Is this conclusive evidence that Trump is unfit for the Presidency?


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2023
In my view, it is inescapable, incontrovertible, unassailable, 100% positive proof that Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency:

Behold his statements made before the United Nations.

What he said no competent leader would ever say. It is totally irresponsible and dangerous.

That is my heartfelt opinion, now see if you don't agree

"...we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea" --Donald Trump

,It's as if Trump has been watching too many John Wayne movies, he's a mad man drunk on power.


Am I right?
Trump acts and then someone else has to think for him. The meme he sent out with the baseball bat is a perfect example. He simply sent it out without considering the ramifications. Someone finally got to him and he deleted it.

He's not a very bright person. He acts before thinking.
In my view, it is inescapable, incontrovertible, unassailable, 100% positive proof that Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency:
Well, we crossed that particular line several years ago.

And given the damage he continues to cause with this Big Lie, he is ALSO unfit to be a FORMER President.
In my view, it is inescapable, incontrovertible, unassailable, 100% positive proof that Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency:
Behold his statements made before the United Nations.
What he said no competent leader would ever say. It is totally irresponsible and dangerous.
That is my heartfelt opinion, now see if you don't agree
"...we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea" --Donald Trump
,It's as if Trump has been watching too many John Wayne movies, he's a mad man drunk on power.
Am I right?
No, you're wrong. Trump was playing Un. You need to research the interactions between them. Trump was showing Un the joys of capitalism in VN & Singapore. NK was used to the US throwing food and money at them when they misbehave.
In my view, it is inescapable, incontrovertible, unassailable, 100% positive proof that Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency:

Behold his statements made before the United Nations.

What he said no competent leader would ever say. It is totally irresponsible and dangerous.

That is my heartfelt opinion, now see if you don't agree

"...we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea" --Donald Trump

,It's as if Trump has been watching too many John Wayne movies, he's a mad man drunk on power.


Am I right?

He's as fit as Biden or Hillary.

NONE of them belong in the WH.
In my view, it is inescapable, incontrovertible, unassailable, 100% positive proof that Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency:

Behold his statements made before the United Nations.

What he said no competent leader would ever say. It is totally irresponsible and dangerous.

That is my heartfelt opinion, now see if you don't agree

"...we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea" --Donald Trump

,It's as if Trump has been watching too many John Wayne movies, he's a mad man drunk on power.


Am I right?

Trump pushes his balls around in a wheelbarrow….Leftists are fem pussies, they hate any show of power or strength.
In my view, it is inescapable, incontrovertible, unassailable, 100% positive proof that Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency:

Behold his statements made before the United Nations.

What he said no competent leader would ever say. It is totally irresponsible and dangerous.

That is my heartfelt opinion, now see if you don't agree

"...we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea" --Donald Trump

,It's as if Trump has been watching too many John Wayne movies, he's a mad man drunk on power.


Am I right?

You’re incorrect on this one my friend. Joe Biden unilaterally launches strikes on Syria when he wants to …Barack Obama launches his drone strikes against any country when he wants to. George W. Bush called Iraq a country that was part of the “axis of evil” and he actually with the US army with much support from United States of America invaded Iraq. Donald Trump and America did not invade any country during the Trump presidency.

Trump did what Obama and Biden have done use drone strikes against other countries.
Trump acts and then someone else has to think for him. The meme he sent out with the baseball bat is a perfect example. He simply sent it out without considering the ramifications. Someone finally got to him and he deleted it.

He's not a very bright person. He acts before thinking.
Yep….billionaires are stupid while those spending their days on message boards in cyberspace are uber intelligent.
(use caution before taking these people seriously folks)
Trump acts and then someone else has to think for him. The meme he sent out with the baseball bat is a perfect example. He simply sent it out without considering the ramifications. Someone finally got to him and he deleted it.

He's not a very bright person. He acts before thinking.
That is much better than the piss ant currently in the Whitehouse, you know, the one that can't think at all, can't walk up a flight of stairs, can't ride a bike, can't complete a sentence without stumbling around
Can't pick a qualified VP, border Zar, head of the Fed, or director of the FBI.
That is much better than the piss ant currently in the Whitehouse, you know, the one that can't think at all, can't walk up a flight of stairs, can't ride a bike, can't complete a sentence without stumbling around
Can't pick a qualified VP, border Zar, head of the Fed, or director of the FBI.
IF all the stuff you guys say about Biden and the left is true and they still punked and continue to punk you guys, what does that say about the RWers?
That is much better than the piss ant currently in the Whitehouse, you know, the one that can't think at all, can't walk up a flight of stairs, can't ride a bike, can't complete a sentence without stumbling around
Can't pick a qualified VP, border Zar, head of the Fed, or director of the FBI.

NEITHER is good. Can we not do better than this? We have to pick between these two losers?
In my view, it is inescapable, incontrovertible, unassailable, 100% positive proof that Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency:

Behold his statements made before the United Nations.

What he said no competent leader would ever say. It is totally irresponsible and dangerous.

That is my heartfelt opinion, now see if you don't agree

"...we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea" --Donald Trump

,It's as if Trump has been watching too many John Wayne movies, he's a mad man drunk on power.


Am I right?

Trump isn't president you moron
In my view, it is inescapable, incontrovertible, unassailable, 100% positive proof that Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency:

Behold his statements made before the United Nations.

What he said no competent leader would ever say. It is totally irresponsible and dangerous.

That is my heartfelt opinion, now see if you don't agree

"...we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea" --Donald Trump

,It's as if Trump has been watching too many John Wayne movies, he's a mad man drunk on power.


Am I right?

Your opinion is in your ass.
This only proves that he's the right man for the job....because if he wasn't they wouldn't be trying to destroy him.
They're scared that he might get elected again and destroy all of their nefarious plans.
They're unwilling to take a chance on running against someone that hasn't been hand-picked by the Deep State to lose to a crazy Dementia patient who sold his soul to the Chinese.
In my view, it is inescapable, incontrovertible, unassailable, 100% positive proof that Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency:

Behold his statements made before the United Nations.

What he said no competent leader would ever say. It is totally irresponsible and dangerous.

That is my heartfelt opinion, now see if you don't agree

"...we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea" --Donald Trump

,It's as if Trump has been watching too many John Wayne movies, he's a mad man drunk on power.


Am I right?

Yep, much better having these loons in charge.


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