Elon Musk says all advanced AI development should be regulated, including at Tesla


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is once again sounding a warning note regarding the development of artificial intelligence. The executive and founder tweeted on Monday evening that “all org[anizations] developing advance AI should be regulated, including Tesla.”

Musk was responding to a new MIT Technology Review profile of OpenAI, an organization founded in 2015 by Musk, along with Sam Altman, Ilya Sutskever, Greg Brockman, Wojciech Zaremba and John Schulman. At first, OpenAI was formed as a non-profit backed by $1 billion in funding from its pooled initial investors, with the aim of pursuing open research into advanced AI with a focus on ensuring it was pursued in the interest of benefiting society, rather than leaving its development in the hands of a small and narrowly-interested few (i.e., for-profit technology companies).
Elon Musk says all advanced AI development should be regulated, including at Tesla – TechCrunch

Sometimes I wonder about Musk.
Don't buy Tesla automated cars. Other companies are further ahead of Tesla in terms of autonomous vehicles.

"Top U.S. safety investigators reviewing numerous Tesla crashes in which drivers were using the company’s Autopilot feature at the time of those accidents are highly critical of the system’s technical limitations and the Transportation Department’s failure to set rules for so-called partially automated drive systems.

The National Transportation Safety Board has been analyzing four different accidents, including a March 2018 crash in which Tesla Model X owner Walter Huang died when his vehicle drove straight into a traffic barrier in Mountain View, California, that it failed to detect. Huang was relying on Autopilot to drive for him, and apparently playing a game on his phone at the time of the accident. NTSB determined Autopilot lacks the ability to monitor whether drivers are paying attention and that Tesla doesn’t limit its use to specific conditions, such as highway-only driving. Investigators also blasted the DOT’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for ignoring its requests to set rules for Autopilot and similar systems."

Tesla Crash Investigators Slam Autopilot Deficiencies, Lack Of U.S. Rules For ‘Partially Automated’ Cars
Well, we all know what happened...

... when we let politicians get involved...

... with makin' war plans...

... we lost Vietnam.

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