Is there anyone who actually thinks hypocrisy doesn’t exist in both parties?


Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011
And don’t get me started on those self righteous libertarians or those weirdo Green Party candidates. Politicians suck. All of them.
Of course it exists in both parties. It's just about ten times more common in the Republican party.

Numbers matter. There are far more Republican criminals. There are far more Republican hypocrites.

And I have no place for mealymouthed "Both sides are the same!" quislings. That's like saying "Well, the Nazis were bad, but the Americans were rude sometimes too, so both sides were the same!'. Find your balls and state and state the simple truth that the Republicans are a lot worse. Failing to do so is being a gutless Republican enabler.
And don’t get me started on those self righteous libertarians or those weirdo Green Party candidates. Politicians suck. All of them.
... and they're enabled by followers who refuse to hold them accountable.

problem is is it’s impossible to hold them accountable. I vote lesser of two evils, but I’ve yet to see a politician worthy of support.
Of course it exists in both parties. It's just about ten times more common in the Republican party.

Numbers matter. There are far more Republican criminals. There are far more Republican hypocrites.

And I have no place for mealymouthed "Both sides are the same!" quislings. That's like saying "Well, the Nazis were bad, but the Americans were rude sometimes too, so both sides were the same!'. Find your balls and state and state the simple truth that the Republicans are a lot worse. Failing to do so is being a gutless Republican enabler.

Even if what you say is true, which I doubt it is, you’ve supplied no links, there is nothing about supporting an ideological stance over another that makes one inherently more korrupt or hypocritical.
problem is is it’s impossible to hold them accountable.

That's what the impeachment is about.

I'm guessing you hate that attempt to hold a politician accountable.

I haven’t followed anything about the impeachment process, but I’ve read the transcript and I’m confused as to why people think there was an impeachable offense committed
All that matters is who has the better and more enticing lies

Your post just became my favorite all time USMB post. Thank you! You are exactly correct
To come clean, that's mostly stolen from what used to be my favorite show. The original line: "I'm not going to swear an oath I can't uphold. When enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything. Then there are no more answers, only better and better lies."
All that matters is who has the better and more enticing lies

Your post just became my favorite all time USMB post. Thank you! You are exactly correct
To come clean, that's mostly stolen from what used to be my favorite show. The original line: "I'm not going to swear an oath I can't uphold. When enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything. Then there are no more answers, only better and better lies."

what show was that?
All that matters is who has the better and more enticing lies

Your post just became my favorite all time USMB post. Thank you! You are exactly correct
To come clean, that's mostly stolen from what used to be my favorite show. The original line: "I'm not going to swear an oath I can't uphold. When enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything. Then there are no more answers, only better and better lies."

what show was that?
Game of Thrones. Now let us never speak of it again. Great line, though.
problem is is it’s impossible to hold them accountable.

That's what the impeachment is about.

I'm guessing you hate that attempt to hold a politician accountable.

And don’t get me started on those self righteous libertarians or those weirdo Green Party candidates. Politicians suck. All of them.

I actually don't think all politicians suck. It's just that the other 90% make the 10% look bad.

However, when you say "party", you need to realize exactly what it is that you are referring to.

A political party is specifically an organization whose entire goal and purpose is to get people elected that benefit the organization. Their entire purpose in life, is to grow and support themselves.

So referring to political party, is referring to a group whose entire purpose is to get people elected.

That means when they are trying to get someone elected in California, they are going to support whatever floats in California. When they are trying to get someone elected in Florida, they are going to say what ever floats in Florida. When they are trying to get someone elected in Iowa, they are going to support whatever floats in Iowa.

And naturally that means there is going to be some level of hypocrisy. There is going to be some level of.... well you said that over there, and now you are saying this here.... and the answer is... yes.

Because their goal isn't an ideology... it's to win elections.

And the same is true on both sides. The DNC and GOP and Green, and Independent, and all the other tiny parties.... all have getting elected as their main focus.
problem is is it’s impossible to hold them accountable.

That's what the impeachment is about.

I'm guessing you hate that attempt to hold a politician accountable.

True. Hell, people even believe Lyin' Ted's dad murdered JFK for a while.

and some people still believe Bill didn't lie about Monica.

It's true! I couldn't believe those people existed until I met one! Unbelievable.
And don’t get me started on those self righteous libertarians or those weirdo Green Party candidates. Politicians suck. All of them.
Regrettably so. Just watch all the, “yeah but their team is even worse! Posts.”
problem is is it’s impossible to hold them accountable.

That's what the impeachment is about.

I'm guessing you hate that attempt to hold a politician accountable.

True. Hell, people even believe Lyin' Ted's dad murdered JFK for a while.

and some people still believe Bill didn't lie about Monica.

It's true! I couldn't believe those people existed until I met one! Unbelievable.
Name one.

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