Is Trump Being 'Too Transparent'?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Barry PROMISED he would deliver 'The Most Transparent Administration Evuh'.

THAT was before his administration illegally refused a record number of times to comply with a FOIA requests (73%), before much of his cabinet began using personal e-mails/servers to avoid the FOIA and Federal Records Act, before he and Cabinet Leads started using aliases, before Democrats refused to allow Americans to know what was in legislation until Congress had rammed it into law, and before he and much of his administration began lying their asses off to the American people when they did actually communicate to them.

Now Liberals are seething with anger and hatred over Donald Trump already becoming more transparent than Obama ever was through the use of 'Twitter'.

I see no problem with a President being 'tech-savy' and using such a program as 'Twitter'; however, as the comic books said, 'With great power comes great responsibility'.

I personally would like there to be a 'Twitter Department', if Twitter is to be used so much - someone to oversee the Presidential Tweets to some extent, to ensure accuracy, that no secrets are released, no un-wanted consequences occur. I would not completely try to make Trump stop using it, though.

Liberals, however, seemed to be having a significant issue with President-elect Trump's use of Twitter.

Is it his use of Twitter, how he's using Twitter, or the fact that he is actually delivering 'Transparency' instead of just talking about it?
Barry PROMISED he would deliver 'The Most Transparent Administration Evuh'.

THAT was before his administration illegally refused a record number of times to comply with a FOIA requests (73%), before much of his cabinet began using personal e-mails/servers to avoid the FOIA and Federal Records Act, before he and Cabinet Leads started using aliases, before Democrats refused to allow Americans to know what was in legislation until Congress had rammed it into law, and before he and much of his administration began lying their asses off to the American people when they did actually communicate to them.

Now Liberals are seething with anger and hatred over Donald Trump already becoming more transparent than Obama ever was through the use of 'Twitter'.

I see no problem with a President being 'tech-savy' and using such a program as 'Twitter'; however, as the comic books said, 'With great power comes great responsibility'.

I personally would like there to be a 'Twitter Department', if Twitter is to be used so much - someone to oversee the Presidential Tweets to some extent, to ensure accuracy, that no secrets are released, no un-wanted consequences occur. I would not completely try to make Trump stop using it, though.

Liberals, however, seemed to be having a significant issue with President-elect Trump's use of Twitter.

Is it his use of Twitter, how he's using Twitter, or the fact that he is actually delivering 'Transparency' instead of just talking about it?
Do you really equate someone who tweets as being tech savy? LOL.
Barry PROMISED he would deliver 'The Most Transparent Administration Evuh'.

THAT was before his administration illegally refused a record number of times to comply with a FOIA requests (73%), before much of his cabinet began using personal e-mails/servers to avoid the FOIA and Federal Records Act, before he and Cabinet Leads started using aliases, before Democrats refused to allow Americans to know what was in legislation until Congress had rammed it into law, and before he and much of his administration began lying their asses off to the American people when they did actually communicate to them.

Now Liberals are seething with anger and hatred over Donald Trump already becoming more transparent than Obama ever was through the use of 'Twitter'.

I see no problem with a President being 'tech-savy' and using such a program as 'Twitter'; however, as the comic books said, 'With great power comes great responsibility'.

I personally would like there to be a 'Twitter Department', if Twitter is to be used so much - someone to oversee the Presidential Tweets to some extent, to ensure accuracy, that no secrets are released, no un-wanted consequences occur. I would not completely try to make Trump stop using it, though.

Liberals, however, seemed to be having a significant issue with President-elect Trump's use of Twitter.

Is it his use of Twitter, how he's using Twitter, or the fact that he is actually delivering 'Transparency' instead of just talking about it?
Do you really equate someone who tweets as being tech savy? LOL.

How is that hope and change working for you!?!

It make me wonder when you bought that load of bullshit did you ever think that America would end up with someone like Trump as President!?!

Also it make me wonder are you tech savvy yourself!?!
Do you really equate someone who tweets as being tech savy? LOL.
Considering how Hillary's own aides described her as 'technology-challenged' because she did not know hot to operate 2 e-mails on 1 device...YES! :p
Not too transparent, but finally we have someone transparent at all. And someone who likes to fight and antagonise his enemies, the next 8 years are gonna be awesome!
Barry PROMISED he would deliver 'The Most Transparent Administration Evuh'.

THAT was before his administration illegally refused a record number of times to comply with a FOIA requests (73%), before much of his cabinet began using personal e-mails/servers to avoid the FOIA and Federal Records Act, before he and Cabinet Leads started using aliases, before Democrats refused to allow Americans to know what was in legislation until Congress had rammed it into law, and before he and much of his administration began lying their asses off to the American people when they did actually communicate to them.

Now Liberals are seething with anger and hatred over Donald Trump already becoming more transparent than Obama ever was through the use of 'Twitter'.

I see no problem with a President being 'tech-savy' and using such a program as 'Twitter'; however, as the comic books said, 'With great power comes great responsibility'.

I personally would like there to be a 'Twitter Department', if Twitter is to be used so much - someone to oversee the Presidential Tweets to some extent, to ensure accuracy, that no secrets are released, no un-wanted consequences occur. I would not completely try to make Trump stop using it, though.

Liberals, however, seemed to be having a significant issue with President-elect Trump's use of Twitter.

Is it his use of Twitter, how he's using Twitter, or the fact that he is actually delivering 'Transparency' instead of just talking about it?

Do you mean by trump openly calling on Russia to hack hillarys email account kind of open?
Barry PROMISED he would deliver 'The Most Transparent Administration Evuh'.

THAT was before his administration illegally refused a record number of times to comply with a FOIA requests (73%), before much of his cabinet began using personal e-mails/servers to avoid the FOIA and Federal Records Act, before he and Cabinet Leads started using aliases, before Democrats refused to allow Americans to know what was in legislation until Congress had rammed it into law, and before he and much of his administration began lying their asses off to the American people when they did actually communicate to them.

Now Liberals are seething with anger and hatred over Donald Trump already becoming more transparent than Obama ever was through the use of 'Twitter'.

I see no problem with a President being 'tech-savy' and using such a program as 'Twitter'; however, as the comic books said, 'With great power comes great responsibility'.

I personally would like there to be a 'Twitter Department', if Twitter is to be used so much - someone to oversee the Presidential Tweets to some extent, to ensure accuracy, that no secrets are released, no un-wanted consequences occur. I would not completely try to make Trump stop using it, though.

Liberals, however, seemed to be having a significant issue with President-elect Trump's use of Twitter.

Is it his use of Twitter, how he's using Twitter, or the fact that he is actually delivering 'Transparency' instead of just talking about it?
Do you really equate someone who tweets as being tech savy? LOL.

Or being 'transparent'?

Do you mean by trump openly calling on Russia to hack hillarys email account kind of open?
I have already posted where the Federal Bureau of Investigation stated they found NO LINK between trump and the Russian Govt / Putin. If you have evidence to support a claim that Trump called on Russia to hack Hillary's exposed, unsecure server and our election system I would love to see it.
Transparent? Really? Where are his tax returns?
Where are all of Barry's school transcripts and personal information? Oh yeah - he sealed them so no one could see them. Liberals argued how tax returns tell a lot about someone. So does a person's college transcripts and other personal records. As far as we know, Barry barely passed college and was given 'honorary' awards and accolades. If a Conservative had sealed all of their personal transcripts and records we would be buried under Conspiracy Theories, speculation, and false narratives. As the Bible says, get that 2x4 out of your eye before you start pointing out specks in someone else's eye.
How is that hope and change working for you!?!
It's been working good for me. How about yourself?

did you ever think that America would end up with someone like Trump as President!?!
Nope, I didn't. I honestly didn't think there were that many stupid people like yourself in this country. Neither did Herr Drumph, I'm sure.

Also it make me wonder are you tech savvy yourself!?!
I'd like to think so. I have been a programmer for close to 20 years now.
Do you really equate someone who tweets as being tech savy? LOL.
Considering how Hillary's own aides described her as 'technology-challenged' because she did not know hot to operate 2 e-mails on 1 device...YES! :p
So then as far as you are concerned, anyone who can tweet is tech savy. Okay, that is a pretty high bar you set there. LOL.
Do you mean by trump openly calling on Russia to hack hillarys email account kind of open?
I have already posted where the Federal Bureau of Investigation stated they found NO LINK between trump and the Russian Govt / Putin. If you have evidence to support a claim that Trump called on Russia to hack Hillary's exposed, unsecure server and our election system I would love to see it.

Time Magazine › donald-trump-hillary-c...
AMP - Jul 27, 2016 - Donald Trump encouraged Russiato commit a cybercrime against Hillary Clinton, saying he hoped it could ... Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Hack Hillary Clinton's Emails ... Play Video
did you ever think that America would end up with someone like Trump as President!?!
Nope, I didn't. I honestly didn't think there were that many stupid people like yourself in this country. Neither did Herr Drumph, I'm sure.[/QUOTE]
What was 'stupid' was to believe that the American people would acquiesce to the Democrats' demand that such an archaic, career, corrupt, criminal, self/party-1st-serving, Washington-insider, globalist, elitist politician be President.

Hillary, probably more than any other politician in Washington, had come to represent everything Americans hated about politics and professional politicians in this country.

Liberals underestimated that disdain for Washington politicians, which I can not figure out why. For DECADES the poll numbers for Congress were in the teens. For years Americans have been declaring we were going in the wrong direction. Hillary was the poster-child for Congressional Washington politicians and represented going in the same direction we were going in.

Hillary is the 1st Presidential candidate in the United States to be beaten by a NON-Politician. It wasn't by accident. Americans were tired of the same ol' bullshit politicians.

Hillary was the personification of Nancy Pelosi's ACA comment of how the American people did not have the RIGHT to know what was in legislation until it had been rammed up their ass and broken off.

Had Trump represent4d the Democrats as a non-politician candidate against any one of the GOP politician candidates he would have won.

Had the democrats run anyone who was younger, not associated in the voters' minds as one of the old-school Washington Insider elitist politicians, they would have won in a landslide.

Had the Democrats run a politician who was carrying two lifetimes of baggage and who was not corrupt as hell we would be talking about the massive DNC landslide right now.

Bernie Sanders declared he was EMBARASSED by the DNC because they abandoned the hard-working middle class, and the hard-working middle class abandoned them at the election booths.

Trump is just a big, bold, egotistical rich celebrity who was in the right place at the right time facing the right opponent.

Harry Reid said the other day that he believes THE DEMOCRATS DON'T NEED TO CHANGE A THING.
- the Democrats better be glad that poor ignorant bastard is LEAVING.

The Democrats tried to ram their agenda down the throats of Americans in 2014 - Barry declared the election to be all about HIM, HIS policies, and HIS agenda. The Democrats suffered an historic, record-setting loss.

In 2016 the Democrats rigged their Primary, rigged their press, rigged their debates / Town Hall meetings, and tried to ram Hillary and their agenda down the throats of Americans while Barry again announced the election was about HIM, HIS policies, and HIS Agenda. The Democrats AGAIN suffered an historic, record-setting loss.

The Democrats need to get past the anger, bitterness, hate-spewing, finger-pointing, and Trump-bashing, begin doing some serious self-analysis while comparing that to what the people have shown what they want, and find out they have quite a bit they need to change..... or don't and just get use to being the minority in Congress while not having the Presidency.

So then as far as you are concerned, anyone who can tweet is tech savy. Okay, that is a pretty high bar you set there. LOL.
Considering how Hillary's own aides described her as 'technology-challenged' because she did not know hot to operate 2 e-mails on 1 device...YES! :p
Time Magazine › donald-trump-hillary-c...
AMP - Jul 27, 2016 - Donald Trump encouraged Russiato commit a cybercrime against Hillary Clinton, saying he hoped it could ... Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Hack Hillary Clinton's Emails ... Play Video
You probably meant this NY Time 'Fake Media' story:

In that report, Trump reportedly declared, “I would treat Vladimir Putin firmly, but there’s nothing I can think of that I’d rather do than have Russia friendly as opposed to the way they are right now."

What do you object to or disagree with in that statement?
did you ever think that America would end up with someone like Trump as President!?!
Nope, I didn't. I honestly didn't think there were that many stupid people like yourself in this country. Neither did Herr Drumph, I'm sure.
What was 'stupid' was to believe that the American people would acquiesce to the Democrats' demand that such an archaic, career, corrupt, criminal, self/party-1st-serving, Washington-insider, globalist, elitist politician be President.

Hillary, probably more than any other politician in Washington, had come to represent everything Americans hated about politics and professional politicians in this country.

Liberals underestimated that disdain for Washington politicians, which I can not figure out why. For DECADES the poll numbers for Congress were in the teens. For years Americans have been declaring we were going in the wrong direction. Hillary was the poster-child for Congressional Washington politicians and represented going in the same direction we were going in.

Hillary is the 1st Presidential candidate in the United States to be beaten by a NON-Politician. It wasn't by accident. Americans were tired of the same ol' bullshit politicians.

Hillary was the personification of Nancy Pelosi's ACA comment of how the American people did not have the RIGHT to know what was in legislation until it had been rammed up their ass and broken off.

Had Trump represent4d the Democrats as a non-politician candidate against any one of the GOP politician candidates he would have won.

Had the democrats run anyone who was younger, not associated in the voters' minds as one of the old-school Washington Insider elitist politicians, they would have won in a landslide.

Had the Democrats run a politician who was carrying two lifetimes of baggage and who was not corrupt as hell we would be talking about the massive DNC landslide right now.

Bernie Sanders declared he was EMBARASSED by the DNC because they abandoned the hard-working middle class, and the hard-working middle class abandoned them at the election booths.

Trump is just a big, bold, egotistical rich celebrity who was in the right place at the right time facing the right opponent.

Harry Reid said the other day that he believes THE DEMOCRATS DON'T NEED TO CHANGE A THING.
- the Democrats better be glad that poor ignorant bastard is LEAVING.

The Democrats tried to ram their agenda down the throats of Americans in 2014 - Barry declared the election to be all about HIM, HIS policies, and HIS agenda. The Democrats suffered an historic, record-setting loss.

In 2016 the Democrats rigged their Primary, rigged their press, rigged their debates / Town Hall meetings, and tried to ram Hillary and their agenda down the throats of Americans while Barry again announced the election was about HIM, HIS policies, and HIS Agenda. The Democrats AGAIN suffered an historic, record-setting loss.

The Democrats need to get past the anger, bitterness, hate-spewing, finger-pointing, and Trump-bashing, begin doing some serious self-analysis while comparing that to what the people have shown what they want, and find out they have quite a bit they need to change..... or don't and just get use to being the minority in Congress while not having the Presidency.

You don't really think I am going to waste my team reading all this most likely bullshit you just typed in, do you? If so, you are wrong.
Time Magazine › donald-trump-hillary-c...
AMP - Jul 27, 2016 - Donald Trump encouraged Russiato commit a cybercrime against Hillary Clinton, saying he hoped it could ... Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Hack Hillary Clinton's Emails ... Play Video
You probably meant this NY Time 'Fake Media' story:

In that report, Trump reportedly declared, “I would treat Vladimir Putin firmly, but there’s nothing I can think of that I’d rather do than have Russia friendly as opposed to the way they are right now."

What do you object to or disagree with in that statement?

Deflecting much

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