Is there an instant coffee worth drinking?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
I drank instant for a while, but once I switched to brewed, I never went back. Now on the rare occasion when it is all I have, it is unpleasant, and I just get it down my neck for the cafeine.

But, I am only familiar with Folgers instant. I'm that not picky, I just drink store brand drip cups of "donut shop coffee," or whatever is brewing at the gas station. Not a common-sewer, I'd love to have an instant as a backup.
I drank instant for a while, but once I switched to brewed, I never went back. Now on the rare occasion when it is all I have, it is unpleasant, and I just get it down my neck for the cafeine.

But, I am only familiar with Folgers instant. I'm that not picky, I just drink store brand drip cups of "donut shop coffee," or whatever is brewing at the gas station. Not a common-sewer, I'd love to have an instant as a backup.
Tasters Choice French Roast (freeze-dried*) makes very good iced coffee in the warmer weather. There are several different ones under the Juan Valdez label worth a try.

*Freeze-dried is superior in most brands that use that method.

Most of the time I brew a cup, but in hot weather, when I want iced coffee, I will sometimes use one of the above.
I drank instant for a while, but once I switched to brewed, I never went back. Now on the rare occasion when it is all I have, it is unpleasant, and I just get it down my neck for the cafeine.

But, I am only familiar with Folgers instant. I'm that not picky, I just drink store brand drip cups of "donut shop coffee," or whatever is brewing at the gas station. Not a common-sewer, I'd love to have an instant as a backup.
No. There is not instant coffee worth drinking. Even if camping in the back country I take bagged coffee(folgers). Instant is not an option.
How do you define, "instant"? There are lots of Kuerig coffee varieties that are quite good.

Doesn't that count?
Tasters Choice French Roast (freeze-dried*) makes very good iced coffee in the warmer weather. There are several different ones under the Juan Valdez label worth a try.

*Freeze-dried is superior in most brands that use that method.

Most of the time I brew a cup, but in hot weather, when I want iced coffee, I will sometimes use one of the above.
I found that if you need a protein shake and a pick me up caffine fix, that tablespoon of instant is a good mix....

Is there an instant coffee worth drinking?​


It's actually slightly cheaper at Walmart. Not cheap but good. It is dried and micro-ground into a dust that instantly dissolves into coffee.
You can make a single cup of real coffee using a tea bag and a microwave.
It works great.
It's just as fast as instant coffee.

tea bags.png
I drank instant for a while, but once I switched to brewed, I never went back. Now on the rare occasion when it is all I have, it is unpleasant, and I just get it down my neck for the cafeine.

But, I am only familiar with Folgers instant. I'm that not picky, I just drink store brand drip cups of "donut shop coffee," or whatever is brewing at the gas station. Not a common-sewer, I'd love to have an instant as a backup.
I haven't had instant since I was single--nearly 50 years ago. As I recall, my favorite was Folgers Coffee crystals. Don't know if I would still feel that way. We use a Keurig and that is about as instant as the Folgers.

These were the best rated UK instant coffees for 2023:​

Probably uninteresting and irrelevant to US drinkers

Is Postum still around? My grandparents drank that sometimes,it isn't real coffee but it's like coffee. It's not bad in a pinch.

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These were the best rated UK instant coffees for 2023:​

Probably uninteresting and irrelevant to US drinkers

Sold outside of the UK--None of these.
I don't think anyone disagrees that American food/drink products were cheapened and purposefully degraded to improve corporate profits. And they were able to do that with heavy-heavy marketing.
A good example is light beer. I promise you this - all light beer is, is less grains and more water. More water. PERIOD. And, naturally, when it was first introduced it failed miserably. But the industry was not going to give up on the significant higher profits on selling watered down beer with even more water.
So they spent $100s millions in advertising - and it worked.

Instant coffee is the same thing. Instant coffee is cheaper to make because it can be made in massive quantities and stored indefinitely. It doesn't have an expiration date like real coffee. So they can make huge quantities of it, and store it for even years and sell it.
That is why it exist.
I drank instant for a while, but once I switched to brewed, I never went back. Now on the rare occasion when it is all I have, it is unpleasant, and I just get it down my neck for the caffeine.

But, I am only familiar with Folgers instant. I'm that not picky, I just drink store brand drip cups of "donut shop coffee," or whatever is brewing at the gas station. Not a common-sewer, I'd love to have an instant as a backup.
I prefer instant, but the milk has to go in first to stop the coffee from burning. Plus, it has to be damn hot, can't stand luke warm. The more milk on a coffee, the better, even coffee made just from boiling milk.

If it's ground coffee, then just one to two max a day because of the caffeine.
I drank instant for a while, but once I switched to brewed, I never went back. Now on the rare occasion when it is all I have, it is unpleasant, and I just get it down my neck for the cafeine.

But, I am only familiar with Folgers instant. I'm that not picky, I just drink store brand drip cups of "donut shop coffee," or whatever is brewing at the gas station. Not a common-sewer, I'd love to have an instant as a backup.
I never found instant coffee great tasting, just ok and a convenient last resort. Instant coffee is convenient in a jiffy when you don't have time to brew coffee or they don't have a coffee pot where your at. I will use it at work sometimes.

I will drink Folgers instant or the cheaper Save brands.

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