Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office

I'm sorry but I don't believe you are libertarian or Libertarian. And please don't confuse libertarianism with the Libertarian Party because they are entirely different things though they do share some common ground.
No worries. Most of the RWNJs think I'm a RINO and all of the LWLs think I'm a "Con". You thinking I'm not Libertarian, but something else, is par for the course. So what do you think I am, Fox?

No clue DW. But most libertarians take a much more live and let live approach and are much more likely to judge based on a person's actions and much less likely based on their demeanor, manner of speech, etc. And I can't imagine any authentic libertarian putting the CATO Institute in the same category as the Clinton Foundation or Hamas.
So, it's not my politics that don't make me libertarian, but the fact I have suspicions about the motives of the Koch brothers and their foundation, the CATO institute? Interesting.

More interesting that you read that from my post which said nothing like that.
Fox, you're the one who claimed "I'm sorry but I don't believe you are libertarian or Libertarian" and "I can't imagine any authentic libertarian putting the CATO Institute in the same category as the Clinton Foundation or Hamas".

That's right. And I stand by it. If you didn't do that, all you had to do is say that you don't equate CATO as the same as the Clinton Foundation or Hamas, but that you don't trust CATO any more than you trust the Clinton Foundation or Hamas. And I would have accepted that as your opinion and it wouldn't have put your credibility as a libertarian at question.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.
Under obama it was pimping and concessions.....

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