Is there such a thing as a conservative . ..


Jan 20, 2013
Atlanta, GA
who does NOT believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim and that he was NOT born in Kenya?

I have participated in three conservative message boards, and it seems like that is a common theme in all of them. I'm afraid to say over there that I believe he isn't a Muslim and that he is an American.

I have yet to hear or see any authoritative proof that Barack Obama is a Muslim. The "proof" that is offered is:

1. His biological father was a Muslim.
2. His stepfather was a Muslim.
3. He attended a madrassa in Indonesia (which doesn't really surprise me, because Indonesia is the home of the world's largest Muslim population)
4. He made a reference to "my Muslim faith", but if you read the context of the interview, he was not saying he was a Muslim. He was responding to someone who was talking about his alleged "Muslim faith".

Now, is he a Muslim sympathizer? Perhaps. But that's not the same as being a Muslim.

As for the birth certificate? If you believe Barack Obama was born in Kenya, you have to believe that Stanley Ann Dunham got on a plane in 1961 and flew all the way to Kenya just to give birth to a child. It's not necessarily the wisest thing for a eight- to nine-months pregnant woman to get on an airplane and make an international flight (which would have been MUCH longer in 1961). That said, I DO believe that if Barack Obama had released his long-form birth certificate waayyy back when this whole question of his birth arose, he could have avoided a lot of controversy.

I have serious problems with Obama's policies. I have problems with the way the whole health care law was handled. And I get the impression that he wants to hold hands and sing "Kumbaya" with those who would love nothing more than to bomb us into oblivion.

But spending energy on the above issues takes away energy we could be using to deal with the very real problems we have as a country.

So tell me, am I the only conservative in the United States of America that feels this way?
The right lies non stop.

That is why they have to cheat in elections to win.

They have been doing both for decades
Burden of Proof is on the affirmative. If someone's born a native, someone has to prove it.

That said, I'm not sure why liberals have a similar complaint over making voter IDs mandatory. Proving one's identity should be free of charge. It's not something people should have to pay for. Natives are entitled to their identities.
If they make the IDs completely free and EASY to obtain I dont mind.

The big thing is it will cost tax payer money to do it.

Its going to cost Millions.

Now why do we have to spend millions to "fix" what aint broken?

There is no significant voter fraud in the US.

Nothing at a level that could change any election outcome.

I really wouldn't consider many of the "conservatives" here to be representatives of conservatism. Many here are nothing more than frauds who cherry-pick specific tenets of conservatism as leverage to vent their hatred and impotent rage.

There are plenty of rational, well-meaning, decent, sincere conservatives. Just not so much here.

If they make the IDs completely free and EASY to obtain I dont mind.

The big thing is it will cost tax payer money to do it.

Its going to cost Millions.

Now why do we have to spend millions to "fix" what aint broken?

There is no significant voter fraud in the US.

Nothing at a level that could change any election outcome.

1. why should it be free to obtain an ID?
2. how many people in the USA today do not have some form of govt issued ID?
3. how much voter fraud must occur before it becomes "significant"?
4. in a close election one or two fraudulent votes could change the outcome
5. Why do you object to proving who you are when you go to vote? Did you prove your identity when you registered to vote?

on Obama:
1. why does the media continue to give him a pass on his past?
2. why has the media ignored his past associations with known radicals?
3. His step father was a muslim
4. He did go to a muslim school in Indonesia
5. He GAVE planes and tanks to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt

Answer those and then I will have some more for you.
If they make the IDs completely free and EASY to obtain I dont mind.

The big thing is it will cost tax payer money to do it.

Its going to cost Millions.

The rule of law is about doing what's right, not about doing what's expedient. This isn't something to be a miserly, moneygrubbing, cheapskate about.

Of all the things in all the world, people are entitled to their title first.

Now why do we have to spend millions to "fix" what aint broken?

There is no significant voter fraud in the US.

Nothing at a level that could change any election outcome.

It's not our right to force anyone to assume a risk (of due process being violated), nor is it our right to tell anyone what level of risk is "significant".

I really wouldn't consider many of the "conservatives" here to be representatives of conservatism. Many here are nothing more than frauds who cherry-pick specific tenets of conservatism as leverage to vent their hatred and impotent rage.

There are plenty of rational, well-meaning, decent, sincere conservatives. Just not so much here.


you and your left wing buddies are trying to say that all conservatives are irrational obama haters.

What you refuse to acknowledge is that there remain legitimate unanswered questions about obama and his background and core beliefs.

Questioning obama's motives has nothing to do with conservativism.

Conservatives believe in individual responsibility and freedom and small government. Obama is the antithesis of those beliefs.
Well I am pretty conservative on some issues, but not so much or even at all on others. That being said, I have found no credible information to indicate that the President is either a Muslim or born in any other nation.

I really wouldn't consider many of the "conservatives" here to be representatives of conservatism. Many here are nothing more than frauds who cherry-pick specific tenets of conservatism as leverage to vent their hatred and impotent rage.

There are plenty of rational, well-meaning, decent, sincere conservatives. Just not so much here.


you and your left wing buddies are trying to say that all conservatives are irrational obama haters.

What you refuse to acknowledge is that there remain legitimate unanswered questions about obama and his background and core beliefs.

Questioning obama's motives has nothing to do with conservativism.

Conservatives believe in individual responsibility and freedom and small government. Obama is the antithesis of those beliefs.

What you clearly don't understand is that I'm talking about behavior. If the behavior exhibited here by these frauds is acceptable to you, if you think they are positive representatives of conservatism, great.

Not my problem.

Note how all these "questions" about Obama were NOT an issue when he was in the senate. Only when he ran for president did the smear machine crank up because they know some people would buy it and swallow the hook. They can't even try and beat on Obama on the issues without the words "socialism" or some other "ism" creeping in. They're not very bright people. But they don't have to be when trying to smear someone.
Well I am pretty conservative on some issues, but not so much or even at all on others. That being said, I have found no credible information to indicate that the President is either a Muslim or born in any other nation.

Hawaii official now swears: No Obama birth certificate

here's one. I am not saying that I believe it, only that a lot of people who should know have raised questions about it.

I really wouldn't consider many of the "conservatives" here to be representatives of conservatism. Many here are nothing more than frauds who cherry-pick specific tenets of conservatism as leverage to vent their hatred and impotent rage.

There are plenty of rational, well-meaning, decent, sincere conservatives. Just not so much here.


you and your left wing buddies are trying to say that all conservatives are irrational obama haters.

What you refuse to acknowledge is that there remain legitimate unanswered questions about obama and his background and core beliefs.

Questioning obama's motives has nothing to do with conservativism.

Conservatives believe in individual responsibility and freedom and small government. Obama is the antithesis of those beliefs.

What you clearly don't understand is that I'm talking about behavior. If the behavior exhibited here by these frauds is acceptable to you, if you think they are positive representatives of conservatism, great.

Not my problem.


Do you have the same issue with people who slander Bush and other republicans with lies and innuendo?

Do you accept the media ignoring things like the Mendenez under age hooker story?

Yes, there are loonies on the right, but to pretend that there are not just as many loonies on the left is disengenuous.
The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: Tim Adams, Senior Elections Clerk

Adams didn't mention that the City & County of Honolulu Elections Office has no authority to investigate the eligibility of candidates for national office on the Hawaii ballot. He also failed to explain any details as to how a local elections office would have access to the files of the state Department of Health. The story, such as it was, had a lot of holes.

Nonethless, as may be imagined, Adams became an instant hero among the birthers. None of them questioned why he brought this story first to a white supremacist radio show associated with Stormfront. None of them questioned, and he never did say, why he hadn't come forward with this information earlier. By June 6, 2010, the birther controversy had already been festering for almost two years. As the birthers knew, by the time Adams came out with this story, there had already been two official press releases by the Hawaii Dept. of Health (here and here) which contradicted his version of the story, and the president's Certification of Live Birth had been photographed and published on several websites
If they make the IDs completely free and EASY to obtain I dont mind.

The big thing is it will cost tax payer money to do it.

Its going to cost Millions.

Now why do we have to spend millions to "fix" what aint broken?

There is no significant voter fraud in the US.

Nothing at a level that could change any election outcome.

1. why should it be free to obtain an ID?
2. how many people in the USA today do not have some form of govt issued ID?
3. how much voter fraud must occur before it becomes "significant"?
4. in a close election one or two fraudulent votes could change the outcome
5. Why do you object to proving who you are when you go to vote? Did you prove your identity when you registered to vote?

on Obama:
1. why does the media continue to give him a pass on his past?
2. why has the media ignored his past associations with known radicals?
3. His step father was a muslim
4. He did go to a muslim school in Indonesia
5. He GAVE planes and tanks to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt

Answer those and then I will have some more for you.

1. ID to vote would amount to a poll tax.

2. I agree that getting government issued ID isn't expensive. It cost me $25 to get my most recent ID a few years ago, and it is still valid until 2014.

3. How many freedoms are you willing to abandon for your vote?

4. No, they couldn't.

5. Doesn't registering to vote require a government issued ID? Wouldn't that make registration requirement enough?
Note how all these "questions" about Obama were NOT an issue when he was in the senate. Only when he ran for president did the smear machine crank up because they know some people would buy it and swallow the hook. They can't even try and beat on Obama on the issues without the words "socialism" or some other "ism" creeping in. They're not very bright people. But they don't have to be when trying to smear someone.

his senate campaign was in Illinois, virtually no one outside of Chicago knew or cared who or what he was at that time.

As to his socialist, marxist, communist, and left wing beliefs------read his books, listen to his early speeches. But you won't will you? you won't because you choose to believe the hype rather than the facts.
you and your left wing buddies are trying to say that all conservatives are irrational obama haters.

What you refuse to acknowledge is that there remain legitimate unanswered questions about obama and his background and core beliefs.

Questioning obama's motives has nothing to do with conservativism.

Conservatives believe in individual responsibility and freedom and small government. Obama is the antithesis of those beliefs.

What you clearly don't understand is that I'm talking about behavior. If the behavior exhibited here by these frauds is acceptable to you, if you think they are positive representatives of conservatism, great.

Not my problem.


Do you have the same issue with people who slander Bush and other republicans with lies and innuendo?

Do you accept the media ignoring things like the Mendenez under age hooker story?

Yes, there are loonies on the right, but to pretend that there are not just as many loonies on the left is disengenuous.

It definitely would be, if I did actually pretend that.

I was responding to the thread.

If they make the IDs completely free and EASY to obtain I dont mind.

The big thing is it will cost tax payer money to do it.

Its going to cost Millions.

Now why do we have to spend millions to "fix" what aint broken?

There is no significant voter fraud in the US.

Nothing at a level that could change any election outcome.

1. why should it be free to obtain an ID?
2. how many people in the USA today do not have some form of govt issued ID?
3. how much voter fraud must occur before it becomes "significant"?
4. in a close election one or two fraudulent votes could change the outcome
5. Why do you object to proving who you are when you go to vote? Did you prove your identity when you registered to vote?

on Obama:
1. why does the media continue to give him a pass on his past?
2. why has the media ignored his past associations with known radicals?
3. His step father was a muslim
4. He did go to a muslim school in Indonesia
5. He GAVE planes and tanks to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt

Answer those and then I will have some more for you.

1. ID to vote would amount to a poll tax.

2. I agree that getting government issued ID isn't expensive. It cost me $25 to get my most recent ID a few years ago, and it is still valid until 2014.

3. How many freedoms are you willing to abandon for your vote?

4. No, they couldn't.

5. Doesn't registering to vote require a government issued ID? Wouldn't that make registration requirement enough?

1. proving your identity is something all of us do many times every day. proving who you are in order to cast your ballot is a basic tenet of freedom
2. Good, you make my point
3. not sure what you are trying to say. Are you saying that citizens should be free to vote as many times and in as many places as they choose? What freedom is taken away when you are asked to prove who you are before voting?
4. several recent local elections have been decided by less than 20 votes. How many fraudulent votes are acceptable to you? What if all the fake voters were republicans? would you change your opinion?
5. again you make my point, you have to prove ID in order to register, what is the issue with showing the same ID at the voting place?
who does NOT believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim and that he was NOT born in Kenya?

I have participated in three conservative message boards, and it seems like that is a common theme in all of them. I'm afraid to say over there that I believe he isn't a Muslim and that he is an American.

I have yet to hear or see any authoritative proof that Barack Obama is a Muslim. The "proof" that is offered is:

1. His biological father was a Muslim.
2. His stepfather was a Muslim.
3. He attended a madrassa in Indonesia (which doesn't really surprise me, because Indonesia is the home of the world's largest Muslim population)
4. He made a reference to "my Muslim faith", but if you read the context of the interview, he was not saying he was a Muslim. He was responding to someone who was talking about his alleged "Muslim faith".

Now, is he a Muslim sympathizer? Perhaps. But that's not the same as being a Muslim.

As for the birth certificate? If you believe Barack Obama was born in Kenya, you have to believe that Stanley Ann Dunham got on a plane in 1961 and flew all the way to Kenya just to give birth to a child. It's not necessarily the wisest thing for a eight- to nine-months pregnant woman to get on an airplane and make an international flight (which would have been MUCH longer in 1961). That said, I DO believe that if Barack Obama had released his long-form birth certificate waayyy back when this whole question of his birth arose, he could have avoided a lot of controversy.

I have serious problems with Obama's policies. I have problems with the way the whole health care law was handled. And I get the impression that he wants to hold hands and sing "Kumbaya" with those who would love nothing more than to bomb us into oblivion.

But spending energy on the above issues takes away energy we could be using to deal with the very real problems we have as a country.

So tell me, am I the only conservative in the United States of America that feels this way?

Yes, there are conservatives with common sense.
I even know an atheist conservative who is bisexual.

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