Is there a connection with Star Trek fans and political affiliation?

So if Star Trek fans are Democrats....

That means the Romulans must be Republicans!
I wouldn't call my father a Trekkie, but he is the biggest fan I [personally know. The last time he got somewhat excited over a candidate was Ross Perot.
Hmm, lets see...I do not see any party that even remotely approaches the Vulcan philosophy !!!

Modern Vulcan philosophy revolves around the concept of logic. The highest objective of a traditional Vulcan life is to either control or suppress all emotion, thus rendering a purely logical being. This difficult task is attained through meditation and discipline. As Vulcans approach or reach maturity, it is customary to train under the tutelage of a Vulcan master in the Kolinahr ritual, to purge themselves of any remaining lack of emotional control.
Vulcan philosophy - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki
My favorite thing about Star Trek is that they have the Liberal Ideal of a world where they no longer use money and "people are no longer motivated by personal Gain" But at least in the Movies they never explain to you exactly how it works. Classic, Utopian dreams are hard to explain in Reality :)
Hmm, lets see...I do not see any party that even remotely approaches the Vulcan philosophy !!!

Modern Vulcan philosophy revolves around the concept of logic. The highest objective of a traditional Vulcan life is to either control or suppress all emotion, thus rendering a purely logical being. This difficult task is attained through meditation and discipline. As Vulcans approach or reach maturity, it is customary to train under the tutelage of a Vulcan master in the Kolinahr ritual, to purge themselves of any remaining lack of emotional control.
Vulcan philosophy - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki

Vulcan Philosophy might not work out so well for Liberals. After all it is often not Logical to do some of the things Liberals want to do.


Logic and Reason is Cold and indifferent, not Compassionate. Just imagine some panel somewhere using Vulcan Logic and applying it to say how Health Care resources can be spent, who in effect will live and die. The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few, or the one remember.
No fool.
Star Trek was religion.
They didn't inform you :cool:


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Hmm, lets see...I do not see any party that even remotely approaches the Vulcan philosophy !!!

Modern Vulcan philosophy revolves around the concept of logic. The highest objective of a traditional Vulcan life is to either control or suppress all emotion, thus rendering a purely logical being. This difficult task is attained through meditation and discipline. As Vulcans approach or reach maturity, it is customary to train under the tutelage of a Vulcan master in the Kolinahr ritual, to purge themselves of any remaining lack of emotional control.
Vulcan philosophy - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki

I prefer the Kun-ut Kali-Fi

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