Israel Digs Up Jewish Graves


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
. Israel even makes a practice of digging up Jewish graves inside Israel.
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Sherri fully supports an international demand for the searching of
jewish cemetaries in the erstwhile YATHRIB_----now "medina"
where jews lived more than 1000 years before AL NABI/ISA thing
lived ------she is particularly interested in the gaves of those who died
by the HAND of nabi ibn isa
There's just a wee bit o' difference between digging-up a plot of land to re-task it and finding a boneyard underneath and then moving the bones (as was the case with the Israelis and a museum-site) versus intentionally going into known existing graveyards to dig up the bodies of those who (when they were alive) practiced a different religion than you, so that their Infidel Bones will not defile the Sacred Soil of the Fatherland, and leaving their remains to the elements and the animals, as those Palestinian Hamas swine did recently.

But our colleague Sherri says nothing about that nor puts it into context - just a lame knee-jerk reaction to a Hamas-damning thread on this same subject - Epic Fail. :laugh2:
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There's just a wee bit o' difference between digging-up a plot of land to re-task it and finding a boneyard underneath and then moving the bones (as was the case with the Israelis and a museum-site) versus intentionally going into known existing graveyards to dig up the bodies of those who (when they were alive) practiced a different religion than you, so that their Infidel Bones will not defile the Sacred Soil of the Fatherland, and leaving their remains to the elements and the animals, as those Palestinian Hamas swine did recently.

Of course there is a difference-----it is JUSTIFIED in the case of isa-respecters
trashing out filthy kaffirin-----and a huge CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY if
there is an off chance that one of the bones is a bone of an isa-respecter who
died of cholera------1000 years ago and fell in his tracks----covered by dust
over the centuries
Ultra-Orthodox Jews lose grave battle in Israel

By Jeffrey HellerJERUSALEM*|*Sun May 16, 2010 JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A heavily guarded operation to dig up ancient graves to make way for a new hospital emergency room on Sunday stirred up traditional tensions between Israel's Jewish secular majority and ultra-Orthodox minority.Police ,said they arrested 15 religious protesters outside Barzilai hospital in the coastal town of Ashkelon, where plans to build a treatment facility that could withstand rocket attack from the Gaza Strip turned into a political battle in Israel.After dark in Jerusalem, ultra-Orthodox protesters hurled rocks and forced the temporary closure of a main traffic artery. Police deployed a water canon and arrested three men as tensions remained high, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.
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Thank you, for finally bringing up the whole story.

The officers handled the situation perfectly. The Hereidim should have not interrupt them in the first place.
In the video, the narrator claims the dead are being dug up so a fancy motel can be built on the site of the Jewish burial ground. The article is apparently addressing a different incident where Israel is digging up the bodies of dead Jews.
Anti-Zionist Jews to Protest Desecration of Graves in 'Israel'Share thisNEW YORK, May 30 -- A large demonstration of anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews is scheduled to take place on Monday, May 31 at 3:30 PM in front of the Israeli Consulate at 800 2nd Avenue in Manhattan. The demonstrators will protest the ongoing construction by the Israeli government over two ancient Jewish cemeteries, one in Ashkelon and the other in Jaffa.The demonstration will coincide with the visit to Washington of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is directly involved in the decision to desecrate the cemeteries.The demonstration will also protest against the brutal methods employed by the Zionist authorities against the peaceful religious protestors who come to the construction sites to express their deep pain at the government's shameful acts."The government has made the decision to proceed with desecrating these cemeteries, although many alternative suggestions for the construction have been offered," said Rabbi Benzion Loab one of the organizers of the demonstration. "Their complete insensitivity to Judaism and to the feelings of observant Jews stands in stark contrast to the behavior of other countries, whose governments often cancel construction plans when they run into old Jewish cemeteries."We see the Israeli government's behavior as only symptomatic of a larger problem. According to the Torah and the Talmudic Sages, ever since the destruction of the Temple 2000 years ago, Jews have been in exile by Divine decree and were forbidden from re-establishing themselves as a nation until the coming of the messiah. The Zionist ideology is thus fundamentally anti-Torah. Not only has Zionism denied the fundamental Jewish belief in Heavenly Redemption; it has created a pseudo-Judaism which replaces the Torah with nationalism.
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I have never been an advocate of that which some ultra orthos demand
which is ----ONCE A CEMETARY---always a cemetary-----it is not practical---
this stuff gets thrown around amongst jews all the time----thanks for
letting us know that the issue is still on the table-----but somehow I no longer
find it even a bit interesting. I grew up in a culturally diverse town where
people demonstrated over much more INTERESTING issues ---like
should the streets be paved----and after that DO WE NEED SIDEWALK CURBS----and in some places-----do we really need sidewalks
Digging up of Jewish graves is happening in both Ashkelon and Jaffa, and I think the video is addressing both.
The incident and the case was simple.

Brazili hospital in Ashkelon is an old hospitals that receives thousands of people every day. Brazili is the only hospital in the Lachish area, which means it's the only optional hospital of at least 3 large cities (Ashkelon, Ashdod, Kiryat Gat, and also Yavne).

The problem was that this hospital in most, was not, is not yet, sheltered. it is not rocket-protected, and in the last months, people started planning on the way of making it more secure. the most urgent area in need of protection, was the area of birth-room and newborns' section. the idea was to built a protected space in that area, so nurses carrying babies, or new mothers could take the infants there.

Problem is, that space, currently open space, was a place of burial. so in order to do what was needed, one should have, yes, open up the graves and move the entire thing elsewhere.

so naturally, the Hareidim protested. it became violent.

But they were the ones in need to back off. the living are more important than the dead.
I have never been an advocate of that which some ultra orthos demand
which is ----ONCE A CEMETARY---always a cemetary-----it is not practical---
this stuff gets thrown around amongst jews all the time----thanks for
letting us know that the issue is still on the table-----but somehow I no longer
find it even a bit interesting. I grew up in a culturally diverse town where
people demonstrated over much more INTERESTING issues ---like
should the streets be paved----and after that DO WE NEED SIDEWALK CURBS----and in some places-----do we really need sidewalks

Those people were ready to leave thousands unprotected just for Kvod HaMet.

But putting the deceased in first place, and the living in the second, is a Chillul HaShem Gadol.

That's what they don't get.

I don't understand them, sometimes. *sigh*
"In the video, the narrator claims the dead are being dug up so a fancy motel can be built on the site of the Jewish burial ground. The article is apparently addressing a different incident where Israel is digging up the bodies of dead Jews."


So, have you ever been to israel sherri ? all these stories you post about settlers….(settlers beating up elderly Palestinians, settlers rampaging thru olive gardens, settlers running down little children with their cars, settlers burning tires and digging up corpses and the IDF/border security people roughing up Priests, and pilgrims, and visitors and tourists, and anyone not jewish) -- i’d love to hear a first-hand account from YOU…since you’re so obsessed with israel -- i thought maybe you've traveled there on numerous occasions and experienced/witnessed some of these incidents first hand and up close....

Well, have you ever been there ?

SherriMunnerlyn;"Blue" said:

So, have you ever been to israel sherri ? all these stories you post about settlers….(settlers beating up elderly Palestinians, settlers rampaging thru olive gardens, settlers running down little children with their cars, settlers burning tires and digging up corpses and the IDF/border security people roughing up Priests, and pilgrims, and visitors and tourists, and anyone not jewish) -- i’d love to hear a first-hand account from YOU…since you’re so obsessed with israel -- i thought maybe you've traveled there on numerous occasions and experienced/witnessed some of these incidents first hand and up close....

Well, have you ever been there ?

I think sherri said she comes from Texas-----she should stay there----
so far the wrong people blew away
Ultra-Orthodox Jews lose grave battle in Israel

By Jeffrey HellerJERUSALEM*|*Sun May 16, 2010 JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A heavily guarded operation to dig up ancient graves to make way for a new hospital emergency room on Sunday stirred up traditional tensions between Israel's Jewish secular majority and ultra-Orthodox minority.Police ,said they arrested 15 religious protesters outside Barzilai hospital in the coastal town of Ashkelon, where plans to build a treatment facility that could withstand rocket attack from the Gaza Strip turned into a political battle in Israel.After dark in Jerusalem, ultra-Orthodox protesters hurled rocks and forced the temporary closure of a main traffic artery. Police deployed a water canon and arrested three men as tensions remained high, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. Ultra-Orthodox Jews lose grave battle in Israel

In all societies unfortunately it is sometimes necessary to use grave sites for other purposes. In this case the addition of a hospital by building an emergency room was considered absolutely necessary, and apart from the controversy involving the ultra ortodox jews, there is no need to make this an issue.

In the Islamist world... I wonder, how many Christian and Jewish graves remain untouched???

Probably none.
ultra-orthodox jews lose grave battle in israel

by jeffrey hellerjerusalem*|*sun may 16, 2010 jerusalem (reuters) - a heavily guarded operation to dig up ancient graves to make way for a new hospital emergency room on sunday stirred up traditional tensions between israel's jewish secular majority and ultra-orthodox minority.police ,said they arrested 15 religious protesters outside barzilai hospital in the coastal town of ashkelon, where plans to build a treatment facility that could withstand rocket attack from the gaza strip turned into a political battle in israel.after dark in jerusalem, ultra-orthodox protesters hurled rocks and forced the temporary closure of a main traffic artery. Police deployed a water canon and arrested three men as tensions remained high, police spokesman micky rosenfeld said. ultra-orthodox jews lose grave battle in israel

in all societies unfortunately it is sometimes necessary to use grave sites for other purposes. In this case the addition of a hospital by building an emergency room was considered absolutely necessary, and apart from the controversy involving the ultra ortodox jews, there is no need to make this an issue.

Have some compassion for poor sherri----she must use whatever she can
dig up (excuse the pun)
in the islamist world... I wonder, how many christian and jewish graves remain untouched???

probably none.

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