information. Check it out. you might as well call it Hilarious:

The Palestinian Information Center

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