Is the White World becoming more Racist?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
-In America White Terrorists plans to kill Obama
-In Hungary the Magyar Garda assisinates Gypsies
-Czech Party wants to deport Gypsies "back to India"
-In Germany persons got killed recently for being non-white, mostly turkish origin people
-Bulgarian Hooligans attack mosques, gypsies etc.
-In Russia they kill non-whites on a daily basis, mostly swarthy people from caucasus
-In Holland they insult mohammed, other european countries follow
In Scandinavia we got the Terrorist Breivik
-Stromfront numbers above 100.000 active members
White Supremacism grows like mashmallows on the internet
Whites voted overwhelmingly for Obama yet the OP wants us to believe we're MORE racist?

What an idiot! :cuckoo:
the late 90's and early 00's really seemed promising especially, after 9/11.
The country really came together but, now after Obama's election I would say that we are more
divided than ever.
Racism, exhibited by any race or creed, is part of a spectrum of instinctive behaviours that underlie human evolution. In short, it's a survival instinct.
Racism, exhibited by any race or creed, is part of a spectrum of instinctive behaviours that underlie human evolution. In short, it's a survival instinct.

I think Palestinian /Scots hybrids are the evolution of man

No. I dont think so you are a dinosaur..a dying breed...countdown to extinction
sorry...its evolution baby

[ame=]Pearl Jam - Do The Evolution [HD] - YouTube[/ame]
my one nephew married a girl the Philippines from the and the other a girl from Palestine and my niece a young man from xmass in my family is starting to look like a UN meeting
My nephew is likely packing his bags to head to his wedding in India with a gal he met in medical school. She's cool,bright, adorable, her family is successful and the brown color will take him back to our native American(with an A) roots.
As per my advice, he is considering living in India.
Is the White World becoming more Racist?


But given that the WHITE FOLK are now the LEAST RACIST people on earth?

I'd say it's time to start demanding that other nations and other people join us in ending racism.

What's the difference between more racist and less willing to be victims?

scapegoating people of color because times are hard.

It is an historical pattern that repetes its self all through history.

You and your racist brethern will not win the day.

Cooler heads will prevail and your idiotic ideas will fall by the way side.
I live in Mississippi and I don't ever remember whites being any less racist. By law some things are better for minorities and women but the seething, hating and obsessive racism is as alive and well here now as it has ever been.
the racists now jsut say its not racism.

They point the figer back at anyone who points out their racism and merely parrot that "Your the racist".

It their new idiotic way of dealing with racism that they refuse to give up.
[ame=]I know you are but what am I? - Pee-Wee's Big Adventure - YouTube[/ame]

the Pee Wee defense is all they have left
White people are the only racial group taught to dislike themselves.

It is OK to say Black power or have various Hispanic Pride parades.

But to say White pride is considered to be racist and bigoted. :doubt:
the racists now jsut say its not racism.

They point the figer back at anyone who points out their racism and merely parrot that "Your the racist".

It their new idiotic way of dealing with racism that they refuse to give up.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard one of these idiots say, "Just look at that goddamed racist ******" without any sarcasm and refusing to understand the irony. It really is that wide open around here.
people who feel really small about themselves think the ONLY way to make themselves feel better is to rip other people down.

Its why racism always seems to be caught up with people who can not understand what racism really is.

It takes a certain kind of stupid to fluorish
White people are the only racial group taught to dislike themselves.

It is OK to say Black power or have various Hispanic Pride parades.

But to say White pride is considered to be racist and bigoted. :doubt:

Because whites already have the power you silly git.

they only ones screaming white power are fucking racist assholes.

Its in the history go read it

Accepting the REAL history of man does not require self hate from white people.

It requires full honesty.
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