Is the Earth flat?

this is a creation of God, you're in no position to gainsay Him Above ... it is what it is ... and it's God's plan, not yours ...

Slightly off topic, but I'm just curious what your views are on evolution. It sounds like you're a creationist... do you believe Darwinian evolution is a lie?


I'm not an evolutionist, I agree that Darwinian evolution is a big fat lie, I was just asking Reiny Days what he/she believes. The older I get and the more I learn, the more I realize that we've been lied to about so many things. Unfortunately, most people are blissfully unaware of that.

I'm sorry ... I didn't realize this comment was directed towards me ...

Human spirit is what was created ... and it was created in a human animal ... thus our perennial struggle between the higher spiritual existence and the lower animal existence ...

On evolution ... it is certainly exceedingly useful ... much of the credit for feeding the worlds population comes from better and more productive food plants all the way back to the beginning of the agricultural revolution ... the ideas aren't new ... I have no problem with Darwin's attempt to caste the question as a scientific one ... it's useful ...

The Preacher in Ecclesiastes touched upon things that are "vanity and vexation of spirit" ... I think too many of the Faithful in Christ spend too much time worrying about matters of the flesh ... when it is the gifts of spirit we should be magnifying ...

So that's a no, then? Not to get off topic, but not only does what you said go against the bible, it doesn't make much sense... because according to standard evolution, the first life forms were microorganisms, not animals. So did you mean to say that God waited until those microorganisms evolved into "animals" and then put the human spirit in them?

That sort of belief never made any sense to me. Why would God put a human spirit into an animal when He can simply put it into a human being, as the bible says? Theistic evolution has always made zero sense to me, and imo it's an unnecessary, illogical view that seems to be about going along with the crowd and believing a worldly idea, rather than what God said clearly in black and white.
That sort of belief never made any sense to me.
But God proofing humans into existence 6000 years ago does?

I never said anything about when it happened. But the view that the cause of life is an intelligence makes tons more sense than it being dumb luck. Of course you're free to believe the latter, but it's completely absurd, iyam.
But the view that the cause of life is an intelligence makes tons more sense than it being dumb luck.
Nobody claims it was luck, so that is a strawman.. Selection is not random. Would you like to now modify your comments, as they were nonsensical?
But the view that the cause of life is an intelligence makes tons more sense than it being dumb luck.
Nobody claims it was luck, so that is a strawman.. Selection is not random. Would you like to now modify your comments?

Haha, don't be willfully blind. When you boil it all down, at the end of the day, if there is no intelligence behind life or anything in existence, then it all does come down to dumb luck. You can try to dress that up with "sciencey" words, but it doesn't change the reality.
Of course it is flat
And cigarettes don’t cause cancer
Global warming is a myth
The sun revolves around the earth

Science is a liberal conspiracy
yes and high taxes helps business, and high fuel prices dont hurt the economy, and the UN is our friend, and millions of non english speaking illegals not assimilating is good for the country, and an unborn child is not a person, and a man is a woman and vice versa ......
then it all does come down to dumb luck
False. Selection is not random. Selection causes stars to form spheroid shapes, for instance. That is not random.

Furthermore, since you (wisely) are avoiding owning up to your young earth hoo-ha, you are no longer arguing against evolution in any way. One can simple say this mythical intelligence you have dreamed up used evolution as the plan to create humans. So, you see that you have kneecapped yourself, I hope.

But, the fact is, you DO believe in Young Earth hoo-ha, which is why you cannot accept evolution. And any other reason you give is a shameless lie.
Tyhe earth is flat
Serious question... Does anybody here believe that the Earth is flat?

Ive heard some buzz about the subject and I’d love to talk to somebody who actually believes this.
Serious question... Does anybody here believe that the Earth is flat?

Ive heard some buzz about the subject and I’d love to talk to somebody who actually believes this.
My feet are flat. Last time I flew in a commercial airliner at 30,000 feet we could see the curvature of the planet and the violet blue expanse of the outer atmosphere. Mad Mike Hughes just died proving he couldn't have just followed the facts and lived till he was 63?
then it all does come down to dumb luck
False. Selection is not random. Selection causes stars to form spheroid shapes, for instance. That is not random.

Furthermore, since you (wisely) are avoiding owning up to your young earth hoo-ha, you are no longer arguing against evolution in any way. One can simple say this mythical intelligence you have dreamed up used evolution as the plan to create humans. So, you see that you have kneecapped yourself, I hope.

You're not getting the point. I'm not talking solely about "natural selection" I'm talking about the bigger picture. The fact that the universe and life exists at all... when you boil it all down, everything is either the result of an intelligence, or dumb luck. Spiritually blind people believe the latter. But I'm not going to argue this any further with you, I know how you are, and as I've told you on other threads, it's a waste of my time.
I'm not talking solely about "natural selection"
I'm not talking about natural selection at all, as it is known in evolutionary theory. I am talking about selection, the very non random process by which physical forces produce stable models in our universe. You clearly do not understand this concept yet, which means it is you who is missing the point.

The fact that the universe and life exists at all..
Yes, that could be due to an intelligent creator. But declaring it so does not speak to evolution or even abiogensis one iota, as I pointed out to you. And intelligent creator would be able to use abiogensis and evolution to create humans.

So, don't try to wriggle out with doublespeak. You have much more explaining to do.

So, why can't you accept evolution? You actually have not yet produced a good answer. No, stating that an intelligent creator must have created the universe does not answer that.
Hode up, hode up, hode up. I have the answer to this.

Every rose has its thorn. Just like every night has its dawn. Just like every cowboy sings a sad, sad song. Every rose has its thorn. Yeah, it does.
You're not getting the point. I'm not talking solely about "natural selection" I'm talking about the bigger picture. The fact that the universe and life exists at all... when you boil it all down, everything is either the result of an intelligence, or dumb luck. Spiritually blind people believe the latter. But I'm not going to argue this any further with you, I know how you are, and as I've told you on other threads, it's a waste of my time.

I think the piece your missing here is time ... and that a beneficial mutation need only happen once ... and given enough time, dumb luck once approaches certainty ... and once is enough ...

I believe humans have both natures ... that of God and that of animals ... go into a strip joint to see this animal nature in full view ... or watch TV ...

I'm fine if you want to dismiss evolution ... just keep in mind just about everything you eat is a product of this theory ... not just frankenfoods, but anything that's made from varietals, any food from a domestic source ... anytime a farmer picks the best plants for seeds the following season ...

I don't like thinking of myself as a failed side branch of the rats ... and neither do the rats ...
and given enough time, dumb luck once approaches certainty
But the "luck" can even be written out of that, for the most part.

Consider only one species. 1000s of individuals in 1000s of generations, over 1000s of years, and the 10s of 1000s of genes in each individual, the imperfect process of recombination... It's not "luck" (read: terribly unlikely) that a particular mutation would occur at least once.

Would it be "dumb luck" if you flipped a coin one trillion times, and caught a string of ten heads in a row? No, it is nearly inevitable.

Put a brown bear species in a snowy environment for a long time. The idea that white hair would eventually dominate is nearly inevitable, if the species persists.

This is the story I heard which prompted the thread

My mind's open enough to reply and defend the current view of the shape of the Earth.. It would be TRULY HARD to explain the change of seasons, or the 2 icy poles on a flat earth.. Also real hard to explain to how compasses works with the Earth's magnetic alignment..

And I'm CERTAIN we wouldn't need but about 5% of the satellites for communications, because their transmissions are line of sight and not TRULY distance limited.. So this LATTER observation means that IF the Earth WERE flat -- some very smart people have wasted TONS of cash and energy launching all that shit into orbit..

EVEN IF -- someone has alternate explanations for that, and why the sun rises and sets GRADUALLY instead of abruptly.. you'd have to deny all those CAMERAS in space that have located missiles and mapped the planet with Google earth and STILL havent found the zip code for the folks who "live on the edge"...

Is marijuana now legal in you state?? Just asking for a friend... :abgg2q.jpg:
Progressive liberals dictate there is 98 genders, that's the current buzz. They put on their aluminum hats and even though gays cant have babies, they NEED marriage...

1. why is it that the progression of stars ( star trails )around the nth star ( polaris ), is clockwise in the southern hemisphere

and counter clockwise in the northern hemisphere ?

the rotation around the nth star describes only one movement ... and it is just that .

this alone debunks a globe earth for this is the firmament ..

and how can the southern hemisphere even observe the nth star ?

if the earth was a globe and travelling through space

how can the progression of stars revolve always around the nth star ?

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