ISIS Prepares for a Full-Scale Siege of Deir Ezzor: Reinforcements and Heavy Weaponry Arrive

ISIS Suffers Heavy Losses After Another Failed Offensive in Deir Ezzor: Terrorists Blame Russia

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) was poised to capture more territory in the Syrian desert province of Deir Ezzor on Monday; however, little did they know, the Russian Air Force was preparing to carry out a number of airstrikes over the terrorist group’s positions.

ISIS stormed the Deir Ezzor Military Airport; the Al-Sina’a, Al-‘Amal, and Al-Haweeqa Districts; and the village of Al-Muri’iyah with the intent to overwhelm the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) by sheer numbers alone; unfortunately, this was not the case for the terrorist group, as they ended up losing over 150 combatants and much of their heavy military equipment during this offensive.

On Tuesday morning, the ISIS fighters regrouped to launch another assault on the Deir Ezzor Military Airport; the village of Al-Muri’iyah; the Radio Broadcast Tower; and Sakr Island.

However, once again, the Russian Air Force was present above the provincial capital of Deir Ezzor, striking the terrorist group’s movements in and around the city, while the Syrian Armed Forces combatted ISIS’ ill-prepared assault.

The Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Artillery Brigade of the 17th Reserve Division – in coordination with the 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guards, the National Defense Forces (NDF), and the Shaytat Tribesmen – would defeat the encroaching terrorist group for the second time in 24 hours, while the Russian Air Force continued to chase the ISIS militants to the Al-Sina’a Hospital in Al-Mayadeen.

According to a military source from the 104th Brigade, the Syrian Armed Forces destroyed 6 BMPs and 3 armored vehicles that were mounted with 57mm anti-aircraft machine guns inside Deir Ezzor on Tuesday.

Social media activists from the terrorist group blamed the Russians for their failures inside the Deir Ezzor Governorate in the last 48 hours; this was not surprising given the recent exodus of ISIS fighters and families to the ISIS strongholds of Mosul and Al-‘Anbar in Iraq."

ISIS Suffers Heavy Losses After Another Failed Offensive in Deir Ezzor: Terrorists Blame Russia
Battle for Deir Ezzor Becomes a Blood Bath: ISIS Disregards Death Toll to Advance

"Earlier this week, the Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Artillery Brigade of the 17th Tank Division launched a wide-scale offensive to recapture territory from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS); however, without air cover, they were unable to make any significant gains inside the provincial capital of the Deir Ezzor Governorate.

No more than 12 hours after the Syrian Armed Forces’ offensive was forestalled, ISIS launched a counter-assault that was concentrated on the Deir Ezzor Military Airport’s southeastern perimeter.

On Thursday morning, the terrorist group sent three suicide bombers and hundreds of combatants to swarm the Army Base outside of the Deir Ezzor Military Airport, killing 23 soldiers from the 137th Brigade before ISIS was able to impose complete control over the last building situated between the Artillery Battalion Base and the Airbase.

With ISIS in prime position to attack the Deir Ezzor Military Airport’s southeastern gate, the Syrian Arab Army personnel outside the base were ordered to withdraw to the guard posts in preparation for a large-scale assault from the terrorist group.

On Friday, the terrorist group struck again, launching four suicide bombers towards the southeastern gate of the Deir Ezzor Military Airport; however, all of the vehicles were destroyed by the Syrian Armed Forces before they could reach their destination.

According to a military source from the Syrian Arab Army’s 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard, the Syrian Armed Forces suffered another 16 casualties on Friday, while the terrorist group sustained a total of 73 casualties (confirmed) and the destruction of 14 armored vehicles (suicide vehicles included) that were either mounted with a 23mm or 57mm anti-aircraft machine gun during those tense 48 hours.

Unable to penetrate the Deir Ezzor Military Airport’s southeastern gate, ISIS turned their attention to the villages of Al-Muri’iyah and Al-Jafra, where they attempted to bypass the Syrian Armed Forces’ frontline defenses on Saturday; unfortunately for the terrorist group, their promising assault turned into disaster when the Syrian Air Force reappeared after a 48 hour hiatus.

The Syrian Air Force played an integral role on Saturday, as they conducted airstrike after airstrike on the terrorist group’s positions in the aforementioned villages, leaving a 500 meter long field filled with an unknown amount of dead ISIS fighters that were attempting to make their way to the frontlines.

As Sunday approaches, the ISIS terrorists will likely prepare for one last infiltration attempt at the Deir Ezzor Military Airport; if unsuccessful, they will most likely call off their counter-offensive."

Battle for Deir Ezzor Becomes a Blood Bath: ISIS Disregards Death Toll to Advance
ISIS Sacrifices Hundreds of Militants at Al-Jafra Village in Deir Ezzor: Scores Killed

"On Sunday morning, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) shifted its focus from the Deir Ezzor Military Airport to the imperative village of Al-Jafra after several failed attempts to bypass the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) frontline defenses at the airbase.

Risking the lives of many combatants in order to attack the Syrian Armed Forces’ defensive positions at Al-Jafra, ISIS sent wave after wave of fighters to storm the village’s southern perimeter, disregarding the high death toll that was sure to come from this large-scale assault.

For five hours, the terrorist group and the Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Artillery Brigade of the 17th Reserve Division traded blows in order to gain the upper-hand at this fertile village’s farm area; but unfortunately for ISIS, their attempt to advance at Al-Jafra proved too difficult, as the lack of tanks and heavy armory made them easy targets for the 137th Brigade’s superior weapons.

According to a military source from the 137th Brigade, the Syrian Armed Forces lost a total of 17 soldiers during the intense clashes at Al-Jafra; meanwhile, the terrorist group lost an estimated 40-60 combatants during their charge.

Despite ISIS social media activists declaring victory at Al-Jafra, the Syrian Armed Forces protecting the village provided pictures from the southern perimeter that confirmed the terrorist group’s failed advance.

Soldiers inside Al-Jafra watch an explosion from afar.

Elsewhere, the Syrian Arab Army’s 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard confronted a large ISIS contingent at the village of Al-Muri’iyah, where the aforementioned terrorist group attempted to break-through the SAA’s defensive positions; this assault was repelled."

ISIS Sacrifices Hundreds of Militants at Al-Jafra Village in Deir Ezzor: Scores Killed
How did we decide that isis/isil was something we have to make war on? All I have seen is a bunch of self justifications. It looks like we are being played for suckers.
How about Assad with the help of the Russians, murders another 5000 of your fellow Syrians in the next day or two. I bet that would make you extremely happy.
How about Assad with the help of the Russians, murders another 5000 of your fellow Syrians in the next day or two. I bet that would make you extremely happy.
Fuck off from my information threads with your Islamist propaganda shit.
ISIS Routed at the Deir Ezzor Military Airport: Over 50 Casualties Reported

"On Tuesday morning, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched another assault on the Deir Ezzor Military Airport’s southern gates after spending the last two days attacking the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and National Defense Forces (NDF) at the villages of Al-Jafra and Al-Muri’iyah.

The terrorist group began their assault by sending two suicide bombers towards the southern gates of the Deir Ezzor Military Airport, where they were confronted by the soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Artillery Brigade of the 17th Reserve Division and the 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard at the two guard posts.

Unfortunately for the two suicide bombers, they were unable to reach their targets, as both vehicles were destroyed by the Syrian Armed Forces as they approached the southern gates of the Deir Ezzor Military Airport.

Following their failed suicide attacks, the terrorist group charged the southern gates of the Deir Ezzor Military Airport, where they suffered over 30 casualties and the destruction of 4 armored vehicles while trying to penetrate the Syrian Armed Forces’ fortifications.

In addition to their failed assault on the Deir Ezzor Military Airport, the terrorist group suffered another defeat near the provincial capital, as they attempted to infiltrate into the Brick Factory to the east of the airbase; this failed assault resulted in the death of 22 enemy combatants and 2 armored vehicles mounted with a 23mm anti-aircraft machine gun."

ISIS Routed at the Deir Ezzor Military Airport: Over 50 Casualties Reported
Breaking: ISIS Launches Three Suicide Attacks in a New Bid to Capture the Deir Ezzor Airport

"Moments ago, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched its third suicide attacker towards the Deir Ezzor Military Airport this morning in a bid to break-through the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) fortifications at the southeastern entrance of this strategic site in eastern Syria.

In a matter of three hours, ISIS has sent three suicide bombers towards the Deir Ezzor Military Airport’s southeastern gates, as each attacker attempted to crash their vehicles loaded with heavy explosives into the guard posts; however, the terrorist group’s suicide bombers were unsuccessful in their attempts to reach the designated targets.

According to a military source from the Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Artillery Brigade of the 17th Division, all three vehicles were destroyed by the soldiers protecting the southeastern gates of the Deir Ezzor Military Airport.

The source added that every suicide attack is followed by a wave of ISIS fighters charging the Deir Ezzor Military Airport’s fortifications, despite repeated failures in breaching the frontline defenses of the Syrian Armed Forces.

Yesterday, ISIS conducted a powerful assault on the Deir Ezzor Military Airport’s southeastern gates; however, they were unable to gain any ground along this volatile front after intense firefights with the Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Artillery Brigade and the 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard.

Several firefights are ongoing between ISIS and the Syrian Armed Forces inside the Deir Ezzor Governorate today, including tense clashes at the Sheikh Yasseen, Al-Kanamat, Al-Rusafa, and Al-Sina’a Quarters of the provincial capital."

Breaking: ISIS Launches Three Suicide Attacks in a New Bid to Capture the Deir Ezzor Airport
Russian Air Force Saves the Day in Deir Ezzor: ISIS Suffers Heavy Casualties at the Airport


"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has launched several large-scale offensives at the Deir Ezzor Military Airport in the last 14 months; however, they have found little to no success in this military endeavor, as the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers at this airbase in eastern Syria prove to be a tough nut to crack for the terrorist group.

On Tuesday, ISIS conducted three suicide bombing operations at the southeastern gates of the Deir Ezzor Military Airport, only to have all three of their vehicles destroyed before reaching their targeted destination; these suicide attacks were followed each time with a wave of militants charging the Syrian Arab Army’s fortifications at the airbase.

With ISIS at the gates of the Deir Ezzor Military Airport, the Russian Air Force quickly arrived to provide relief for the embattled Syrian Arab Army soldiers that have been entrenched at this airbase for several months – the Russian fighter jets did not disappoint.

The Russian Air Force’s SU-24 and SU-25 fighter jets pounded ISIS’ positions near the Deir Ezzor Airport, striking the once predominately Shi’i town of Hatla and the main road used by the terrorist group to reinforce and resupply their militants fighting at the airbase.

According to a military source from the Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Artillery Brigade of the 17th Reserve Division, ISIS suffered over 40 casualties and the loss of a substantial amount of military equipment in their failed bid to break into the Deir Ezzor Military Airport; these losses were due in large part to the Russian Air Force’s participation in the battle on Tuesdsay.

ISIS was eventually forced to withdraw back towards the Artillery Battalion Base in order to avoid the Russian Air Force’s swarming fighter jets striking their positions at the southeastern perimeter of the Deir Ezzor Military Airport."

Russian Air Force Saves the Day in Deir Ezzor: ISIS Suffers Heavy Casualties at the Airport
Russian Air Force Saves the Day Again at the Deir Ezzor Airport: ISIS Suffers Over 50 Casualties

"On Wednesday morning, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched another powerful assault on the Deir Ezzor Military Airport’s outer parameters, targeting the southeastern gates that are protected by the Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Artillery Brigade of the 17th Reserve Division and the 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard.

Unlike yesterday, ISIS successfully made it to the Deir Ezzor Military Airport’s southeastern gates without the use of a vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED); this was due to the absence of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) from this battle on Wednesday.

With intense firefights mounting at the southeastern gates, the senior military officers from the 17th Reserve Division called on the Russian Air Force to assist the embattled soldiers from the Syrian Arab Army in beating back the encroaching enemy combatants from ISIS.

No more than one hour later, the Russian Air Force’s SU-24 fighter jets came roaring into the Deir Ezzor Governorate to succor the Syrian Arab Army soldiers at the military airport; this proved extremely effective, as ISIS was at the mercy of their attackers due to their lack of cover against the airstrikes.

According to a military source from the 137th Brigade, the Russian Air Force and the Syrian Arab Army killed well-over 25 enemy combatants, while wounding an estimated 40 other militants.

The source added that the Syrian Arab Army was able to beat back the terrorist group’s attack before night on Wednesday, marking the third time in three days that ISIS has failed to infiltrate into the Deir Ezzor Military Airport.

Elsewhere, the Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Brigade – backed by the Shaytat Tribesmen and National Defense Forces (NDF) – clashed with ISIS inside the village of Al-Muri’iyah, where the aforementioned terrorist group attempted to recapture the Al-Muri’iyah Farms – they were unsuccessful after sustaining over 30 casualties."

Russian Air Force Saves the Day Again at the Deir Ezzor Airport: ISIS Suffers Over 50 Casualties
Russian Airstrikes Paralyze ISIS in Deir Ezzor: No Reported Attack on the Airport

"For the first time in six days, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has been absent from the Deir Ezzor Military Airport front, giving the embattled soldiers from the Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Artillery Brigade of the 17th Reserve Division and the 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard a much needed break from this volatile battle.

However, ISIS’ absence from the Deir Ezzor Military Airport front was not by choice; it was mandatory for the terrorist group, as they have suffered a significant number of casualties as a result of their aggressive attempts to bypass the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses at the southeastern gates of this large airbase in the vast desert area of eastern Syria.

ISIS’ casualties sky-rocketed once the Russian Air Force entered the battle at the request of the Syrian Arab Army; this proved to be the difference maker during the terrorist group’s repeated infiltration attempts, as they would encounter several airstrikes from the Russian SU-24 fighter jets repeatedly circling their positions at the villages of Al-Muri’iyah and Al-Jafra.

On Thursday morning, ISIS chose to shift their attention to the battle inside the provincial capital in order to sideline the Russian Air Force and attempt to advance their positions at the Al-Sina’a (Industrial) and Al-‘Amal Quarters.

Unfortunately for ISIS, these attacks on the Syrian Arab Army’s positions at the Al-‘Amal and Al-Sina’a Quarters proved relatively ineffective, as the pro-government forces successfully repelled all of the terrorist group’s infiltration attempts."

Russian Airstrikes Paralyze ISIS in Deir Ezzor: No Reported Attack on the Airport
ISIS Trapped in Deir Ezzor City: Russian Air Force Destroys Al-Siyasiyah Bridge

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) received a rude awakening inside the provincial capital of the Deir Ezzor Governorate on Friday morning, as the Russian Air Force’s fighter jets destroyed the imperative “Al-Siyasiyah Bridge” (Political Bridge) that sits over the Euphrates River, which links the city’s east and west districts.

For ISIS, this marks the second time in 14 months that their main supply route to the provincial capital has been obstructed; this bridge was originally destroyed last year, when the Syrian Arab Army’s 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard loaded the suspension bridge with IED materials and detonated the explosives.

The Russian Federation’s Defense Minister posted the video of their fighter jets bombarding ISIS’ positions inside the Deir Ezzor Governorate, displaying the destruction of the Al-Siyasiyah Bridge.

As a result of the Al-Siyasiyah Bridge’s destruction, the terrorist group is now trapped inside the provincial capital without access to necessary reinforcements and supplies from the east district; this creates a relatively difficult situation for the ISIS fighters besieging the Deir Ezzor Military Airport, as they are now at the mercy of the Russian Air Force’s airstrikes.

Recently, ISIS launched several attacks on the Deir Ezzor Military Airport, forcing the Russian Air Force to concentrate many of their fighter jets to this area in order to forestall the terrorist group’s progress at this front."

ISIS Trapped in Deir Ezzor City: Russian Air Force Destroys Al-Siyasiyah Bridge
Syrian Army Takes Advantage of ISIS’ Misfortunes in Deir Ezzor; Russian Jets Lead the Way

"On Friday, the Russian Federation’s Air Force carried out an important attack on the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) main supply route, destroying a bridge that links the east and west districts of Deir Ezzor City, which are separated by the vast Euphrates River.

As a result of this devastating aerial attack, the Russian Air Force successfully cutoff ISIS’ vital supply line to their embattled fighters entrenched inside the provincial capital of the Deir Ezzor Governorate and its large Military Airport that is located outside of the city’s walls.

On Saturday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Artillery Brigade of the 17th Reserve Division – in coordination with the 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard, the National Defense Forces (NDF), and the Shaytat Tribesmen – launched a counter-attack outside of the Deir Ezzor Military Airport, targeting ISIS’ positions at the captured Army Base and the Missile Battalion Base.

In addition to the assault on the Army Base and the Missile Battalion Base, the Syrian Armed Forces and Shaytat Tribesmen countered ISIS at the villages of Al-Muri’iyah, Al-Jafra, and Tal Kroum, where they attempted to recapture several sites that the terrorist group took control of during their two week long offensive.

With nightfall approaching, the Syrian Armed Forces halted their assault in favor of the Russian Air Force’s fighter jets to weaken the terrorist group’s defenses around the provincial capital; this proved successful, as ISIS sought shelter from the flurry of airstrikes that fractured their frontlines."

Syrian Army Attempts to Break the ISIS Offensive to Cutoff Their Main Supply Route to Aleppo
ISIS Offensives Prove Costly: Over 200 Terrorists Killed in 3 Days

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched several large-scale offensives this past weekend that targeted the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) defenses at the Deir Ezzor Military Airport; the strategic Khanasser-Aleppo Highway in east Hama; and the towns of Al-‘Aziziyah and Tal ‘Arn in the Aleppo Governorate’s eastern countryside.

While all of these offensives started off successfully for ISIS, they came at a heavy cost of life; this cost eventually proved too much for the terrorist group, as they withdrew from several points at the Deir Ezzor Military Airport and along the Khanasser-Aleppo Highway.

Undoubtedly ISIS’ most costly battle took place along the Khanasser-Aleppo Highway, as they attempted to cutoff the Syrian Government’s only supply route to the Aleppo Governorate; this military endeavor proved successful until their body count started to rise significantly after the failed infiltration into the imperative town of Ithriyah.

According to a military source from the National Defense Forces (NDF) inside the large city of Al-Salamiyah in east Hama, ISIS’ death toll is estimated between 100-120, while the Syrian Arab Army and their allies only suffered a total of 41 casualties during the battle for the Khanasser-Aleppo Highway.

Among the dead ISIS combatants killed by the Syrian Arab Army’s 66th Brigade of the 11th Tank Division was the terrorist group’s Saudi field commander “Abu Usama Al-Jazrawi.”

Meanwhile, at the Deir Ezzor Governorate, ISIS reportedly lost 60 fighters during their attempt to breach the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses at the Military Airport’s southeastern gates – most of these terrorist casualties were caused by the Russian Air Force’s relentless airstrikes.

Finally, there was the recent battle for Tal ‘Arn and Al-‘Aziziyah in east Aleppo; this assault proved to be the terrorist group’s most successful and least costly offensive, as they lost an estimated 40-50 fighters en route to the capture of Tal Reeman and Al-Salihiyah from the Syrian Armed Forces.

All-in-all, ISIS suffered a significant number of casualties over the past 72 hours, marking the conclusion of one of their bloodiest weekends with a total death toll that exceeds 200 fighters."

ISIS Offensives Prove Costly: Over 200 Terrorists Killed in 3 Days
Russian Air Force Destroys a Tajikistani ISIS Base While Mayadeen Tribes Attack in East Deir Ezzor

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) suffered a massive blow on Wednesday morning after the Russian Air Force’s SU-24 fighter jets repeatedly bombarded their positions inside the Deir Ezzor Governorate’s western countryside.

The primary target for the Russian Air Force was the Tajikistani Brigade base located inside the town of Hatla; this site was attacked by SU-24s relentlessly, as several ISIS fighters attempted to evade the destruction surrounding this relatively untouched area that once inhabited a small population of Shi’i Muslims.

Unable to move freely across the two riverbanks bordering the vast Euphrates, ISIS attempted to make the best of the situation by attacking the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses at the Deir Ezzor Military Airport, the Old Airport District, the Al-Haweeqa Quarter, and the village of ‘Ayyash; however, they were unable to find any success, as the Russian fighter jets were lurking around the provincial capital all day long.

In east Deir Ezzor, the local tribesmen carried out a powerful surprise assault on ISIS’ defenses inside the town of Jisr Al-‘Asharat, killing as many as ten enemy combatants and destroying several armored vehicles that were mounted with 23mm anti-aircraft machine guns.

According to a military source from the Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Artillery Brigade of the 17th Reserve Division, the tribesmen reported that they killed the ISIS field commander in Al-Mayadeen – he was identified as “Abu Kinana Al-Masri” (Egyptian)."

Russian Air Force Destroys a Tajikistani ISIS Base While Mayadeen Tribes Attack in East Deir Ezzor

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