Israel nixes solar energy for Palestinians

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009

AL-THALA, West Bank (AP) — Electricity from solar panels and wind turbines has revolutionized life in rural Palestinian herding communities: Machines, instead of hands, churn goat milk into butter, refrigerators store food that used to spoil and children no longer have to hurry to get their homework done before dark.

But the German-funded project, initiated by Israeli volunteers, is now in danger. Israeli authorities are threatening to demolish the installations in six of the 16 remote West Bank communities being illuminated by alternative energy, arguing the panels and turbines were installed without permits.

"In reality, it is almost impossible for Palestinians to obtain building permits," the report concluded.

The German government has expressed concern and asked for clarifications — a rare show of displeasure from Israel's staunchest defender in Europe.

Israel nixes solar energy for Palestinians - Yahoo! News
WOW , You don't say !
Palestinians should be treated like everyone else and have permits ? What an odd concept indeed ...
The dispute is more than just a diplomatic row. It goes to the core of mounting international criticism of Israel's policies in the 62 percent of the West Bank that remain under full Israeli control two decades after Palestinians were granted self-rule in a patchwork of territorial islands in the rest of the land.

"The international community has repeatedly urged Israel to halt demolitions in Area C. Instead, the pace has accelerated, according to a new U.N. report.

Last year, 622 structures, including 222 homes, were demolished, more than 90 percent of them in Area C, an increase of nearly 50 percent from 2010, the report said. More than 1,100 Palestinians were displaced, half of them children.

"In reality, it is almost impossible for Palestinians to obtain building permits," the report concluded."

Israel nixes solar energy for Palestinians - Yahoo! News
I have the address detailing what is need and how to apply but the board will not yet let me post it

Listed below is detailed summary of the procedures, time and costs to build a warehouse —including obtaining necessary licenses and permits, completing required notifications and inspections and obtaining utility connections.*
The information appearing on this page was collected as part of the Doing Business project, which measures and compares regulations relevant to the life cycle of a small- to medium-sized domestic business in 183 economies. The most recent round of data collection for the project was completed in June 2011.

Building a warehouse
Estimated Warehouse Value: ILS 1,648,511
About This Topic
Time to Complete
Associated Costs
Obtain location map from municipality

BuildCo must obtain a location map form the municipality to check that the proposed constructions project is allowed on this land.

Agency: Municipality
7 days
ILS 72
Obtain survey map from a licensed surveyor

The survey map is usually at a scale of 1:500 or 1:250 and shows, in addition to the boundaries, the levels and/ or contour lines, the site, and the surroundings, including sewerage, electricity, telephone, and water connections.
10 days
USD 1,200
Make soil test

A law requiring a soil exam went into effect in 2001, but because of the economic situation, some companies do not comply with it. However, since January 2005, the Engineers Syndicate stopped approving any plan without the soil test for projects exceeding 200 sq. m. A minimum of 3 boreholes must be made on the proposed site. If the building is an extension above an existing building, a report about the state of the existing building must be submitted.
14 days
ILS 9,592
Hire independent syndicate engineer to review building plans and approve them for submission

As required by the Engineers’ Syndicate, BuildCo must hire an outside engineer to submit the plans. Each project has to be licensed by a locally registered and licensed engineering/ architecture office even if the project has in house engineers and architects. Drawings are checked in Ramallah, but a jury from outside the city will check the plans. The cost includes the Engineers Syndicate fees.

Agency: Independent Syndicate Engineer
21 days
USD 5,202
Obtain building permit from the municipality

To obtain a building permit from the municipality, BuildCo must submit the following documents in five copies, one copy each for the consulting office, the municipality, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, and the engineer, as well as one copy that will be returned to BuildCo: - Land property title, including, site map, location map, city-land parcel number, and area regulations signed by a surveyor. - Documents about dimensions. - Project drawings: the proposed site plan and architectural plans, including dimensions, furniture, and reflected ceiling; and elevation, sections, and area diagrams with door and window schedules. - Structural drawings, including foundation plans, slabs, and details. - Plans for utilities, lighting, and earthling diagrams. - Mechanical plans for hot and cold water supplies, heating/cooling, ventilation, and sewerage. - Soil test. - Application form. The municipality must approve all copies mentioned above. The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities must also approve BuildCo’s set of copies, as do the utility companies.

Agency: Municipality
21 days
USD 5,202
* 6
Obtain no objection letter from the Electricity Company regarding the connection to utilities

Agency: Electricity Company
1 day
no charge
* 7
Obtain no objection letter from the Water Company regarding the connection to utilities

Agency: Water and Sewage Company (GEKA)
1 day
no charge
* 8
Obtain civil defense permit

To obtain a civil defense permit, BuildCo must submit the following documents: - Land property title. - Documents about dimensions. - Project drawings. - Certificate of professional engineer - Project acceptance from the Engineers Syndicate. - Application form.

Agency: Civil Defense
14 days
no charge
Obtain excavation permit

Agency: Municipality
31 days
no charge
Receive foundation inspection

During construction the municipality randomly inspects the excavation work.

Agency: Municipality
1 day
no charge
Submit concrete casting permit to Engineers syndicate for stamping

Agency: Engineers syndicate
1 day
no charge
Submit stamped concrete casting permit to the Municipality

Agency: Municipality
1 day
no charge
Request and receive final inspection

Agency: Municipality
1 day
Bring municipal letters of approval to water and sewage company (GEKA) and make appointment for inspection

Agency: Water and Sewage Company (GEKA)
1 day
no charge
Bring municipal letters of approval to the phone company to obtain fixed telephone line

Agency: Electricity Company
1 day
no charge
Receive water and sewage inspection

The time from scheduling an appointment to when the inspector installs the meter is a week.

Agency: Water and Sewage Company (GEKA)
1 day
no charge
* 17
Obtain water and sewage connection

The time and cost of obtaining an electricity connection depend on how much power is needed. In this case, only a 100-ampere connection is needed. If more than 1,000 amperes are need, a transformer is necessary, which costs a few thousand U.S. dollars and takes a month.

Agency: Electricity Company
3 days
ILS 3,500
* 18
Receive inspection and obtain phone connection
Check out this add from Google, it is title "surrounded by its enemies".

Who would have figured Google are Israeli spies.


    19.7 KB · Views: 105
I have the address detailing what is need and how to apply but the board will not yet let me post it

Listed below is detailed summary of the procedures, time and costs to build a warehouse —including obtaining necessary licenses and permits, completing required notifications and inspections and obtaining utility connections.*
The information appearing on this page was collected as part of the Doing Business project, which measures and compares regulations relevant to the life cycle of a small- to medium-sized domestic business in 183 economies. The most recent round of data collection for the project was completed in June 2011.

Building a warehouse
Estimated Warehouse Value: ILS 1,648,511
About This Topic
Time to Complete
Associated Costs
Obtain location map from municipality

BuildCo must obtain a location map form the municipality to check that the proposed constructions project is allowed on this land.

Agency: Municipality
7 days
ILS 72
Obtain survey map from a licensed surveyor

The survey map is usually at a scale of 1:500 or 1:250 and shows, in addition to the boundaries, the levels and/ or contour lines, the site, and the surroundings, including sewerage, electricity, telephone, and water connections.
10 days
USD 1,200
Make soil test

A law requiring a soil exam went into effect in 2001, but because of the economic situation, some companies do not comply with it. However, since January 2005, the Engineers Syndicate stopped approving any plan without the soil test for projects exceeding 200 sq. m. A minimum of 3 boreholes must be made on the proposed site. If the building is an extension above an existing building, a report about the state of the existing building must be submitted.
14 days
ILS 9,592
Hire independent syndicate engineer to review building plans and approve them for submission

As required by the Engineers’ Syndicate, BuildCo must hire an outside engineer to submit the plans. Each project has to be licensed by a locally registered and licensed engineering/ architecture office even if the project has in house engineers and architects. Drawings are checked in Ramallah, but a jury from outside the city will check the plans. The cost includes the Engineers Syndicate fees.

Agency: Independent Syndicate Engineer
21 days
USD 5,202
Obtain building permit from the municipality

To obtain a building permit from the municipality, BuildCo must submit the following documents in five copies, one copy each for the consulting office, the municipality, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, and the engineer, as well as one copy that will be returned to BuildCo: - Land property title, including, site map, location map, city-land parcel number, and area regulations signed by a surveyor. - Documents about dimensions. - Project drawings: the proposed site plan and architectural plans, including dimensions, furniture, and reflected ceiling; and elevation, sections, and area diagrams with door and window schedules. - Structural drawings, including foundation plans, slabs, and details. - Plans for utilities, lighting, and earthling diagrams. - Mechanical plans for hot and cold water supplies, heating/cooling, ventilation, and sewerage. - Soil test. - Application form. The municipality must approve all copies mentioned above. The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities must also approve BuildCo’s set of copies, as do the utility companies.

Agency: Municipality
21 days
USD 5,202
* 6
Obtain no objection letter from the Electricity Company regarding the connection to utilities

Agency: Electricity Company
1 day
no charge
* 7
Obtain no objection letter from the Water Company regarding the connection to utilities

Agency: Water and Sewage Company (GEKA)
1 day
no charge
* 8
Obtain civil defense permit

To obtain a civil defense permit, BuildCo must submit the following documents: - Land property title. - Documents about dimensions. - Project drawings. - Certificate of professional engineer - Project acceptance from the Engineers Syndicate. - Application form.

Agency: Civil Defense
14 days
no charge
Obtain excavation permit

Agency: Municipality
31 days
no charge
Receive foundation inspection

During construction the municipality randomly inspects the excavation work.

Agency: Municipality
1 day
no charge
Submit concrete casting permit to Engineers syndicate for stamping

Agency: Engineers syndicate
1 day
no charge
Submit stamped concrete casting permit to the Municipality

Agency: Municipality
1 day
no charge
Request and receive final inspection

Agency: Municipality
1 day
Bring municipal letters of approval to water and sewage company (GEKA) and make appointment for inspection

Agency: Water and Sewage Company (GEKA)
1 day
no charge
Bring municipal letters of approval to the phone company to obtain fixed telephone line

Agency: Electricity Company
1 day
no charge
Receive water and sewage inspection

The time from scheduling an appointment to when the inspector installs the meter is a week.

Agency: Water and Sewage Company (GEKA)
1 day
no charge
* 17
Obtain water and sewage connection

The time and cost of obtaining an electricity connection depend on how much power is needed. In this case, only a 100-ampere connection is needed. If more than 1,000 amperes are need, a transformer is necessary, which costs a few thousand U.S. dollars and takes a month.

Agency: Electricity Company
3 days
ILS 3,500
* 18
Receive inspection and obtain phone connection
As per usual,Aris your research is a valuable asset.However the opponents to Israels decisions and actions probably will not take time to read the specifics and become better educated on the subject matter. It's interesting to see how someone sees a headline and make assumptions and remarks without doing a little digging.
According to a UN report, building is prohibited on 70% of the West Bank, while within the remaining 30% a series of restrictions are applied which eliminate the possibility to obtain a permit.

[ame=]Two Palestinians girls arrested during home demolitions in Umm Fagarah, South Hebron Hills [eng] - YouTube[/ame]
So how can we help free the Palestinians from Israel when no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

According to a UN report, building is prohibited on 70% of the West Bank, while within the remaining 30% a series of restrictions are applied which eliminate the possibility to obtain a permit.

Two Palestinians girls arrested during home demolitions in Umm Fagarah, South Hebron Hills [eng] - YouTube
Palestinians are not able to get permits ?

From my post.

"In reality, it is almost impossible for Palestinians to obtain building permits," the report concluded.
That is Israel's standard BS excuse.

Everyone needs a permit.

Palestinians need not apply.

So all the Palestinians buildings are illegal ?

Why do the Palestinians need to get permits from foreigners to build on their own land?
“grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?”

Speaking of homelands, the Zion’s never lived in Palestine until they fled Egypt.

Hamas are not terrorists, they are Palestinians. Zion’s on the other hand are invaders from Egypt where they lived for 430 years before running for their lives after their leader murders an Egyptian in cold blood.

The above is the great EXODUS that these ill-informed Zion’s make a movie about. Only in the movie is nothing but another lie on top of another lie. As a child I took it all in but now that I have read the scripture I know better. You should do some reading too,

So how can we help free the Palestinians from Israel when no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

According to a UN report, building is prohibited on 70% of the West Bank, while within the remaining 30% a series of restrictions are applied which eliminate the possibility to obtain a permit.

Two Palestinians girls arrested during home demolitions in Umm Fagarah, South Hebron Hills [eng] - YouTube

That's right....there's so much Arab land that they could give the Pals their own...but the Arabs don't want them either! That should tell people something. And as long as the Pals vote terrorists to rule them, they will never have their own land.
So how can we help free the Palestinians from Israel when no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

According to a UN report, building is prohibited on 70% of the West Bank, while within the remaining 30% a series of restrictions are applied which eliminate the possibility to obtain a permit.

Two Palestinians girls arrested during home demolitions in Umm Fagarah, South Hebron Hills [eng] - YouTube

That's right....there's so much Arab land that they could give the Pals their own...but the Arabs don't want them either! That should tell people something. And as long as the Pals vote terrorists to rule them, they will never have their own land.

Why don't we kick everybody out of...Say...Michigan. There are plenty of other states who can give them some land.
From my post.

That is Israel's standard BS excuse.

Everyone needs a permit.

Palestinians need not apply.

So all the Palestinians buildings are illegal ?

Why do the Palestinians need to get permits from foreigners to build on their own land?
The agreements between the PA and Israel concerning jurisdiction and administration in the West Bank are complex and varied. One would almost have to be a politician or an international jurist to have even a basic understanding of these complicated agreements. Permits are generally based on environmental and safety concerns.
So how can we help free the Palestinians from Israel when no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

That's right....there's so much Arab land that they could give the Pals their own...but the Arabs don't want them either! That should tell people something. And as long as the Pals vote terrorists to rule them, they will never have their own land.

Why don't we kick everybody out of...Say...Michigan. There are plenty of other states who can give them some land.

Oh ya, that's a bright answer! Lol!!!
So all the Palestinians buildings are illegal ?

Why do the Palestinians need to get permits from foreigners to build on their own land?
The agreements between the PA and Israel concerning jurisdiction and administration in the West Bank are complex and varied. One would almost have to be a politician or an international jurist to have even a basic understanding of these complicated agreements. Permits are generally based on environmental and safety concerns.

Arafat really sold his people down the river when he signed Oslo. He never did get the people's approval for all those concessions.
Last edited:
Why do the Palestinians need to get permits from foreigners to build on their own land?
The agreements between the PA and Israel concerning jurisdiction and administration in the West Bank are complex and varied. One would almost have to be a politician or an international jurist to have even a basic understanding of these complicated agreements. Permits are generally based on environmental and safety concerns.

Arafat really sold his people down the river when he signed Oslo. He never did get the people's approval for all those concessions.

hmmm....sound to me a lot like what's happening in the US right now...we have an a$$hole selling us down the river and not getting OUR approval for anything. I wonder if they were related?? Obama clearly shows his hatred for Israel...maybe he should go rule the Pals.

Sorry for getting off-track!! Carry on now................. :)

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