Isn't that a beautiful map?


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
RealClearPolitics - 2010 Election Maps - Senate No Toss Ups
Isn't that the loveliest red you've ever seen.
Now just turn California or Washington red and that'll be a majority.
Makes me long to dig up all those Nov '08 posts anouncing the demise of the Republican Party.
The only thing more exaggerated than our death are the estimates of jobs created or saved.
I can't wait for November.
Remember, remember, the second day of November...the liberal agenda has flopped.
I see no reason after this election season that Obamacare won't be stopped. :lol:
Yeah, it's a lousy rhyme, I'm sure one of y'all can do better...give it your best shot.
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Notice a pattern here, guys?
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The only pattern I see is you know how to link to a map, and the OP makes us copy and paste. I'm too lazy to do that.
The only pattern I see is you know how to link to a map, and the OP makes us copy and paste. I'm too lazy to do that.

I'm posting from my phone :p ... but just for you I'll try to fix it. Vbulletin doesn't play well with WinMo 6.5 ... but I'm getting the hang of it.
Exactly. The GOP can lose the white house in 2012 by behaving badly after this midterm election, but it's not likely. They'll almost certainly take the presidency then, but if they run a candidate like Palin...divisive, unqualified,'ll all be for naught.

Dun get so drunky on the sweet success you try and take the nation too far right, and dun rely so much on the race-baiting and other dirty tricks. It'll come back to bite us in the ass.
The only pattern I see is you know how to link to a map, and the OP makes us copy and paste. I'm too lazy to do that.

I'm posting from my phone :p ... but just for you I'll try to fix it. Vbulletin doesn't play well with WinMo 6.5 ... but I'm getting the hang of it.

RealClearPolitics - 2010 Election Maps - Senate No Toss Ups

Gotcha covered!

Can't copy the actual map, but there's the link!

(Can't believe Texas is in question...)
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in 5 years your skanky wives will be out with signs, keep your gov hands off my gov healthcare.
Unless you have the balls to run Palin, you'll be crying about Obama again.
RealClearPolitics - 2010 Election Maps - Senate No Toss Ups
Isn't that the loveliest red you've ever seen.
Now just turn California or Washington red and that'll be a majority.
Makes me long to dig up all those Nov '08 posts anouncing the demise of the Republican Party.
The only thing more exaggerated than our death are the estimates of jobs created or saved.
I can't wait for November.
Remember, remember, the second day of November...the liberal agenda has flopped.
I see no reason after this election season that Obamacare won't be stopped. :lol:
Yeah, it's a lousy rhyme, I'm sure one of y'all can do better...give it your best shot.

In some ways I long for a return of the Republicans.

Then the worst economic times in the last 80 years will happen on their watch.

And, given that the Rs believe that the American people ought to suffer without help or mitigation by the FEDS, and given that nothing they seem to be suggesting will solve the root problems that brought us to this state of affairs, perhaps having the Rs in charge will be the wake-up call that our chums in the Tea Party movement really need.

Not that I'm a commie, but you know what they used to say while things were falling apart in Czarist Russia, right?

The worse it gets the closer the revolution.
RealClearPolitics - 2010 Election Maps - Senate No Toss Ups
Isn't that the loveliest red you've ever seen.
Now just turn California or Washington red and that'll be a majority.
Makes me long to dig up all those Nov '08 posts anouncing the demise of the Republican Party.
The only thing more exaggerated than our death are the estimates of jobs created or saved.
I can't wait for November.
Remember, remember, the second day of November...the liberal agenda has flopped.
I see no reason after this election season that Obamacare won't be stopped. :lol:
Yeah, it's a lousy rhyme, I'm sure one of y'all can do better...give it your best shot.

In some ways I long for a return of the Republicans.

Then the worst economic times in the last 80 years will happen on their watch.

And, given that the Rs believe that the American people ought to suffer without help or mitigation by the FEDS, and given that nothing they seem to be suggesting will solve the root problems that brought us to this state of affairs, perhaps having the Rs in charge will be the wake-up call that our chums in the Tea Party movement really need.

Not that I'm a commie, but you know what they used to say while things were falling apart in Czarist Russia, right?

The worse it gets the closer the revolution.

I'm guessing you mean the return of a Republican President, because congress doesn't count when it comes to recessions. I know this because the Democrats took control of both houses in January 2007 and will retain them until January 2011, neatly encapsulating the entire recession, yet only Bush gets blamed for "causing" the downturn in the economy.
Uh, that ain't what I meant, Missourian. The GOP will almost certainly have another twirl at running things's about we focus on WTF the solution is to some of the nation's problems and stop wallowing in the muck of race-baiting, etc.?
RealClearPolitics - 2010 Election Maps - Senate No Toss Ups
Isn't that the loveliest red you've ever seen.
Now just turn California or Washington red and that'll be a majority.
Makes me long to dig up all those Nov '08 posts anouncing the demise of the Republican Party.
The only thing more exaggerated than our death are the estimates of jobs created or saved.
I can't wait for November.
Remember, remember, the second day of November...the liberal agenda has flopped.
I see no reason after this election season that Obamacare won't be stopped. :lol:
Yeah, it's a lousy rhyme, I'm sure one of y'all can do better...give it your best shot.

What's gonna really change in november other than blue to red?

Do you believe we will immediately improve unemployment and businesses will be gin to hire, once red?

Do you think our economy will improve automatically when Red?

Do you think there will not be any back room deals with the Red in charge?

Do you think Republicans are more honest and not as scummy as the rest of our politicians?

Nothing will change....even turning to red, imo.
Is it just me, or does anyone else notice GOP candidates are not running on any platforms, positions or even theories about how they can do better. It's 24/7 "attack those liberals". Disturbing.
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