Islamist Rebel Offensive in the West Ghouta Stalls


Nov 14, 2012
Another new "rebel" offensive the army has to deal with. It´s sickening.

"The Islamist rebel groups in the West Ghouta launched an offensive earlier this week to seize large portions of territory from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) inside the imperative city of Darayya and at the 68th Brigade’s base located near the city of Khan Al-Sheih.

While the Islamist rebel offensive began with much promise at the city of Darayya; things turned ugly after the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) joined the battle to deliver a number of powerful blows to the encroaching enemy combatants.

The Islamist rebel groups were led by a joint contingent of combatants from Ansar Al-Sham, Jaysh Al-Islam, and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra”, who attempted to capture the Darayya National Hospital that is located at the eastern flank of the city.

Despite claims by Syrian Opposition social media activists regarding alleged gains at the city of Darayya, the Syrian Armed Forces were able to recover all the territory they lost while combatting these Islamist groups.

Meanwhile, at the 68th Brigade headquarters, Jabhat Al-Nusra and Jaysh Al-Islam attempted to break-through the Syrian Arab Army’s frontline defenses at this base; h0wever, this assault turned into another unsuccessful infiltration attempt for the Islamist rebel factions.

According to a military source in the West Ghouta, the Syrian Armed Forces successfully repelled the Islamist rebel offensive in the West Ghouta of the Rif Dimashq Governorate after almost four days of fighting."

Islamist Rebel Offensive in the West Ghouta Stalls

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