Islam should not be constitutionally protected

Well, no one is allowed to break the law here, no matter what their religion say. And, yes, Islam is protected under our Constitution. Just as the religion of people that don't let their children go to doctors is. But if the child dies because of the lack of a doctor, they go to jail for the child abuse resulting in death.


Islam is protected now but the Supreme Court can rectify this. This monstrosity need not continue.

There’s nothing to ‘rectify.’

And the First Amendment protects all religions from this sort of bigotry and hate – including Islam.

to what "bigotry and hate" do you refer?
I agree. Would any religion that said child rape or honor murdering would be legal be protected?

You can't just say "it's my religion" and say it's all protected.

Islam's teachings are too fanatic.
The bible says its ok to have sex with children so you would have to ban christianity.

"Age of marriage is puberty according to the Bible:

We have already seen Ezekiel 16 being used as a proof text by a Christian apologist to show the Biblical age of consent is puberty:

…Your breasts were formed and your hair grew, you who were naked and bare. 8 ” ‘Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love… [taken from Ezekiel 16]"

What do you call PUBERTY? ------and what is your point? Did Ezekiel write LAW? -----as I recall he seems to have had mushroom galvanized visions? Age of consent in jewish law for girls is 12 1/2 for boys 13
Thats considered child rape.

age of consent in the USA varies with the state. My great grandmother married at age 14---I believe the boy was 18. -----it was
in the AUSTRIAN HABSBURG EMPIRE. ----a love match----the couple insisted----or so I was told
I'm not concerned with that. 12 year olds having sex with adults is rape in every state.
I agree. Would any religion that said child rape or honor murdering would be legal be protected?

You can't just say "it's my religion" and say it's all protected.

Islam's teachings are too fanatic.
The bible says its ok to have sex with children so you would have to ban christianity.

"Age of marriage is puberty according to the Bible:

We have already seen Ezekiel 16 being used as a proof text by a Christian apologist to show the Biblical age of consent is puberty:

…Your breasts were formed and your hair grew, you who were naked and bare. 8 ” ‘Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love… [taken from Ezekiel 16]"

What do you call PUBERTY? ------and what is your point? Did Ezekiel write LAW? -----as I recall he seems to have had mushroom galvanized visions? Age of consent in jewish law for girls is 12 1/2 for boys 13
Thats considered child rape.

age of consent in the USA varies with the state. My great grandmother married at age 14---I believe the boy was 18. -----it was
in the AUSTRIAN HABSBURG EMPIRE. ----a love match----the couple insisted----or so I was told
I'm not concerned with that. 12 year olds having sex with adults is rape in every state.

I agree. Would any religion that said child rape or honor murdering would be legal be protected?

You can't just say "it's my religion" and say it's all protected.

Islam's teachings are too fanatic.
The bible says its ok to have sex with children so you would have to ban christianity.

"Age of marriage is puberty according to the Bible:

We have already seen Ezekiel 16 being used as a proof text by a Christian apologist to show the Biblical age of consent is puberty:

…Your breasts were formed and your hair grew, you who were naked and bare. 8 ” ‘Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love… [taken from Ezekiel 16]"


I think we can agree that all religions have some pretty awful parts. The problem is Mohammad was the 'last' prophet and supposedly the standard by which men were judged. So any Muslim who follows his example today is following God's wishes. This is problematic as Mohammed was a 7th century warlord who had a 6 year old bride. All across the Muslim world today, child brides are accepted in law because an Islamic state cannot say Mohammed was wrong. This religion cannot grow up and join humanity in the 21st century. It will forever be stuck in the 6th.

Youre assuming that Muslims dont have the common sense some christians display by not stoning people to death anymore. I cant tolerate that sort of biased thinking.


You can choose not to tolerate it but it doesn't make it untrue. Muslim nations are almost universally autocratic or despotic, theocracy reigns supreme, human rights are horribly oppressed, child marriage is common, women are treated like chattel and minority religions are treated brutally. The honest fact is that Muslims have not changed in 1400 years. Should we endure another thousand years of terrorism in hopes they have a renaissance?

I agree. Would any religion that said child rape or honor murdering would be legal be protected?

You can't just say "it's my religion" and say it's all protected.

Islam's teachings are too fanatic.
The bible says its ok to have sex with children so you would have to ban christianity.

"Age of marriage is puberty according to the Bible:

We have already seen Ezekiel 16 being used as a proof text by a Christian apologist to show the Biblical age of consent is puberty:

…Your breasts were formed and your hair grew, you who were naked and bare. 8 ” ‘Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love… [taken from Ezekiel 16]"


I think we can agree that all religions have some pretty awful parts. The problem is Mohammad was the 'last' prophet and supposedly the standard by which men were judged. So any Muslim who follows his example today is following God's wishes. This is problematic as Mohammed was a 7th century warlord who had a 6 year old bride. All across the Muslim world today, child brides are accepted in law because an Islamic state cannot say Mohammed was wrong. This religion cannot grow up and join humanity in the 21st century. It will forever be stuck in the 6th.

Youre assuming that Muslims dont have the common sense some christians display by not stoning people to death anymore. I cant tolerate that sort of biased thinking.


You can choose not to tolerate it but it doesn't make it untrue. Muslim nations are almost universally autocratic or despotic, theocracy reigns supreme, human rights are horribly oppressed, child marriage is common, women are treated like chattel and minority religions are treated brutally. The honest fact is that Muslims have not changed in 1400 years. Should we endure another thousand years of terrorism in hopes they have a renaissance?

Thats typically what happens when you dont have separation of church and state. Religions are notorious for that. If we didnt have separation of church and state you would be complaining about how oppressive the christians were if we even still existed. Of course the Muslim relgion has changed. If it hadnt my neighbor would have chopped my head off for being an infidel by now.
The bible says its ok to have sex with children so you would have to ban christianity.

"Age of marriage is puberty according to the Bible:

We have already seen Ezekiel 16 being used as a proof text by a Christian apologist to show the Biblical age of consent is puberty:

…Your breasts were formed and your hair grew, you who were naked and bare. 8 ” ‘Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love… [taken from Ezekiel 16]"

What do you call PUBERTY? ------and what is your point? Did Ezekiel write LAW? -----as I recall he seems to have had mushroom galvanized visions? Age of consent in jewish law for girls is 12 1/2 for boys 13
Thats considered child rape.

age of consent in the USA varies with the state. My great grandmother married at age 14---I believe the boy was 18. -----it was
in the AUSTRIAN HABSBURG EMPIRE. ----a love match----the couple insisted----or so I was told
I'm not concerned with that. 12 year olds having sex with adults is rape in every state.


my mother-in-law was married----as far as I can "calculate"----probably at age 11----in order to avoid the dhimmi orphan law----and escape the shariah shit hole in which she was born--HER father in law could then become her---guardian-------Asclepias knows Islamic law---so she can explain the dhimmi orphan law to you
I agree. Would any religion that said child rape or honor murdering would be legal be protected?

You can't just say "it's my religion" and say it's all protected.

Islam's teachings are too fanatic.
The bible says its ok to have sex with children so you would have to ban christianity.

"Age of marriage is puberty according to the Bible:

We have already seen Ezekiel 16 being used as a proof text by a Christian apologist to show the Biblical age of consent is puberty:

…Your breasts were formed and your hair grew, you who were naked and bare. 8 ” ‘Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love… [taken from Ezekiel 16]"


I think we can agree that all religions have some pretty awful parts. The problem is Mohammad was the 'last' prophet and supposedly the standard by which men were judged. So any Muslim who follows his example today is following God's wishes. This is problematic as Mohammed was a 7th century warlord who had a 6 year old bride. All across the Muslim world today, child brides are accepted in law because an Islamic state cannot say Mohammed was wrong. This religion cannot grow up and join humanity in the 21st century. It will forever be stuck in the 6th.

Youre assuming that Muslims dont have the common sense some christians display by not stoning people to death anymore. I cant tolerate that sort of biased thinking.


You can choose not to tolerate it but it doesn't make it untrue. Muslim nations are almost universally autocratic or despotic, theocracy reigns supreme, human rights are horribly oppressed, child marriage is common, women are treated like chattel and minority religions are treated brutally. The honest fact is that Muslims have not changed in 1400 years. Should we endure another thousand years of terrorism in hopes they have a renaissance?

Thats typically what happens when you dont have separation of church and state. Religions are notorious for that. If we didnt have separation of church and state you would be complaining about how oppressive the christians were if we even still existed. Of course the Muslim relgion has changed. If it hadnt my neighbor would have chopped my head off for being an infidel by now.

be careful if you go to a shariah shit hole
get a grip folks-----no one is suggesting that honor killing be made legal in the USA. HOWEVER for some reason SOME people have concluded that islam should be afforded SPECIAL STATUS that no other ideology seems to have. only some people. Like----one cannot "insult" muhummad (?????) Jesus does not enjoy such a status----nor does ELIJAH and certainly not MARY.----even SIVA does not (or shiva?? I am not sure)
You're making shit up

get a grip folks-----no one is suggesting that honor killing be made legal in the USA. HOWEVER for some reason SOME people have concluded that islam should be afforded SPECIAL STATUS that no other ideology seems to have. only some people. Like----one cannot "insult" muhummad (?????) Jesus does not enjoy such a status----nor does ELIJAH and certainly not MARY.----even SIVA does not (or shiva?? I am not sure)
You're making shit up

still making shit up
get a grip folks-----no one is suggesting that honor killing be made legal in the USA. HOWEVER for some reason SOME people have concluded that islam should be afforded SPECIAL STATUS that no other ideology seems to have. only some people. Like----one cannot "insult" muhummad (?????) Jesus does not enjoy such a status----nor does ELIJAH and certainly not MARY.----even SIVA does not (or shiva?? I am not sure)
You're making shit up

still making shit up

Punishment by different Islamic schools of jurisprudence[edit]
The Quran does not explicitly mention any worldly punishment for blasphemy (sabb allah or sabb al-rasul), as it does for apostasy (riddah). Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) of Sunni and Shia madhabs have declared different punishments for the religious crime of blasphemy, and they vary between schools. These are as follows:[2][102][103]

Hanafi – views blasphemy as synonymous with apostasy, and therefore, accepts the repentance of apostates. Those who refuse to repent, their punishment is death if the blasphemer is a Muslim man, and if the blasphemer is a woman, she must be imprisoned with coercion (beating) till she repents and returns to Islam.[104] If a non-Muslim commits blasphemy, his punishment must be a tazir (discretionary, can be death, arrest, caning, etc.).[7][105]
Maliki – view blasphemy as an offense distinct from, and more severe than apostasy. Death is mandatory in cases of blasphemy for Muslim men, and repentance is not accepted. For women, death is not the punishment suggested, but she is arrested and punished till she repents and returns to Islam or dies in custody.[106][107] A non-Muslim who commits blasphemy against Islam must be punished; however, the blasphemer can escape punishment by converting and becoming a devout Muslim.[108]
Hanbali – view blasphemy as an offense distinct from, and more severe than apostasy. Death is mandatory in cases of blasphemy, for both Muslim men and women, and repentance is not accepted.[109][110]
Shafi’i – recognizes blasphemy as a separate offense from apostasy, but accepts the repentance of blasphemers. If the blasphemer does not repent, the punishment is death.[111][112]
Ja'fari (Shia) – views blasphemy against Islam, the Prophet, or any of the Imams, to be punishable with death, if the blasphemer is a Muslim.[113] In case the blasphemer is a non-Muslim, he is given a chance to convert to Islam, or else killed.[114]
Blasphemy against beliefs and customs[edit]
The punishment for non-conformity with prevailing beliefs and customs varies by jurisdiction.[99] In September 2009, Abdul Kahar Ahmad pleaded guilty in a Malaysian Sharia court to charges of spreading false doctrines, blasphemy, and violating religious precepts. The court sentenced Ahmad to ten years in prison and six lashes from a rattan cane.[115] In October 2009, Somalia's hardline Islamist group al-Shabaab whipped women who were wearing a bra, and whipped men for being beardless. The group said violation of Islamic custom deserved whipping.[116] In Malaysia, Islamic scholars issued a fatwa declaring yoga as blasphemous, because yoga is a form of spiritual practice in Hinduism.[117][118][119]

In 2014, an Egyptian state prosecutor pressed charges against a former candidate for parliament, writer and poet Fatima Naoot, of blaspheming Islam when she posted a Facebook message which criticized the slaughter of animals during Eid, a major Islamic festival.[120] Naoot was sentenced on January 26, 2016 to three years in prison for "contempt of religion." The prison sentence was effective immediately.[121]

Islam is not a religion in the truest sense. It is a political, legal and administrative institution with a "God" as its titular head. So consequently, it should not be afforded constitutional protection.


Where's the 'dumb' button?

Islam is not a religion in the truest sense. It is a political, legal and administrative institution with a "God" as its titular head. So consequently, it should not be afforded constitutional protection.

Let's protect it...but just not allow anybody who is associated with it into the country from this day forward.
Stop all the so-called "charities" that muslims create to fund their terrorists.

No, you don't get to visit your Islamic family every six months because once you leave, you don't come back in.

No,your Islamic family may not visit you. If you are in America, write your overseas relatives detailed letters because you will not be seeing them ever, unless you decide to leave the US for good.

That takes care of that issue.

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