ISIS now spreading into Libya - and beginning to win


Cafeteria Centrist
Jul 29, 2009
Illinois, USA
ISIS comes to Libya -

By Paul Cruickshank, Nic Robertson, Tim Lister and Jomana Karadsheh, CNN updated 4:06 PM EST, Tue November 18, 2014

(CNN) -- The black flag of ISIS flies over government buildings. Police cars carry the group's insignia. The local football stadium is used for public executions. A town in Syria or Iraq? No. A city on the coast of the Mediterranean, in Libya.

Fighters loyal to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria are now in complete control of the city of Derna, population of about 100,000, not far from the Egyptian border and just about 200 miles from the southern shores of the European Union.

The fighters are taking advantage of political chaos to rapidly expand their presence westwards along the coast, Libyan sources tell CNN.

The sources say the Derna branch of ISIS counts 800 fighters and operates half a dozen camps on the outskirts of the town, as well as larger facilities in the nearby Green Mountains, where fighters from across North Africa are being trained.

It has been bolstered by the return to Libya from Syria and Iraq of up to 300 Libyan jihadists who were part of ISIS' al Battar Brigade -- deployed at first in Deir Ezzor in Syria and then Mosul in Iraq. These fighters supported the Shura Council for the Youth of Islam in Derna, a pro-ISIS faction.



And so it begins...

The infection spreads...
I assumed they were already there?
Yeah, but what caught my eye about that, was that they're now sufficiently organized, so that they've captured a large seacoast town, as a point of departure for further mischief or conquest. And, they are not far from the Egyptian border, if I read that correctly. That raised an eyebrow - and some concern - when I spotted that yesterday.
yes, gravity-----they are already there----and here-----and here and there. For those who do not know-----

I assumed they were already there?
Yeah, but what caught my eye about that, was that they're now sufficiently organized, so that they've captured a large seacoast town, as a point of departure for further mischief or conquest. And, they are not far from the Egyptian border, if I read that correctly. That raised an eyebrow - and some concern - when I spotted that yesterday.

Yeah thats not a good sign and there is no organized force in Libya to fight them. This conflict just got alot more complicated, Libya is a very strategic location. I hate to say it but we'd have been better off letting Gaddafi keep Libya, he kept Islamic nut bags in check.
I assumed they were already there?
Yeah, but what caught my eye about that, was that they're now sufficiently organized, so that they've captured a large seacoast town, as a point of departure for further mischief or conquest. And, they are not far from the Egyptian border, if I read that correctly. That raised an eyebrow - and some concern - when I spotted that yesterday.

Yeah thats not a good sign and there is no organized force in Libya to fight them. This conflict just got alot more complicated, Libya is a very strategic location. I hate to say it but we'd have been better off letting Gaddafi keep Libya, he kept Islamic nut bags in check.
Best argument that I've seen for continuing to prop-up dictators in Muslim-dominated countries...

Left to their own devices, they always try to crawl back into the womb - 7th Century A.D. Islam.

Fundies, who make our own (US) Fundies look like Libertines, by comparison.

Slave minds, tied to a slave religion, with a slave-warrior component to it.

One of these days, the Mahdi will show-up, and unplug their sorry asses from The Matrix.

But I'm not gonna hold my breath.

Meanwhile... as the cancer of ISIS continues to spread... now, onto the North African coast, in a military and territorial sense... I sense a broader war in the making... and soon, too... although it may end-up waiting until after January 20, 2017... assuming that we can install a CiC that the troops will respect and support.
I assumed they were already there?
Yeah, but what caught my eye about that, was that they're now sufficiently organized, so that they've captured a large seacoast town, as a point of departure for further mischief or conquest. And, they are not far from the Egyptian border, if I read that correctly. That raised an eyebrow - and some concern - when I spotted that yesterday.

Yeah thats not a good sign and there is no organized force in Libya to fight them. This conflict just got alot more complicated, Libya is a very strategic location. I hate to say it but we'd have been better off letting Gaddafi keep Libya, he kept Islamic nut bags in check.
Best argument that I've seen for continuing to prop-up dictators in Muslim-dominated countries...

Left to their own devices, they always try to crawl back into the womb - 7th Century A.D. Islam.

Fundies, who make our own (US) Fundies look like Libertines, by comparison.

Slave minds, tied to a slave religion, with a slave-warrior component to it.

One of these days, the Mahdi will show-up, and unplug their sorry asses from The Matrix.

But I'm not gonna hold my breath.

Meanwhile... as the cancer of ISIS continues to spread... now, onto the North African coast, in a military and territorial sense... I sense a broader war in the making... and soon, too... although it may end-up waiting until after January 20, 2017... assuming that we can install a CiC that the troops will respect and support.

I'm thinking the people that propped up dictators knew something we didn't, I don't think Muslim dominated countries can handle democracy it doesn't jive with their religious beliefs, just like how Islamic law is incompatible with American society.
I have a feeling Jordan is on the ISIS radar in a big way, Jordan already has alot of Islamic radicals living there who are in love with ISIS.

I fear for the life of baby abdullah

The King of Jordan is way too modern for his post just like the Shah, most of his people would love nothing better than for him to be hanging from a light pole.
I assumed they were already there?
Yeah, but what caught my eye about that, was that they're now sufficiently organized, so that they've captured a large seacoast town, as a point of departure for further mischief or conquest. And, they are not far from the Egyptian border, if I read that correctly. That raised an eyebrow - and some concern - when I spotted that yesterday.

Yeah thats not a good sign and there is no organized force in Libya to fight them. This conflict just got alot more complicated, Libya is a very strategic location. I hate to say it but we'd have been better off letting Gaddafi keep Libya, he kept Islamic nut bags in check.
Best argument that I've seen for continuing to prop-up dictators in Muslim-dominated countries...

Left to their own devices, they always try to crawl back into the womb - 7th Century A.D. Islam.

Fundies, who make our own (US) Fundies look like Libertines, by comparison.

Slave minds, tied to a slave religion, with a slave-warrior component to it.

One of these days, the Mahdi will show-up, and unplug their sorry asses from The Matrix.

But I'm not gonna hold my breath.

Meanwhile... as the cancer of ISIS continues to spread... now, onto the North African coast, in a military and territorial sense... I sense a broader war in the making... and soon, too... although it may end-up waiting until after January 20, 2017... assuming that we can install a CiC that the troops will respect and support.

Kondor-----speaking of which ...~~~~~.......ooooo.....
the thought pops into my head lately------could
**)))) isis (((((*** be the swan song of islam?
And so it begins...

The infection spreads...
Libya is where the CIA found the fighters and the arms to launch IS after its heroic overthrow of Gaddafi:
"The caliphate has a beach. It is located on the Mediterranean Sea around 300 kilometers (186 miles) south of Crete in Darna. The eastern Libya city has a population of around 80,000, a beautiful old town and an 18th century mosque, from which the black flag of the Islamic State flies. The port city is equipped with Sharia courts and an 'Islamic Police' force which patrols the streets in all-terrain vehicles. A wall has been built in the university to separate female students from their male counterparts and the disciplines of law, natural sciences and languages have all been abolished. Those who would question the city's new societal order risk death."
Islamic State Expanding into North Africa - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Just as Wesley Clark predicted in 2003:
"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran.'"
Wesley Clark - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
you made no point georgie
Not exactly a new state of affairs...
...but he should keep trying... after all... Allah loves try-ers, too.
you made no point georgie
Iraq, Libya, and Syria ruined beyond repair just as Clark predicted in his 2003 book; why aren't you on your way to Jerusalem?

he was right ISIS is nothing new-----I came into contact with muslims more than 45 years ago--------mostly from southeast asia ---some from Iran-----a few from arab countries and one from
Saudi Arabia--------the Saudi was very intelligent----he ended up with an academic position at EINSTEIN medical school--and Montefiore Hospital (those places associated with Yeshiva
University) He was the only muslim I knew who did not have
Not exactly a new state of affairs...
...but he should keep trying... after all... Allah loves try-ers, too
The same way Wall Street loves slaves:
"After Gadhafi was toppled in 2011, many rebels headed for Syria to fight against Bashar Assad.

"At the same time, the revolution gave birth to several militia groups, not all of which were radical but some leaned Islamist.

"Extremists subsequently found a foothold in eastern Libya and perpetrated a series of bloody attacks against the police and the army, leading the state to pull back.

"The extremists remained.

"Today, Darna is ruled by several militia groups, the most important of which is the Islamic Youth Shura Council, an organization founded in the spring after splintering off from the Libyan terror group Ansar al-Sharia.

"In Darna, the leaders of Ansar al-Sharia have joined forces with Islamic State while in Benghazi they have not.

"Initially, IS emerged in Libya in the form of a group of fighters returning from Syria.

"The so-called al-Battar Brigade brought Darna under its control by murdering politicians, judges and attorneys -- but also by killing commanders of other militias."

Islamic State Expanding into North Africa - SPIEGEL ONLINE
So, tell us, Jihadi George, is this a good thing?

its being directed by the ZIONISTCONTROLLEDCIA
<<<< I learned that word more than 45 years ago
when I encountered lots of muslims ---right here in the USA---
from south east asia, and Arabia-------at that time the Iranians
were not yet into it

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