Is This All That's Left For Us? Where Are The Real Jobs!

Well the trend of technology and new business models making human labor human redundant isn't going away.

Mankind's societies will either devise social contracts to respond fairly to this development or those societies will sooner or later collapse.

No police state can really last for very long if it cannot also support its prisoners.

Its going to be a rocky century for labor/managment issues, I suspect.

I can easily see armies of the have nots, the unemployed and unemployables rioting to get their share of the world's wealth, and I can certainly see the HAVES trying to stop that transfer of wealth.

Mankind might have 21st century techology going for it.

But as it regards advances in the social sciences, we're still basically in the mid 19th century
Well the trend of technology and new business models making human labor human redundant isn't going away.

Mankind's societies will either devise social contracts to respond fairly to this development or those societies will sooner or later collapse.

No police state can really last for very long if it cannot also support its prisoners.

Its going to be a rocky century for labor/managment issues, I suspect.

I can easily see armies of the have nots, the unemployed and unemployables rioting to get their share of the world's wealth, and I can certainly see the HAVES trying to stop that transfer of wealth.

Mankind might have 21st century techology going for it.

But as it regards advances in the social sciences, we're still basically in the mid 19th century

Transfer or theft?

If anyone tries to take what's mine I'll put up a fight.
So you spoke about job loses under bush but what about obama? Jobs were good under Bush accept when the democrats took control of Congress.

But I digress republican bad democrats good no matter what's going on.

Pathetic partisanship.

right back at you. nothing worse than you being a partisan and accusing someone who is not being one.
What do you get when you have a Romney GOP nomination? Another 4 years of Obamush failed policy.

But I am going to vote for Romney if the repubs give him the nomination.
Well the trend of technology and new business models making human labor human redundant isn't going away.

Mankind's societies will either devise social contracts to respond fairly to this development or those societies will sooner or later collapse.

No police state can really last for very long if it cannot also support its prisoners.

Its going to be a rocky century for labor/managment issues, I suspect.

I can easily see armies of the have nots, the unemployed and unemployables rioting to get their share of the world's wealth, and I can certainly see the HAVES trying to stop that transfer of wealth.

Mankind might have 21st century techology going for it.

But as it regards advances in the social sciences, we're still basically in the mid 19th century

Transfer or theft?

If anyone tries to take what's mine I'll put up a fight.

Too late.
would you like a side order of freedom fries with that?
Well the trend of technology and new business models making human labor human redundant isn't going away.

Mankind's societies will either devise social contracts to respond fairly to this development or those societies will sooner or later collapse.

No police state can really last for very long if it cannot also support its prisoners.

Its going to be a rocky century for labor/managment issues, I suspect.

I can easily see armies of the have nots, the unemployed and unemployables rioting to get their share of the world's wealth, and I can certainly see the HAVES trying to stop that transfer of wealth.

Mankind might have 21st century techology going for it.

But as it regards advances in the social sciences, we're still basically in the mid 19th century

You're right editec, but the HAVES also have this group of have nots fighting for them...

Welcome to the 21st Century!

You mean welcome to the obama economy

No, welcome to the reality of the times.

Meaning, that if you don't have some kind of special skill, you're fucked.

And that's been brewing long before Obama took office.

I think you are right on this.. I think a trade is more valuable these days instead of a college education. And I am shocked that I am agreeing with you .. But then again. Obama is not helping matters either.:lol:
Pathetic partisanship.

right back at you. nothing worse than you being a partisan and accusing someone who is not being one.
What do you get when you have a Romney GOP nomination? Another 4 years of Obamush failed policy.

But I am going to vote for Romney if the repubs give him the nomination.

As I have said in the past what's the difference vote obama vote romney you still get the same old shit. You are a partisan liberal, party doesn't matter.
Welcome to the 21st Century!

You mean welcome to the obama economy

No, welcome to the reality of the times.

Meaning, that if you don't have some kind of special skill, you're fucked.

And that's been brewing long before Obama took office.

That is correct. If you are not one of those 'snobs' that takes the time and effort to get a degree or technical training, you are SOL! A lowly Millwright can make as much as 100,000 in a year in some industries. Electricians, even more. But you have to know your technology. And that requires a lot of that 'snobbish' schooling. The willfully ignorant need not apply. And there are lot of technical jobs begging for people.
If he thinks unemployment creates more jobs than an actual construction project then Bam Bam must think unemployment is better than jobs.

Translated: "I can't do it so I'll just keep posting stupid bullshit rather than admit I'm wrong."

For one I never that the Idiot in Chief said anything specifically.

I was merely trying to illustrate his attempt to keep as many people on unemployment as possible for as long as possible.

If you can't see that anyone who says keeping people on unemployment creates more jobs than a construction project actually believes that unemployment is better than employment then that's your own personal type of brain damage and that damage is most likely incurable.

And yet there's another lie. :eusa_liar:

If you could see past your partisan bullshit you would know that no matter who is POTUS high unemployment would lead to being voted out. So your lame attempt to show that Obama would prefer to have high numbers unemployed rather than high job creation is a bunch of partisan crap. That's your own personal type of brain damage and that damage is definitely incurable.
You mean welcome to the obama economy

No, welcome to the reality of the times.

Meaning, that if you don't have some kind of special skill, you're fucked.

And that's been brewing long before Obama took office.

I think you are right on this.. I think a trade is more valuable these days instead of a college education. And I am shocked that I am agreeing with you .. But then again. Obama is not helping matters either.:lol:

And exactly what is Obama doing to prevent people from getting the education or training they need?
Why is there more drilling under Obama than Bush? Bush and the Republicans wanted that industry destroyed more? That's what your logic suggests.

Still waiting on that link.

That's the problem with you guys. You're always waiting on a link. But you don't provide one to begin with. Besides, would it do any good? Seriously?

I'd appreciate it if you both looked at the graph image that I posted and comment accordingly.


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Still waiting on that link.

That's the problem with you guys. You're always waiting on a link. But you don't provide one to begin with. Besides, would it do any good? Seriously?

I post a link most of the time and if I don't and a request is made I do post it. So put up or shut the fuck up you lying piece of shit.

You didn't post one this time. I'm challenging you. If drilling and oil production has declined under Obama, prove it. And while you are at it, look up the number one US export. Try to figure out how they relate.

I'm just trying to get you to defend your own talking points. So far, zero success.
That's the problem with you guys. You're always waiting on a link. But you don't provide one to begin with. Besides, would it do any good? Seriously?

I post a link most of the time and if I don't and a request is made I do post it. So put up or shut the fuck up you lying piece of shit.

You didn't post one this time. I'm challenging you. If drilling and oil production has declined under Obama, prove it. And while you are at it, look up the number one US export. Try to figure out how they relate.

I'm just trying to get you to defend your own talking points. So far, zero success.

Production is up and so is the world demand.
That's the problem with you guys. You're always waiting on a link. But you don't provide one to begin with. Besides, would it do any good? Seriously?

I post a link most of the time and if I don't and a request is made I do post it. So put up or shut the fuck up you lying piece of shit.

You didn't post one this time. I'm challenging you. If drilling and oil production has declined under Obama, prove it. And while you are at it, look up the number one US export. Try to figure out how they relate.

I'm just trying to get you to defend your own talking points. So far, zero success.

What link was it that I was supposed to post? I never made a claim. I told you to post a link because you made the claim.
I post a link most of the time and if I don't and a request is made I do post it. So put up or shut the fuck up you lying piece of shit.

You didn't post one this time. I'm challenging you. If drilling and oil production has declined under Obama, prove it. And while you are at it, look up the number one US export. Try to figure out how they relate.

I'm just trying to get you to defend your own talking points. So far, zero success.

Production is up and so is the world demand.

Demand for oil is down

IEA Nudges Down 2012 Global Oil Demand Forecast

( - The International Energy Agency trimmed its global oil demand forecast for 2012 as it sees slower economic growth.

The IEA, in its monthly Oil Market Report released today, nudged down 2012 global oil product demand by 0.30 million barrels per day (mbd) to 89.90 mbd.

OPEC crude oil supply in January rose to 30.9 mbd, the highest level since October 2008, on a steady ramp-up in Libyan production and sustained output from Saudi Arabia and the UAE, the agency noted

IEA Nudges Down 2012 Global Oil Demand Forecast
Translated: "I can't do it so I'll just keep posting stupid bullshit rather than admit I'm wrong."

For one I never that the Idiot in Chief said anything specifically.

I was merely trying to illustrate his attempt to keep as many people on unemployment as possible for as long as possible.

If you can't see that anyone who says keeping people on unemployment creates more jobs than a construction project actually believes that unemployment is better than employment then that's your own personal type of brain damage and that damage is most likely incurable.

And yet there's another lie. :eusa_liar:

If you could see past your partisan bullshit you would know that no matter who is POTUS high unemployment would lead to being voted out. So your lame attempt to show that Obama would prefer to have high numbers unemployed rather than high job creation is a bunch of partisan crap. That's your own personal type of brain damage and that damage is definitely incurable.

I belong to no party unlike you and the rest of the flock.

Bam Bam is the one who said unemployment creates more jobs than a project that will actually pay people to work. you can deny it all you want but the fact is he said it.

Now why would he say that if he wanted people to get off unemployment and get jobs?

The answer is that if people get shit for free they will keep voting for the people who will give them shit for free.
For one I never that the Idiot in Chief said anything specifically.

I was merely trying to illustrate his attempt to keep as many people on unemployment as possible for as long as possible.

If you can't see that anyone who says keeping people on unemployment creates more jobs than a construction project actually believes that unemployment is better than employment then that's your own personal type of brain damage and that damage is most likely incurable.

And yet there's another lie. :eusa_liar:

If you could see past your partisan bullshit you would know that no matter who is POTUS high unemployment would lead to being voted out. So your lame attempt to show that Obama would prefer to have high numbers unemployed rather than high job creation is a bunch of partisan crap. That's your own personal type of brain damage and that damage is definitely incurable.

I belong to no party unlike you and the rest of the flock.

Bam Bam is the one who said unemployment creates more jobs than a project that will actually pay people to work. you can deny it all you want but the fact is he said it.

Now why would he say that if he wanted people to get off unemployment and get jobs?

The answer is that if people get shit for free they will keep voting for the people who will give them shit for free.

The Founders warned us of such events, and to be wary of them...

It's all by design...going on for 100 years...

Fail yet again Little Rebecca............each one of those links points to the Constellation program, not the shuttle program (which was shut down by Jr.).

Aries and Orion rockets AREN'T the space shuttle.

Fail. Try again.
For one I never that the Idiot in Chief said anything specifically.

I was merely trying to illustrate his attempt to keep as many people on unemployment as possible for as long as possible.

If you can't see that anyone who says keeping people on unemployment creates more jobs than a construction project actually believes that unemployment is better than employment then that's your own personal type of brain damage and that damage is most likely incurable.

And yet there's another lie. :eusa_liar:

If you could see past your partisan bullshit you would know that no matter who is POTUS high unemployment would lead to being voted out. So your lame attempt to show that Obama would prefer to have high numbers unemployed rather than high job creation is a bunch of partisan crap. That's your own personal type of brain damage and that damage is definitely incurable.

I belong to no party unlike you and the rest of the flock.

Bam Bam is the one who said unemployment creates more jobs than a project that will actually pay people to work. you can deny it all you want but the fact is he said it.

Now why would he say that if he wanted people to get off unemployment and get jobs?

The answer is that if people get shit for free they will keep voting for the people who will give them shit for free.

Really? You think so little of Americans that the goal is "unemployment benefits"? Are you sure? Do you know anyone unemployed?


You are describing yourself. Is that it? You think because you only want "benefits" and not to take care of your family or put your kids through college that it's what all Americans want?
And yet there's another lie. :eusa_liar:

If you could see past your partisan bullshit you would know that no matter who is POTUS high unemployment would lead to being voted out. So your lame attempt to show that Obama would prefer to have high numbers unemployed rather than high job creation is a bunch of partisan crap. That's your own personal type of brain damage and that damage is definitely incurable.

I belong to no party unlike you and the rest of the flock.

Bam Bam is the one who said unemployment creates more jobs than a project that will actually pay people to work. you can deny it all you want but the fact is he said it.

Now why would he say that if he wanted people to get off unemployment and get jobs?

The answer is that if people get shit for free they will keep voting for the people who will give them shit for free.

Really? You think so little of Americans that the goal is "unemployment benefits"? Are you sure? Do you know anyone unemployed?


You are describing yourself. Is that it? You think because you only want "benefits" and not to take care of your family or put your kids through college that it's what all Americans want?
I know plenty that were employed until Obama started his political shenanigans of 'Hope'...Of "Change"...

And they see what's going on.

Obama had better be getting a resume together.

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